Welcome to Jill Mattson's Special Offer Page

Can a Close Connection to Nature Be the Missing Link to Mastering Your Life?
NOW Revealed: Hidden Magical Secrets from the Ancients to Harness Nature's Frequencies
Rediscover a Rich Heritage of Energy Healing and Manifesting, Through the Power of Nature!
In this special offer from Jill Mattson:
- Recapture a close connection to nature and bask in the states of peace and health that you will discover… free up blockages… achieve grounding, centering, and calming
- Understand and manifest what you truly need
- Discover how to self-heal
- Use the frequencies derived from the runes for joy, to gain abundance
- Elevate your consciousness; move to a higher plane with peace and tranquility
Sound Healing Energy Is a Key to Connecting to the Universe
Jill Mattson's quest is a lifelong search to understand the reality and purpose of our existence and to get back to the forces and wisdom that created it all. In this pursuit, Jill has found several "jewels" that continue to lead her forward: Sound Healing Energy is a key to connecting to the universe on a multiplicity of levels.
Sound Energy at precise frequencies can be applied for near unlimited benefits to mankind. This same wondrous discipline was mastered many eons ago by numerous Ancient Civilizations. With diligent study and physic skill many lost secrets can be recovered from Ancient traditions and applied today.
Jill has made great progress in combining her expertise in Sound Healing with deep research of Ancient Civilizations. Her previous work focused on uncovering energy techniques from Ancient Egypt, Sumeria, India, South America and China as well as Atlantis, Angelic Beings, Star Portals and more. Jill is excited to introduce her latest work, The Way of the Wizard.
The Druids — Wizards of Nature
The Way of the Wizard is all about the Druids and their way of life and their amazing accomplishments. These "Wizards of Nature" had a highly connected view of the natural world and knew of the presence of a universal energy — that can be manipulated for astonishing ends. Jill believes that this is one of the most novel and innovative subjects that she's ever encountered.
Our modern society is finally coming to grips with the reality that very Ancient Civilizations mastered things that we still do not understand today. In this same paradox — where we marvel at the works and puzzle at the knowledge of peoples that lived 5,000–10,000 (even 15,000 years ago, or beyond) — consider the Old Druids, Nature's first true Wizards.
The Druids were a highly evolved group of beings that lived from (at least) 5,000 BC until the Romans hunted them to extinction around 200–300 AD.
They were the equal of other revered Ancient Masters. Surprisingly, the Druids probably represent one of the most neglected and misunderstood esoteric traditions from the Old Days. As a result, much of the Old Druid Knowledge has been lost — or neglected — to the detriment of mankind. These "Natural Wizards" have much to offer, and this program will be an important contribution for all interested listeners.
Follow Nature to the ONE Universal Power and Consciousness
The Druids are intimately connected with our Archetypical Vision of the Wizard and Magic — and for good reason. Equally, they focus on following the Path of Nature back to the One Spirit and our ultimate destination of enlightenment and ascension.
Music in Druid Lore: The Use of Drumming to Alter the Consciousness
Druid Masters had a number of important similarities to Tribal Shaman. Central to the lives of Druids and most early tribal peoples was the fact that they lived extremely close to nature; their spiritual beliefs and ceremonies were deeply infused with Nature. Jill believes that there were very early "advanced" influences (Atlantis?) that instructed the ancestors of most original tribal people. She believes that the Druids are included in these groups — hence many of the similarities.
A simple but powerful tool of these people was the use of music — especially chanting and drumming. Music and musical techniques and simple instruments had many uses.
One of the applications that always amazes folks is the use of drumming to alter the consciousness. Drumming repetitive rhythms causes the body and brain rhythms to change — and entrain with the drumming rhythm.
Steel Singing Drums
Ancient Man Knew That Simple Drumming Rhythms Could Produce Powerful Effects!
Jill has sourced two types of Steel Singing Drums to compliment The Way of the Wizard Attunement Package. These drums can be used to produce tones as well as play rhythms. The tones tune your chakras — each tone relating to a major category of emotion and health.
Deep Vibrations from the drums enter us through the ears but also directly through our skin, bones, and tissues. We can feel the tempo in our skulls and hearts.
Drumming can open us up to powerful healing and heightened consciousness, altering our experiences.
Their rhythms connect to other "beats of life," such as our heartbeats, circulation system, breathing/respiration system and the use of mindful breathing and circadian rhythms.
All of life is a cycle — the seasons of the year, birth, maturation, death, and revival. The Earth circles around the sun. Stars explode and their dust is reborn in living bodies.
De-Stress, Calm Down, Balance, or Energize with Special Drumming Techniques!
The drumbeats can alter your brain waves. When your brain waves entrain to delta and theta states of consciousness, your body goes into homeostasis and begins to heal. During our normal daily stress, our body is busy coping with constant challenges, but drumming can bypass such stressful states of consciousness and bring a healing state.
These drums deliver both frequencies and rhythms. The drums include all of the chakra tones, and these can be used to create harmony, catharsis, and of course, rhythmic healing. The drums can be played like a musical instrument, or only using the tones for specific purposes and strengthening chakra energies. They are a great aid to meditation and quiet times.
Rediscover the Wonders of Nature and Reinvent Yourself in the Process
Discover 'The Wizard's Way' to Harness Nature for the Richest Source of Power, Healing and Manifesting!
Value: $297
8 Videos & 1 PDF
Runtime: 60 Minutes
Revisiting the vastly underutilized modalities of the Druids for powerful self-healing and to regain a deep connection to Nature; know and manifest what you truly need.
Also, we will get into constructing a personal Talisman for strength and support. Use of Ceremonies, Spells, Incantations and Conjuring for manifesting and attracting affection.
And throughout this program we will see how Magic is just another name for the powerful petition and application of Energies — based on the order of Nature and Her forces woven into the fabric of ourselves and the entire Universe.
Note: An Introduction pdf is included.
Introduction to the Way of the Wizard
Who were the Druids? The Druids were powerful real people, just like those in the histories of the ancient Egyptians, Hindus, and more. These advanced beings' actions appeared as "magic".
But it was technology and methods that we didn't understand back then. The Druids connected with nature to unleash powerful energy for benevolent acts in their daily lives. They understood and utilized the one unified field of energy for purposeful actions.
They were forbidden to write anything during their entire existence.
But stories remain of their powerful tools and processes to improve our spiritual, physical, and emotional lives. After their presence was wiped out, all deeds and ideas were punished and tarnished. Now, much of their powerful magic is unleashed again.
Wizard Techniques: Acupressure Points to See Other Dimensions & Tween Worlds Exercise
Use seven acupressure points around your eyes and back of the head to stimulate extrasensory perception. Develop your ability to see into other worlds and dimensions quickly and obtain clarity of other dimensions.
Learn how to glamor — project strong energy streams to others and override their thinking processes. Learn about the ancient practice of invisibility!
The Magic Cloth
Amplify your spiritual practice with unbelievable ease!
The Druid Mantra: Awen
How to pronounce the awen mantra. A guided meditation to empower the energy emanating from the awen, representing the threefold polarity of the Druids.
Note: An Awen symbol pdf is included.
Spells, Prayers & Manifesting
How to create your own Spell or augment your prayers to create and manifest with Great Power.
Making a Talisman
Create your own powerful talisman to augment manifesting, healing, and protection.
The Magic of Nature
Learn to identify portals. Commune with elves, faeries, and other realms, and make sacred space.
Ceremonies and Ancestral Healing
Use a sacred ceremony to enhance manifesting and attracting affection. Use the moon ceremony for manifesting, purifying, and augmenting love in your life!
Use nature and Druidic practices to clear ancestral energies, and to lighten up yours and your children's world!
Value: $200
1 Video, 18 MP3s & 4 PDFs
Total Runtime: 1 Hour, 6 Minutes
Learn the Original Sound Attunements of the Runes
Jill has created these original sound attunements of the runes to help you receive their healing energy to help you create the life you want.
You will learn to:
- Use the runes to create the life you want. Get their powerful energies through your sight, ears, and movements!
- Use the runes as a healing modality or when you need a pick me up! Listen to the accompanying attunements to receive the healing energy of the runes.
- Use the music of the runes for healing purposes!
The following runes attunement audios are included:
- Joy
- Movement
- Potentiality
- Prosperity
- Protection
- Strength
- Success
- Support
- Trust
- Victory
- Wealth
- Will
- Beginning of Something
- Generosity
- Growth
- Harvest
- Hope and Happiness
- Inheritance
Value: $200
10 Videos & 2 PDFs
Total Runtime: 2 Hours, 39 Minutes
The Way of the Wizard offers a number of videos and exercises to help us learn modern day shapeshifting. We utilize our imaginations and mindfulness to enter into the worlds of other beings.
We can access the Druid Shapeshifting by becoming a bird or a tree first in our minds. Impressive things are possible.
Preparations for Shapeshifting
What are the benefits of shapeshifting? Explore connections between your energy and your imagination to amass enough power to alter your world. Science confirms that particles can become waves, the root of shapeshifting. Furthermore, an observer impacts the resulting actions. The Druids took this idea and expanded it. Proper use of your senses can amplify shapeshifting (energy/consciousness transference). Discover actions and movements that resonate with other species and dimensions.
Shapeshifting and Movements
- Make final preparations for shapeshifting.
- Use animal movements to alter consciousness and shapeshifting.
- Learn how to choose which animal to shapeshift with.
- Channeling animals, use these techniques to see what an animal sees.
- Shapeshift as a spiritual and healthy practice — to increase physical health and consciousness.
The Bird
Step into the bird, try flying, and experience awareness that supports many practical applications in your daily life. See the big picture to make critical decisions. Rise above drama around you.
Your Higher Self
View your Higher Self and embody that energy, absorb higher versions of yourself. Get in the habit of living with your Higher Self and allowing the Higher Self to make your decisions!
Angels' Wings
Discover a new energy technique that imparts higher energies, much like reiki. Use a vortex to activate your "wings" from your incarnations "way back". Learn to move your wings to download higher etheric records for healing, get protective energies, and bless others. Bless others with angelic energies.
Water and Nature
Experience your possible futures as energy so you can see implications of big decisions, be flexible and go with the flow, release fear, nurture yourself, ground, and balance with the energy of the elements.
Dolphins and Whales
The energetic gifts from dolphins and whales are plentiful. Take a journey to reside with the dolphins. See out of these beautiful creatures' eyes and experience their consciousness as they utilize their physical bodies. Experience a journey to receive the wisdom and strength of the whales and dolphins.
The Turtle
Why do you want to experience and share consciousness with turtles? The Old Turtles carry wisdom and pure joy!
The Trees
Learn about legends and stories of people merging with the trees. Trees can bestow insights, information, healings, and invisibility. Invoke the consciousness of the trees, form a relationship with and communicate with them. Expand your wisdom, knowledge, health, and awareness.
Polar Bears
Need strength? Someone pushing you around or putting you down? Need endurance for a long struggle? Do you want to combine this power with love and joy? Enjoy the consciousness of a polar bear. This giant is believed to be a master of physical and spiritual realms by indigenous tribes of the North.
The Way of the Wizard Masterclass
Value: $300
Make no mistake, the Druids were lofty evolved beings in the same tradition as High Egyptian Priests, Hindu Masters and Powerful Shaman… The Wizard was a master of powerful self-healing.
He attained a deep connection to Nature as the Source of His Power.
Join Jill for a journey into Shapeshifting… experience the many possibilities it offers to elevate your consciousness and move to a higher plane with peace and tranquility.
Experience Druid Shapeshifting — Their Ability to Merge Their Consciousness with Other Sentient Life in The Forest
The forest was a literal arsenal and library for the Druid: Animals possessed far greater physical prowess than humans… trees had great patience and wisdom gained over hundreds and thousands of years; plants and some animals had far greater health responses and immunity… mindfulness; animals had instincts and access to their species' collective subconscious… by merging with the consciousness of an animal we could learn their experiences with unknowns …fungi — mushrooms are connected through a wide swath of the forest through their root systems… these fungi were powerful networks for Druids to see a large section of their forest. The Druids could also determine the health of the forest and sense the presence of strangers or dangers….
Take the next step to evolve into unity consciousness.
Merge and Shapeshift with a Variety of Elements, Your Higher Self, Your Angelic Self and Elements of Nature
Combine these energies all together as power ascended masters, angels and other masters have done! This unity energy changes your life today!
Some Specific Benefits of this Journey with Jill:
- View your Higher Self and embody that energy, absorb higher versions of yourself. Get in the habit of living with your Higher Self and allowing the Higher Self to make your decisions!
- The energetic gifts from dolphins and whales are plentiful. Take a journey to reside with the dolphins. See out of these beautiful creatures' eyes and experience their consciousness as they utilize their physical bodies. Experience a journey to receive the wisdom and strength of the whales and dolphins.
- Learn about legends and stories of people merging with the trees. Trees can bestow insights, information, healings, and invisibility. Invoke the consciousness of the trees, form a relationship with and communicate with them. Expand your wisdom, knowledge, health, and awareness.
- Need strength? Someone pushing you around or putting you down? Need endurance for a long struggle? Do you want to combine this power with love and joy? Enjoy the consciousness of a polar bear. This giant is believed to be a Master of Physical and spiritual realms by indigenous tribes of the North.
- Putting them all together. Becoming one with the unified field of Energy!
With this Option You Will Receive:
- Way of the Wizard Digital Package
- Bonus: 90-Minute Live Group Activation Call
Add a Private Session with Jill — $127
Includes everything in Option 1, PLUS:
Value: $297
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
The Large Steel Singing Drum has a precision-crafted steel frame coated with black powder for a Maintenance Free Finish.
- It can be played with Mallets or Fingerpicking.
- It can be used as a drum in a drumming circle, a musical instrument or sound-healing device.
The sounds spreads its smooth waves and perfect tuning that results in beautiful harmonics. It has a fixed tuning that will last, making this Singing Drum perfect for Novice and Experienced Players alike.
This is a 14″, 14 tone drum in your choice of color, Turquoise or Stone Green.
Use a Drum for Healing and Clearing!
The percussive element of a drum slows down your brainwaves. You can enter a deep, altered consciousness, in which your body heals quicker.
You can seek answers to difficult questions as well. Learn about entrainment — the use of rhythms to alter brain wave states for precise benefits.
Amplify Love and Prayers with a Drum. Sound combines with and amplifies feelings and prayers. Use a drum to carry intent and feelings in between words.
Size: 14 inches
Color Options: Turquoise or Stone Green
Note: The drum includes a Travel Carrying Pouch, Rubber Mallets, Fingerpicks, a Music Booklet, and Rubber Feet so the drum can resonate on any surface.
With this Option You Will Receive:
- One (1) Large Steel Singing Drum
- Healing and Clearing with Drums Videos
- Way of the Wizard Digital Package
- Bonus: 90-Minute Live Group Activation Call
Add a Private Session with Jill — $127
Add a Large Singing Drum — $297
(choose Turquoise or Earth Green in cart)
Includes everything in Option 1, PLUS:
Value: $1,199
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
Jill Mattson is delighted to introduce The Crystal Singing Pearls!
A set of 8 quartz tuning forks, based on the major scale with A = 432Hz.
These powerful instruments are beautifully crafted from pure crystal quartz and can be used for a myriad of healing and empowering applications, accurately delivering targeted energy from vibrating quartz crystals.
Each Fork Has Its Own Unique Energy!
In her many years of research Mattson has learned that the musical octave C4 – C5 based on A = 432Hz is a profound tool for Sound Healing… with the Singing Pearls you have a wide ranging tool box to produce 8 frequencies for a wide array of uses. (See table below)
Use one to inspire creativity, another to open the heart and yet another for its soothing & calming properties. Through the principles of resonance one fork will be more appropriate when working with the liver, another with the lungs and yet another with the immune system. This truly is an all-encompassing set.
The 8 Crystal singing pearls create the "rainbow notes," the notes of the musical scale — based on the healing scale of A = 432Hz.
Each note is associated with a range of emotions, thoughts, chakras, as well as with the healing of portions of your body and mind.
This set of 8 forks covers tones needed for the full gamut of emotions, thoughts, spiritual attainment, chakras and physicality.
Set a fork vibrating and "wave" it over the body or lightly place the handle on a chakra. The possibilities are immense.
Just like real Pearls, Mattson's Crystal Singing Pearls are rare treasures of great beauty and value.
A wonderful gift for a loved one or a wonderful instrument for the dedicated Spiritual Seeker!
The Singing Pearls are natural wonders.
Made in the tradition of other unique Crystal Instruments — designed and commissioned for production by Jill Mattson — the Singing Pearls are an important new product for the serious Sound Healing Enthusiast or Professional.
These are heirloom-quality and are as powerful as a set of crystal bowls — that cost much more. They are easy to use, and convenient to transport in their own metal carry case.
Tuning Forks have long been a mainstay of Sound Healing Practitioners. From ancient times, masters and healers have understood that the direct dosing of specific vibrational frequencies was an effective technique to impart the beneficial properties of sound energy.
Tuning forks are an excellent tool to perform these techniques.
Numerous Tuning fork applications have been developed by David Hulse, Francine Milford and Hank Setala (to name just a few). Popular uses include clearing your aura, releasing emotional energies, opening energy channels and stuck energies (similar to acupuncture) and deep relaxation.
Fabien Mamann developed the practice of directly placing the base of the tuning fork on acupuncture points, for "sound acupuncture".
Jill has taken the ordinary metal tuning fork and exponentially enhanced the efficacy.
By using pure quartz crystal as the vibrating matrix — instead of aluminum, the typical tuning fork material of construction — an unrivaled vibrational tool result. Light workers acquainted with Mattson have probably read about, or even used her 432Hz and 528Hz quartz forks.
The Singing Pearls are made through the same process as these. But now, there are 8 pure crystal tuning forks included in one set covering the range of C4 – C5; ~257Hz to 514Hz.
Tuning forks are the best means of producing a desired vibrational frequency. They are reliable, accurate and easy to use. Jill works with talented craftsmen to ensure that these unique tuning forks are created with great precision. The unique ability of crystal quartz to produce the purest frequencies is astonishing. Once struck, the matrix of quartz crystals vibrate in-sync releasing pure intonations that ring and resonate — maintaining harmonious energy for long intervals.
Discover a New World of Energy Manipulations and Benefits!
The Crystal Singing Pearls can be used to:
- Amplify Manifesting
- Lighten your aura
- Stimulate plant growth
- Tune spine and body
- Open & balance chakras including those overhead
- Link with Angels, Masters and the Rays
- Feng Shui
- Clear meridians
- Target emotional and physical issues
- Develop clairaudience
- Upgrade your Akashic Records
- Serve as a Powerful Talisman for many needs
- Reflexology
- Polarity Therapy
Value: $250
11 Videos & 13 PDFs
Total Runtime: 2 Hours, 2 Minutes
Frequencies produced by vibrating crystals are unique in all the world. Jill's research has unearthed how Ancient Masters used musical instruments made of quartz and other crystals. These instruments combined the energy of the crystals — and of the earth itself — with pristine musical tones. The results were wave-after-wave of clearing energy.
Mystics understood the power of crystals to focus and manipulate energy, & have long used wands, made of long slender crystals of pure quartz. These crystal wands channeled energy and psychic information at incredible bandwidths.
Everything has consciousness, but the crystal kingdom has "ascended" and it has 5-dimensional consciousness. This higher consciousness deeply influences us when we listen to the crystal tuning forks and their 5th dimensional harmonics.
In China and Sumeria, archeologists have unearthed instruments made of rare materials — quartz, gemstones and precious metals such as gold were found.
Numerous channeling sessions report that the Ascended Hosts preferred above all else instruments made of crystals, gemstones and precious metals.
They report that the harmonics of such materials advance our consciousness and evolution.
Videos for Crystal Singing Pearls & Wellness includes 2 hours of instructional videos and a collection of reference materials to use as you proceed through the video course. All are downloadable and can be printed so you can follow along as needed.
Introduction to the Crystal Pearls
Care and safety of your beautiful Crystal Forks. How to use crystal forks. The power of the soft vibrational sounds, why use tuning forks, why use crystal tuning forks, how to use the 8 crystal forks — the 8 rays & 8 singing pearls, tonal connections to angels and masters, 8 emotions & accomplishments and your physical body's 8 tones. Use the forks as live harmonics for aura clearing, body energy clearing.
What's the Fuss About 432Hz Tuning Frequency?
The crystal Singing pearls are based on a scale in which A = 432 hertz. Tuning notes impact humanity through resonance — reinforcing tones & chords within. Each different tuning note has a specific impact — mentally, emotionally and physically. How much Crystal Tones impact you varies with your listening dosage, learn about the influence of 432 throughout history and the benefits of it for you!
Crystal Reflexology
Dis-ease and lack of harmony has been attributed to subtle energy blockages by many masters. Clear blocked energy flows to specific locations in your body via crystal energies! Give fresh vitalizing crystal energy and massage areas in your physical and emotional realms to achieve vitality and wellness.
Balancing and Polarity Therapy with Crystals
You simply must experience this to believe it. Learn how to enhance your aura with these crystal tones AND call in this healing vitalizing energies, when your crystal pearls are not around! Use your voice to expand the healing qualities of Crystal! Learn to "Crystal Tone!" on yourself and to heal others. Finally, communicate with the crystal kingdom!
Crystal Body Balancing & Flossing
Wellness, on all levels, is obtained with a balanced amount of many frequencies. Use this technique to give the body harmonious frequencies to ground and balance on all levels. In addition, use a cool technique to clear subtle energies up and down energy channels within the body.
Strengthening Your Psychic Skills with Crystal
Discover an ancient Secret to develop clairaudience for communications with Angels, Masters and Spiritual Guides. Use crystal to open up a new chakra to strengthen and develop your abilities to channel and communicate with spiritual beings!
Ascension Through the Spine
Tune up your spine with this method of infusing 5th dimensional crystal energies into each vertebra. The spine is connected to the body's organs and systems and tunes them up as well.
Chakra Chants
This sound meditation uses an ancient secret Chakra Chant used deep within the Egyptian Priesthood Mysteries. The sound pattern pictures are included so people may replicate this for themselves and their clients (energy work, massage and healing modalities.)
Clearing the Chakras Above Your Head with the Crystal Pearls
Crystal Frequencies of the Crystal Pearls are excellent for tuning the chakras above your Head. Learn how. Use balancing tuning forks to develop, strengthen and balance the chakras! Combine your voice with the Crystal.
Crystal Empowerment — Super Size Your Manifesting!
A crystal carries information and radiates signals. Think that our computers use silicon chips (crystal). Experience the sound of the crystal to amplify your Manifesting Energies — amplifying your signals! Use this process over and over. This technique can be used on any crystal tuning fork.
Angelic Energy Healing, Making a Talisman and Clearing Your Akashic Records!
Higher ascended energies and beings can inhabit things in our material world. In ancient times, "gods" (ascended beings) inhabited a statue…. Since the crystal kingdom has ascended, crystal tuning forks are a beautiful home and harmony for a healing angel…making a Crystal Fork a Talisman. Learn all about this! Link your Crystal tuning fork to the Akashic records to upgrade whatever energies of yours that can be at this time. I used the same procedure to clear energies from past lives, which impacts the NOW!
Finally, the crystal fork clears negative energies in your home. The fork is "feng Shui" in a tuning fork.
This crystal sound clears darkness… in corners, basements, where there was an argument or a cranky person… and adds an angelic energy to your house… Wow!
Jill has included a collection of reference materials to use as you proceed through the video course.
All are downloadable and can be printed so you can follow along as needed.
With this Option You Will Receive:
- Crystal Singing Pearls
- Crystals Healing and Frequencies Course
- Way of the Wizard Digital Package
- Bonus: 90-Minute Live Group Activation Call
Add a Private Session with Jill — $127
DNA Dreams — Sounds of Our Genetic Codex
18 MP3s
Total Runtime: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes
In DNA Dreams — Sounds of our Genetic Codex, Jill Mattson creates a complex symphony of frequencies based on your molecular DNA building blocks. The overarching musical score enhances the listening experience, producing a rich sonic revelation. Cascading throughout the tracks are streams of sound from healthy DNA components.
Fibonacci-sound-spirals mirror the double helix geometry of DNA, taking you upward along the deepest pathways of your energetic scaffolds. Our genetic records are purified and reinvigorated, strengthening and infusing the very structures of our chromosomes.
And since DNA is found in every cell of the body, DNA Dreams provides a Holistic Benefit for the entire self. The collection consists of 18 tracks, 55 minutes in all.
In DNA Dreams — Sounds of our Genetic Codex Jill has identified and extracted the precise frequencies of key components of our DNA blueprint. She has created a complex audio composition containing the sound frequencies of the four building blocks of our DNA: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine; also included is Uracil (for RNA), and frequencies of the elements Phosphors, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen.
Intertwined are spiral Fibonacci Tones, which lift the listener upward, quickening their energies. Binding everything together is a unique musical score that resonates and harmonizes with the natural frequencies of one of nature's greatest marvels — The Secret of Life — DNA. Altogether a memorable experience.
This Album has 18 tracks
- You're in Me
- Ocean Lace
- Happy Prance
- Time
- Turtle Jog
- Prayer for David
- Sandy Feet
- Feather Stream
- Touch
- Sleep
- Underwater Garden
- David's Song
- Summer Grass
- Sunset Dove
- Afternoon Pond
- Bubbles
- Earth Breath
- Snow Flowers
About Jill Mattson
Jill Mattson is a prolific artist, musician, and author. She is a widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound & Color Healing, and has produced several musical CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques & unique healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.
Jill has written 4 highly regarded books and composed 11 original musical albums, many receiving award-winning honors. All her works concern Sound Healing Energy and Spiritual discoveries with applications that people can really use these to improve their lives. She also has produced dozens of instructional videos on a wide array of topics — all centered on what she calls Total Wellness and Enlightenment based on Sound Energy/Special Vibrational Frequencies.
Her compositions include these award-winners:
- Crystal Realms CD — Best Sound Healing CD of 2017, Best Overall Music (popular Vote and Industry Leader's Choice — Gold Awards)
- The Lost Waves of Time — Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016
- Deep Wave Body Healing CD — Best Sound Healing CD of 2016
- Contacting Angels & Masters CD — Best CD of 2015
- Deep Wave Beauty CD — Best New Age CD/Silver Award
Jill and her work have been featured in hundreds of teleseminars, radio talk shows, and in magazines.
Jill also offers an online Sound (& Color) Healing School, where she presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues, using the benefits of sound and color.
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