Could Your PAST WOUNDS of Betrayal and Abandonment be
PREVENTING you from Achieving the Success you Deserve?

Are you Ready for a Breakthrough to FINALLY Allow the Money,
Joy and Freedom to FLOW?

Great healing and amazing miracles
"Moira Shepard is intelligent, insightful and intuitive. When she works with you, her sole intention is to uplift, inspire, empower and love you. You will experience great healing during your time with Moira, and amazing miracles too! I know I have!)"
Tricia Ebert, The Angel Messenger, Burbank, CA

Feeling complete and free to move on
"Thank you, Moira. You reading gave me clarity and confirmation in a personal situation where I was feeling confused and in a lot of pain. The precision and insight from your Akashic Records reading was extraordinary. I let go of a person who was bringing me pain and now I feel liberated! It's amazing to discover the contracts we make with people long before entering this life and how they play out. What is incredible is how you completed a "contract" that is no longer serving me. I feel complete and am free to move on. Blessings to you, Moira, for sharing your wonderful gift!"
Love, Cherry Norris, The Dating Director, Marina del Rey

The truth sets you free

"Today I received Grace. It came in a conversation with Moira. The messages she gave me resonated so strongly with my heart that I got chills. At times, throughout our conversation, I heard and felt "power surges"from her. This was when I knew that an infinitely powerful Spirit was speaking directly to me through her. It commanded attention and I felt as if the messages were imprinted into every cell in my body. The power of the truth in her words was palpable. The truth does set you free from ancestral blocks. I will forever be grateful to have connected with Moira"
Suz Curry, Buena Vista, CO
Total Package Value: $3247
Discount: 97% off!
You Wealth Special Offer: $97


All Items in this package are in digital format for immediate download
Not available on CDs

Value: $1847


Whether you have experienced physical, mental, emotional or spiritual abandonment – it has left its mark on you. Its fingerprints are all over your personal life, your professional life, your finances, your state of health and your relationship with Life Itself …

Because Abandonment began shaping your model of the world the moment you were born.

If you would like to shift your model of the world from The Land of Abandonment to The Land of Abundant Love, Money and Freedom … and feel really good about it … you have come to the right place!

How can you tell whether you have wounds of abandonment?

If any of these thoughts resonate with you, you have conscious or unconscious feelings – wounds – of abandonment that block your flow of Love and Money:

“I can never have what I want.”

“Other people’s needs are more important than my needs.”

 “If something needs to get done, I have to do it myself.”

“I’d love to find a new partner, but I’ve been hurt before and I’m afraid of getting hurt again.”

“I’d apply for that job, but lots more people are more qualified than I am.”

“I wish I could do this work for free, I love it so much. I just hate asking people to pay for it. It feels icky and wrong.”

“I’d love to be an artist/photographer/healer/coach/writer/butterfly collector, but I’d never make a dime.”

These thoughts, and others like them, indicate the presence of wounds from abandonment. Do any of them sound familiar to you?

The “Heal the Wounds of Abandonment” home study course heightens your awareness of the many ways your conscious and unconscious feelings of abandonment have influenced you to:

  • Hold on to excess weight
  • Fear intimacy
  • Endure unending financial struggles
  • Battle chronic busyness, overwhelm, or distraction
  • Overdo the over-giving that never seems to bring you the love and approval you desperately seek
  • Succumb to addiction to emotional eating, alcohol, sex, overspending, debt, or negative thinking
  • Hoard stuff you will never, ever let anyone into your house to see
  • Live with that horrible, sneaking suspicion that whatever you have done, you are not enough

Every one of these issues has their root in abandonment.

Through this class, in becoming aware of the fundamental issue that has created chaos, trouble and pain in your life … you automatically begin to free yourself from abandonment’s pervasive influence … so you can get a grip; get on with your life; and do what you came to this world to do with a passionate heart and a peaceful mind.

This class is designed to get you there with minimum effort and maximum joy. Here’s how we do it.

"Heal the Wounds of Abandonment" Course Overview

The Five Keys to Open Your Flow of Love and Money Right Now:

  Your Model of the World

  Your Relationship with Your Mother and Father

  Your Relationships with Yourself, Other People and Life Itself

  Your Ancestral and Past Life Relationships

  Discovering Your Next Steps

Let’s take a closer look at these five key areas where your Abandonment Stuff is weighing you down, holding you back, and maybe even keeping you broke, single, and/or miserable … so we can start clearing it right away and opening your flow of more Love and Money than you may have imagined is possible for you.
Session 1: Your Model of the World

This sequence illuminates the way Life has looked to you, up until now. Does your life seem like a soap opera, a love story, a battlefield, or something else? The way you see the world is the way you experience the world, because you get what you expect. For instance, if you see life as a constant struggle, you’re probably worn out from expending all that effort. This class will help you change that. If you see life as a problem to be solved, you’re probably out of your mind with frustration. This class will help you change that.

If you see life as a tantalizing parade of how much other people have, and how little you have, you’re probably grinding your teeth over the unfairness of it all. This class will help you change that.

Session 2: Your Relationship with Your Mother and Father

This is the way you perceive your mother and the way you perceive your father. Is Mom your best friend … your worst enemy … or somewhere in between? Your relationship with your mother includes your memories, beliefs, experiences, perceptions, assumptions, stories, judgments and expectations concerning your mother.

Do you perceive your father as your best friend … your worst enemy … or somewhere in between? Your relationship with your father includes your memories, beliefs, experiences, perceptions, assumptions, stories, judgments and expectations concerning your father.

The way you see your mother and father colors the way you see yourself and your life. The way you believe your mother and father see you also has far-reaching effects. This session will heighten your awareness of these influences and light the way to a deeper understanding of your parents and yourself, so you’re free to see yourself as the lovable, smart, beautiful person you really are..

Session 3: Your Relationships with Yourself and Others

This examines the way you treat yourself, and the way others treat you. It also includes the way you expect others to treat you. The way you see yourself as an individual, and the way you see yourself in relation to others – whether as a seductive flirt, a helpless victim, an all-conquering god, a brainy bombshell, a sensitive heroine, or some other way – influences all of your relationships for better or worse.

The bottom line is, no one can love you more than you love yourself – you won’t accept it because you feel unworthy of their love.

If your love life has been less than satisfying, this class will help you change that.

Session 4: Your Ancestral and Past Life Relationships

In your DNA, you carry the thoughts, feelings, memories and beliefs of all of your ancestors. Many of your assumptions and expectations about the way life works comes from your ancestors, with centuries of experience to back them up.

Their outdated assumptions, like “Money is the root of all evil,” or “You have to pay for everything in life,” live on in your unconscious mind, blocking money from coming to you – even if your conscious mind believes money can be a force for good in the world.

It can be hard to free yourself of unconsciously held ancestral beliefs. Often you don’t know they’re there, or they’re so much a part of your internal landscape you don’t even notice them.

You may also have taken vows in past lives that influence you today: vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, silence, punishment, atonement, shame ...

Since these beliefs and vows lie beneath your conscious awareness, how can you know whether you have them? If you’re broke, you have unconscious money-blocking beliefs. If you’re lonely, you have unconscious love-blocking beliefs. This class will help you change them.

Session 5: Discovering Your Next Steps

As we go through the "Heal the Wounds of Abandonment" program, you may notice that you become more aware of your ways of behaving, the way you expect things to work out (or not); the way you treat people and the way other people tend to treat you.

As you become more mindful of behaviors and actions you never used to think about – they begin to change for the better … and so does your life. For example, you may suddenly see that nagging your loved one, like a boyfriend or child, wears you down. It wears down your loved one. Your loved one begins to love you less. Is that really what you want?

This class helps you find a way to talk with your nearest and dearest that creates satisfaction and increases closeness between you and your loved ones.

Value: $1400

Are you ready to quit running on the hamster wheel of hard work and struggle that brings in barely enough to get by .... And start riding a tidal wave of abundance that satisfies your mind, heart, soul - and wallet? Imagine - an effortless way to connect with the Abundance of Love, Wealth and Health that is your birth right.

I do all the heavy lifting, using the techniques that have worked for thousands of people. All you have to do is show up and allow the magic to unfold!


You are about to release the thoughts, feelings, belief programs and behavioral patterns that have kept you from claiming your natural birthright of Abundance in all things - from the comfort of your own home - while you enjoy effortless uplift into your big, bright new life Here is just a sampling of what you'll experience when you delve deep into the Abundance Intensive:

New ways to look at old experiences (heartache, bankruptcy, illness) that light up their blessings and benefits so clearly you'll wonder why you never saw them before ... This leads to profound healing and deep gratitude for every event and person in your life because they've all helped you become the magical, wise and irreplaceably valuable person you are ...

This gives you the confidence to realize you have everything you need to succeed inside of you right now - it's just a matter of connecting with your inner resources and trusting yourself to use them wisely and well ...

And I'll take you by the hand and walk you thought every one of those experiences in the course of the Abundance Intensive.

With the Abundance Intensive Home Study Course, you'll start seeing changes right away, like
  • Less tension
  • More calm
  • Less frustration
  • More easy flow
  • Less struggle
  • More harmony in your relationships at home and at work
  • Less scarcity
  • More money
  • Less brain fog
  • More clarity

You'll learn the truth about the Law of Attraction and why it hasn't worked for so many people I'll show you what to do instead, that's both easier and more effective.

In this self-guided home study course, you receive Eight (8) one-hour MP3s revealing the seven spiritual secrets of abundance ... one secret in each recording ... the 8th and final recording ties the secrets all together in a big red ribbon ...

Total Package Value: $3247
Discount: 97% off!
You Wealth Special Offer: $97


All Items in this package are in digital format for immediate download
Not available on CDs
Dream Job Offer Within 30 Minutes of Session
"I went to Moira to figure out the best way to do my two businesses - interior decorating using feng shui and Earth-friendly materials, and art direction for television shows...

First, she helped me get clear that I needed to decide on one or the other to avoid dividing my energy and focus. Then, she helped me see that television really is my first love, and what I most enjoy doing.

Finally, she showed me I have everything I need to succeed in this right now.

We did all this in a one-hour session - and 30 minutes after it was over, I got a phone call offering me my dream job on the Bonnie Hunt show - and I hadn't even applied for the position!

Wow! Moira, you're incredible!"

Kelley Wright,
Emmy Award-winning set designer, Fairfield, CT
"My session with Moira was really fun and highly productive. Her intuition and depth of understanding is phenomenal. She laser beamed right in on my core issues and then provided help - releasing energies on a soul level, and putting into words concepts that I have been struggling with for years. Turbo-healing! I highly recommend. (And did I remember to mention - it was fun!)"

Catheryn B., Los Angeles
Great healing and amazing miracles
"Moira Shepard is intelligent, insightful and intuitive. When she works with you, her sole intention is to uplift, inspire, empower and love you. You will experience great healing during your time with Moira, and amazing miracles too! I know I have!)"

Tricia Ebert, The Angel Messenger, Burbank, CA
Feeling complete and free to move on
"Thank you, Moira. You reading gave me clarity and confirmation in a personal situation where I was feeling confused and in a lot of pain. The precision and insight from your Akashic Records reading was extraordinary. I let go of a person who was bringing me pain and now I feel liberated! It's amazing to discover the contracts we make with people long before entering this life and how they play out. What is incredible is how you completed a "contract" that is no longer serving me. I feel complete and am free to move on. Blessings to you, Moira, for sharing your wonderful gift!"

Love, Cherry Norris, The Dating Director, Marina del Rey
Hooked and coming back for more!
"What an amazing healing! I felt totally enveloped in love and understanding while being supported by the masters of the Akashic records. I'm hooked and coming back for more soon!"

Karen Abrams, North Hollywood, CA
The truth sets you free
"Today I received Grace. It came in a conversation with Moira. The messages she gave me resonated so strongly with my heart that I got chills. At times, throughout our conversation, I heard and felt "power surges"from her. This was when I knew that an infinitely powerful Spirit was speaking directly to me through her. It commanded attention and I felt as if the messages were imprinted into every cell in my body. The power of the truth in her words was palpable. The truth does set you free from ancestral blocks. I will forever be grateful to have connected with Moira"

Suz Curry, Buena Vista, CO
Incredible support and healing energy
"I am getting such amazing results from working with Moira! I am finally learning to love myself (not an easy task) and to believe in myself (also not so easy) because of her incredible support and healing energy.

When Moira does an Akashic reading, she gets right to the heart of the matter so that the issue can be resolved and healed. Whatever has been hiding comes into the Light and Moira brings her gifts to heal it.

I look forward to my weekly sessions with Moira because I just keep feeling better and better!"

Tricia Ebert, Burbank, CA
I truly feel that all IS possible
Blessings, Moira!
"Words cannot begin to express the immense gratitude I have in my heart for you today, and for the work that was facilitated by you through our session.

The energy took over me, and I felt as if I was being lovingly held in the arms of an infinite number of higher beings. I felt such peace, even when aspects of myself were struggling to hold on to the old ways of being. Ways were keeping me small and enslaved to beliefs that were not Truth.

My heart feels more alive; more expanded today, and I truly feel that all IS possible. My thoughts are moving into alignment with what I deserve. And yes, there are still thoughts that are attempting to keep me in lower vibrations. However, the Butterfly Effect is very much alive in my being today: Ripples of energy are coursing through my body, and it is finally in a space to fully surrender. To fully be the Light. What joy!
My Akashic Records now hold a beautiful file... that is you, and I am so blessed to have another Divine addition to all that I am. You are amazing. No. You are beyond amazing, and I will unabashedly recommend your work to anyone who resonates with this sharing!"

Thank you again, Goddess!
Loving you! Adonya Wong

The "Heal the Wounds of Abandonment" home study course consists of five 60-minute MP3 sessions; five 30-page workbooks, one for each session; plus a four-page "Getting Started Guide" to help you get the most out of the course.

You get a total of five hours of high-intensity healing, with 150 pages of written material that takes you by the hand and walks you through this powerful, multi-dimensional healing process.

All Items in this package are in digital format for immediate download
Not available on CDs

97% off
Special offer by Moira Shepard

A Total Value of $3247
but through You Wealth Revolution
Yours for Only $97


This is limited time offer for registered participants of You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!
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