About Mashhur Anam

Mashhur Anam is an alchemist of life transformation who is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness, have guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.

Mashhur’s background in technology, coupled with extensive exploration of our multi-dimensional existence has helped him to bring forth holographic tools and programs such as The Rings of Harmony, The Harmonic Shield, The Holographic Vision Board, Liquid Luck and more. They are complex in nature but at the same time, easy to use, allowing anyone from any background to launch and work with them.

During the most important time of our planetary transformation, holographic tools can be used to transform lives, raise our vibration, expand our consciousness, reprogram our abundance matrix, redesign our relationship patterns and restore inner and global harmony.

In the last few years, Mashhur has developed holographic tools and programs for computer industries, retail stores, garments industries and natural health product development and marketing companies in Asia and North America to expand, create environmental harmony through holographic feng shui, increase sales and revenue, attract more business and create better relationships among employees and clients. The holographic tools and programs are also used by thousands of people all over the world to transform issues and redesign reality.

Total Package Value: $1276
$880 (Harmonic Resonance) +396 (live coaching)
Discount: 90% off!
You Wealth Special Offer: $127


Harmonic Resonance Activation
We live in a universe that is holographic in nature and responds to our vibration. Everything we experience in life shows up in our reality because we have a vibrational match.
  • All options and possibilities exist in this universe for you which means you can redesign your reality

  • Your resonance to finances projects your financial reality

  • Your resonance to love and relationships projects your intimate, family and professional relationships that you experience in life

  • Your resonance to health and wellness determines your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being

  • If you are experiencing a disease, it is because there is a vibrational match

  • If you are unemployed or having difficulties in a business, it is because your vibrational resonance for employment or business matches the difficulties you experience

  • If you are unable to find the love you are looking for, it is because your vibration radiates out a disharmony which prevents you from allowing and receiving the type of loving relationship you desire

  • Everything that you do not want to experience in life shows up in your reality because you have a vibrational match with that possibility

Understanding Resonance
In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others. Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are known as the system's resonant frequencies, or resonance frequencies. At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations, because the system stores vibrational energy

What does that mean? Imagine a CD with 100 tracks. Let’s assume you are on track 21. The income you desire is at track 34. So you need to align with the vibration of track 34 so that you can allow that specific income in your life. Until your vibrational resonance aligns with track 34, it becomes difficult for you to receive that income. But when there is a match, you can very easily generate that income.

What is the Harmonic Resonance Module?

The Harmonic Resonance Module has been created to help you to gradually raise your vibration and align with your goals so that you may easily attract what you desire preserving your highest alignment. It is one of the most powerful methods to create a harmonic resonance with your desires. This module looks like a sphere which is constructed with a number of different layers of sacred geometry, cosmic frequencies and matrix transformational algorithms. You receive the installation of the Harmonic Resonance Module from a recording. The recording is encoded with many layers of holographic data and algorithms. When you listen to the recording, your personal matrix starts to integrate the instructions and information so that you can use the Harmonic Resonance Module.

When you activate the Harmonic Resonance Module:
  • A set of 64 spheres comes down and starts to spiral up and down through your energy field
  • They start to spin to generate a resonance and increase your vibration
  • The spheres have a number of internal layers. Each layer is encoded with sacred geometry and matrix transformational algorithms and starts to spin to generate the vibrational resonance of your goal.
  • Gradually the speed of rotation of the spheres becomes faster
  • They form a column of energy around you to create a harmonic resonance for you
  • As the speed of rotation of the spheres increases, your vibrational resonance gets stronger
  • You start to create a vibrational match in every cell of your body and you start to radiate out the new vibration
  • The Harmonic Resonance Module helps your personal matrix to absorb, integrate and operate from this vibration. You can then manifest your goals easily

  • A guided installation of the Harmonic Resonance Module
  • An activation command so that you can launch the module any time
  • The background music has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you gradually raise your vibration, align with higher consciousness
  • A guided journey to activate and integrate a higher vibration of unconditional love, joy, harmony and abundance in life
  • Gradually transform your state of consciousness so that you can easily operate from neutrality with love, joy, harmony and abundance
  • Set your goals when the process starts so that you can customize the Harmonic Resonance Module for you
  • The background music has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you raise your vibration, align with higher consciousness and create a stronger resonance to allow unconditional love, joy, harmony and abundance in life
  • You can play this track in a loop at night when you sleep so that you can continue to integrate higher vibration of love, joy, harmony and abundance while you sleep

  • A guided journey to activate and integrate harmonic resonance to earning an additional income
  • The Harmonic Resonance Module first generates a vibrational alignment to earning an additional $250 a month and then gradually through a guided process you start to increase your harmonic resonance to receive an additional $500, $1000, $2100 and $3400 per month and beyond
  • Start to raise your savings threshold proportionally
  • Start to raise your income threshold
  • Transform your personal energy matrix to allow and receive more abundance
  • The background music has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you integrate the resonance so that you can open yourself more to abundance

  • A guided journey to activate and integrate harmonic resonance to earning an additional income
  • The Harmonic Resonance Module gradually generates a vibrational alignment to earning an additional $5500 per month and beyond
  • Start to raise your savings threshold proportionally
  • Start to raise your income threshold
  • Transform your personal energy matrix to allow and receive $5500 and more
  • The background music has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you integrate the resonance so earning $5500 and above becomes your natural state

  • A guided journey to activate and integrate harmonic resonance to earning an additional income
  • The Harmonic Resonance Module gradually generates a vibrational alignment to earning an additional $8900 per month and beyond
  • Start to raise your savings threshold proportionally
  • Start to raise your income threshold
  • Transform your personal energy matrix to allow and receive $8900 and more
  • The background music has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you integrate the resonance so earning $8900 and above becomes your natural state

  • A guided journey to activate and integrate harmonic resonance to earning an additional income
  • The Harmonic Resonance Module gradually generates a vibrational alignment to earning an additional $14,400 per month and beyond
  • Start to raise your savings threshold proportionally
  • Start to raise your income threshold
  • Transform your personal energy matrix to allow and receive $14,400 and more
  • The background music has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you integrate the resonance so earning $14,400 and above becomes your natural state

  • A guided journey to activate and integrate harmonic resonance for ideal weight
  • Built-in interactive matrix receives your intention about your ideal weight
  • The Harmonic Resonance Module gradually starts to generate a vibrational alignment with your desired weight
  • Layers are programmed to help you choose a healthy living lifestyle
  • You can play this track in a loop at night with your intention so that you can transform and redesign your reality faster
  • The background music has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you transform your thoughts and feelings about your appearance

  • You will receive a detailed PDF guide with explanations about each program, the Harmonic Resonance Module, Morphic Fields and how to utilize the process in the most harmonious way for you.
  • You will also receive instructions on how to use the Harmonic Resonance Module with other holographic tools and programs


    Value: $396

    Call 1: Date & Time: Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 at 6:00pm Eastern

    Call 2: Date & Time: Monday, June 24th, 2013 at 5:00pm Eastern

    Replay and download option is available

    Holographic tools and programs are used by thousands of people from all over the world and a number of computer, garments and media companies. For the first time, you can now start to work with a specially designed Harmonic Resonance Module to activate your personal vibrational resonance to align with your goals and desires and transform your life.


    "THE HARMONIC RESONANCE Meditation ran through all of my bodies and my chakras with a powerful, yet gentle force. It resonated with me at such a deep level, that I am still pulsating at my crown chakras and my third eye region and as I write now, I can feel it continuing down to my throat and my heart and going down, down all the way down as well :-)

    The energy of the Harmonic Resonance created a vortex whereby I was put in touch with all that I AM and all that I resonate. Knowledge was given to me: that everything I sought for so long need no longer be sought ... for it is already here ... right inside of me .

    For the first time, I saw myself actually achieving and having all that I desire and require for a wonderful life – with the knowledge and certainty, that it will never be taken away from me. That fear of having it taken away was the root of major financial losses and the prevention of new wealth and abundance coming in. Now I KNOW that my resonance IS indeed with all I envision, and desire and it is coming to me. This, I can say with all certainty."

    Rose-Marie, Canada
    "During the Harmonic Resonance Integration process segment of the Sunday morning call, I focused on several things that I truly want to manifest in my life now. During every step of the process, I experienced a deep sense of knowing that I have not felt before. I felt no resistance to achieving all of the goals that I was thinking about. This new tool brings a wonderful sense of calm. Thank you for developing this new tool."

    LeAnna, USA
    "The Harmonic Resonance Integration process at first was like a soft breeze clearing all that was not in alignment with my goals. As the Harmonic Resonance process continued, my whole body/chakras began to vibrate even past our group call. The process for me was very powerful and I'm sure it will continue past today."

    Mayra, USA
    "The Harmonic Resonance Integration process was a very profound experience for me. My whole being was one with the universe and the galaxies, a feeling of being one with the creator. Wow.....really awesome."

    Josiane, France

    "It was a very intense process and it felt like I was in some sort of multi-dimensional spinning spiral that was pulling out density/energetic content out of me which I could feel very physically too. The physical sensation was intense but very short and then it was gone. It was moving in circles or in a spiral, going around and around and I felt like I am jumping in a fast forward motion through time/space and possibilities for me. I got the image of a DVD and I felt like moving outward from one track to the other very fast, feeling almost a little motion sickness. Right after the call I am feeling viscerally and physically like I am not there where I was before the process, energetically moved to another space! I feel things moving in me, like I am still moving on the DVD, like a spindle, spinning outwards still. It was an amazing experience and most transforming and quite much like a Disneyland ride! :-) Thank you so much for this experience I look forward to work with that tool in future!"

    Viola, Austria
    "After using the Harmonic Resonance Module for Ideal Weight for about a month, I have let go of 4 pounds, without making any conscious changes. More important, my tastes for food have changed, and I find that I am naturally changing what I eat, craving healthier foods than before. This is better than "imposing" diet changes that may or may not last.

    I have been in the process of reorganizing and getting ready to revive and reinvigorate an energy healing practice that had basically been dormant for several years. After using the first Harmonic Resonance Module to increase Financial Flow for about two days, I suddenly had several clients call to make appointments, without any concerted effort to attract clients on my part! Can't wait to see what happens with the NEXT financial module! "

    Ellyn, Author and Coach, USA
    "I have already released 12 extra pounds from my body and 10 more to go. I am very drawn to the Ideal Weight and Love, Joy, Harmony and Abundance tracks. Thank you so much for these amazing tools. I listened to the track at night in a loop several times and most days at least once. I also used the Rings of Harmony daily. I have not changed my diet purposefully but find I'm not craving sweets as often and when I eat something sweet I run the Rings of Harmony first. "

    Mary, Canada
    "I have mainly been listening to the first recording, "Love, Joy, Harmony, Abundance" and I just love it. I love it so much that I am not ready to move on to the other ones just yet. My heart resonates with it. I feel it has opened me to being more receptive to receiving. When it starts up I see myself in a clearing in a forest where light like sunlight is shining down on me. It is so peaceful and feels so good. Each time I listen I am filled with light and as it accumulates I am remembering my divinity and that feeling of separation and being alone is fading. I love this program!!! "

    Paula,  USA
    "For me the Harmonic Resonance Module is a state of art tool - Activating this creates a ripple effect in all areas of my life. I am amazed and in awe."

    Josiane, Transpersonal Coach, France
    "The first time I listened to Harmonic Resonance I felt vibrating movements in my back, besides other positive changes. Words cannot comprehend the powerful, positive effects that Harmonic Resonance transforms within you and wonderful effects in your life. I have seen an increase in income and having more opportunities flow to me than ever before. I am seeing an increase in people like me come into my life- whether they come as clients, in a social circles, or with family members. My world is transforming quickly, I know it is from Mashhur's tools, and I am very grateful for what Mashhur brings to us."

    Vicki, Website Design and Marketing, USA
    "Mashhur's tools helped me and family members invaluably in the darkest times. I also learn a lot from the Q and A's as the answers Mashhur gives can always be applied to some area of your life. Where any small thing would send me into a frantic downward spiral months before, I now apply what he teaches and have solidified into a new way of functioning. My life has more ease, some things shifted miraculously and those that are still not to my liking, I now know they will change. I have also become more clairvoyant and knowing and am looking forward to more. "

    - Alex, New York, USA
    "After Mashhur implemented holographic solutions for my company’s retail stores, warehouses and customer service centers, and I started working with holographic tools and programs, our revenue has gone up. In 2011-2012, we exceeded our yearly projection and opened up many new branches in a down market economy.

    Arif, CEO, Computer Source
    "After Mashhur’s hologram work on our garments industry, for the first time we started to receive orders from luxury companies. These are the same luxury companies that ignored us for many years."

    Basher, Managing Director, Southern Group Textiles
    "Mashhur taught the Rings of Harmony and the Harmonic Shield to my 5 year old son who is very sensitive to energy. Whenever he goes to a low vibration area, he always reminds me to use the rings and the shield so that we feel good."

    Erin, USA
    "I can’t say that I completely understand it all, but I do know that I have tried many modalities, including the fact that I am a Reiki master, and your method is one of a very few that has ever worked for me. I am truly experiencing major shifts in myself and my life and I know that it is due to your work. I can’t thank you enough."

    Kathleen, USA
    "I could feel the burn in my root chakra. During the session I felt a powerful shift and an opening in my throat chakra. My body became hot all over. My third eye was spinning during the entire session. I could feel the energy moving up and down my spinal column."

    Lissa, Canada
    "We had hologram work done on our business a few months after starting out and we have been using the holographic tools and programs. We had a lot of dark energy in the building and a negative vortex right at our front door. We are located in a "not so good" neighborhood, so we had some "dark" energy people stopping in almost every day. After the hologram work, the energy is AMAZING! It has been rising every day and now clients come in just for the energy boost (and to get a hug!). We hear all the time how much better the energy feels in the building and in the whole neighborhood. We very seldom get the "dark" energy people stopping in and the whole neighborhood seems to be "cleaning up". We just had our busiest week in business!"

    Don & Tracy, Owners of Fargo Rocks, ND
    "I immediately felt flows open in my chest and realized I had encased my heart in so much protection. All of that went away. I find myself walking more loosely, my shoulders have straightened and I walk and stand in a much more upright position. I feel different. I used to feel guilty all of the time, and was always trying to prove my innocence. I could never understand it because I led such a clean life this lifetime, but I would be plagued by thoughts of persecution. And, that was the main drama I was stuck in most of this lifetime–innocent and persecuted! It was a nightmare. I tried many things to get rid of it and I think I finally have! What a relief!!!!!!"

    - Amethyst, USA
    "I felt a rush of energy thru all the chakras and lots of tingling in my head and third eye. My body is still vibrating"

    - Awilda, USA
    "There’s definitely been a QUANTUM shift in the family dynamics! Because of the limitation of words I cannot adequately describe the incredible changes in my life since using the tools. I initially was trying to attract monetary abundance due to no job, depleted funds, etc. which have yet to be realized, but I am receiving abundance in so many other ways. It’s all connected!"

    - LaRetta, USA
    "Using rings of harmony around my son and his chosen college worked miraculously. He got accepted into Wharton business school (U-Penn) in the dual degree program. U-Penn accepts only 20 people every year into this program."

    - Olena, USA
    "These tools are such a blessing to me at this time. Everything seems to flow better when I use them. I feel completely supported in all that I do. I’m really looking forward to playing with the holographic vision board to anchor my new paradigm. You’ve helped me to look at my life in a new and profound way; just unplugging from the morphic fields that are not helpful to me and plugging in to the morphic field I want to emulate has been amazing."

    Mary, USA
    "I have no idea whatsoever how to express how inexpressibly touched I am for being a part of this journey of deliverance, of true ascended blessing. I look forward to your offering us another series of such nourishment. It seems as though I’ve been waiting, longing for this. More! More! More!!!! My Being Delights that our paths have crossed, once again."

    Elizabeth, Belgium
    "I am very excited about the changes I have noted in my relationships, especially with my husband. Our relationship was friendly and supportive but now we are falling back in love and I think it is the rings of union and the holographic vision board at work. I am seeing some movement in my business in terms of new clients. I am also handling a situation with a client better than I would have a short time ago. Whew is the energy strong. I can ride the swirls – feels like some big downloads coming."

    Gail, Canada
    "I ran the 1st solar vibration on a loop at work in my group room with 12 people with a variety of mental health diagnosis and the result was total HARMONY!!!!!! WOW!!!!! Moods significantly improved with more loving communication and respect for life from each."

    Meg, USA

    All Items in this package are in digital format for immediate download
    Not available on CDs

    90% off
    Special offer by Mashhur Anam
    A Total Value of $1276
    $880 (Harmonic Resonance) +396 (live coaching)
    but through You Wealth Revolution
    Yours for Only $127


    This is limited time offer for registered participants of You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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