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Q&A - Total Transformation: Back to the Joints!

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Free Listening Expires Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 at Midnight Pacific

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IMPORTANT: Reserve Your Private Energy Session w/ Jill Mattson
(Limited Spaces Available)

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Are You One of the Millions Struggling with Back Pain and other Musculoskeletal Issues After 30?

Jill Mattson’s Sound Healing Frequencies - “No-Needle Acupuncture” - Energetically Pinpoint and Dissolves Ailments

Tune in to Live Fully and Move Freely Once More!

  • Package A

    Discount: 88% Off

    Total Value:$775

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

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    30-day money back guarantee**

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$892

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

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    **No refunds available after the voice analysis has occurred.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package C

    Discount: 79% Off

    Total Value:$897

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

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    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

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    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

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I was in a really bad car accident and your music sped up my healing. My doctors can’t imagine that I’ve been healed so quickly.

Sandy Pronta

In this special offer from Jill Mattson, you will:

TUNE Your Body To Overcome Issues Related To “Back To Joints” Such as Inflammation, Wear and Tear, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Gout, and Even Injuries

ABSORB Frequencies Of Vitamins, Minerals, And Bio-Nutrients For A Healthy Musculoskeletal System Through Beautiful Music! Amino Acids, Cell Salts, Joint Fluid, Collagen, Calcium Support, Hormones, Muscles, Bones, And Supplements

NOURISH Tendons and Ligaments For Revitalized and Flexible Movement. Tune Your Body So It Can Rebuild And Repair Itself

SUPPORT Vital and Healthy Cartilage With Frequencies Of Joint Fluid, Proteins, and Nutrients Essential For Healthy Cartilage And Joints

RECEIVE Strong Bone And Vertebrae Frequencies To Support Your Body’s Natural Ability To Rebuild And Repair Itself

20 Years of Headaches and Neck Pain are OVER!!

“I wanted to share my remarkable results after our reading and the energy work done on my body during the reading. I’ve had NO headaches and NO neck pain…that I have had for 20 years! For 20 years, I have suffered from intermittent severe neck and migraines, and now they are gone. I am so grateful, Thank You.”

Kim D

Soul Magic! Old Pain - Physical and Emotional - Shifting Almost INSTANTLY

“I have so much more clarity after experiencing your music and energy work. My old pain is shifting almost instantly on all levels. Old thought forms and habits are drifting away. I’m sleeping better too. I am detoxing physically and emotionally, and physical ailments are getting better every day. I feel like it’s soul magic!

Nancy Pride

No Pain from Knee Injury

“I expected an improved appearance on my face from Jill’s music, but I didn’t think about my body. I had been suffering from a knee injury for around six months and was feeling like it was never going to improve.

After a week, I had flexibility and a return to myself. I was able to walk with no pain.

But there are other benefits, too! Overall, I feel younger and more youthful. I thought I was imagining this, but then I read a few other reviews and saw that I was not the only one!”

Are You Fed Up with Back, Muscle, Connective Tissues & Joint Pain? Tired of Losing Mobility and Strength?

Tired of watching the quality of your life fade as you lose mobility and strength?

Listen to Music Embedded with Frequencies that support a vibrant healthy musculoskeletal system.

Studies show that a major impediment that negatively affects almost all of us – especially as we age – is pain and reduced physical activity DUE to our compromised joints and backs.

Think about this another way: Compromised joints & backs are the primary sources of extensive bodily pain and physical limitations. Unhealthy joints & backs drastically reduce our quality of life.

Consider this…

  • A astronomically high percentage of people complain of back & joint pain by their late 30’s.
  • Knee, hip & shoulder replacement surgeries have increased at alarming rates.
  • Over 20% of adults suffer from arthritis.
  • The longer that chronic problems are ignored – with our backs & joints – the smaller the chances of ever reversing these problems.
  • Many people – especially those 40 & older – feel helpless in their ability to resolve joint & back problems and manage pain.

Do not despair – there is hope!! Discover the Wonder of Sound Healing Frequencies

Jill Mattson offers a proven solution using Select Frequency Energies. Backs, joints, muscles, tendons, and connective tissues and their building blocks respond remarkably to the correct sound healing frequencies.

For over 45 years, Jill has studied the power of Sound Healing Frequencies to overcome—correct AND reverse—a myriad of physical conditions. She has worked with Sharry Edwards, founder of BioAcoustics, among many others to identify and utilize sound energy in ultra-precise frequencies to counter many afflictions and promote health. Sound Healing Frequencies can be used over and over for life.

The Sound Healing Suite: “Back to the Joints ~ Total Transformation” contains dozens of healing vibrations that address a wide array of Back & Joint issues and root causes, including energy work to support:

Collagen – supports strong bones and cartilage.

Strengthening Tendons and Ligaments - ligaments connect bone to cartilage and tendons bones to muscles. Ligaments are made of cartilage.

Reducing Inflammation - which feeds diseases that deteriorate joints and bones (bursitis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)

Rebuilding Bone Mass and cartilage integrity.

Deep Fascia (the dense fibrous connective tissue surrounding bones & muscles; fascia is made of collagen.)

Joint Lubrication.

Overall Skeleton Alignment, tunes vertebrae.

Protein building blocks – frequencies of amino acids.

Building muscle fiber.

Frequencies of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, and many essential nutrients that build healthy bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Learn how to reset yourself remarkably. Quickly banish pain, increase your performance and rediscover new possibilities! Take long walks again. Try a former sport or hobby. Bask in just being pain-free and feeling good. Enjoy life and Body Harmony!

Jill Mattson offers a near-miraculous solution with her “Energy Frequency Renewal”

Mattson’s years of Vibrational Healing Study have identified precise – specific frequencies for joint and back-related issues. For the uninitiated in Sound Energy Healing, think of acupuncture. This ancient technique has been proven versatile and very effective for addressing many ailments associated with the body, including muscle, joint, and back problems. Sound Frequencies work similarly to acupuncture needles. The appropriate frequencies interact with our body’s subtle energy system, facilitating the free flow of energy and information in our bodies, restoring balance, and clearing negative energy. Our body is the BEST healer!

Targeting the Root Causes: Back and Joint Problems

Although there are numerous causes of Back and Joint pain and deterioration, a handful of culprits cause problems. Primary widespread sources of back/joint problems include:

  • Inflammation
  • Lost elasticity in muscles, tendons, and connective tissues
  • Posture
  • Injuries
  • Wear and tear on joints and discs
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Cartilage loss/erosion
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inactivity

Nearly all of these root causes worsen as we age. However, it is never too late to address these issues. Mattson has developed a protocol that simultaneously presents many frequencies – that bestow a bounty of benefits. Her Season 28 package: “Total Renewal: Back-to-the-Joints,” addresses these degrading conditions and more! Mattson’s genius is a totally immersive experience based on her “Sound Frequency Matrix System,” where multiple tracks of Music, Targeted Frequencies, and Healing Sounds are combined and transmitted to the listener collectively. You are bathed in blessed energies and emotive music continually throughout every track. The net result far exceeds using any single frequency or energy session. Must be experienced to be appreciated!

Mattson uses powerful frequencies to stimulate the body to Heal itself. In this Sound Frequency Energy Healing System for Back & Joints, You Experience Frequencies that will…

1. Reduce of Inflammation & Pain for Common Ailments

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): An autoimmune disorder that attacks joint membranes, leading to cartilage degradation, bone loss, and increased fracture risk.
  • Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease affecting cartilage, bone, and connective tissues, causing structural deterioration.
  • Osteoporosis: Weakens bones and makes them brittle
  • Gout: Causes painful inflammation and arthritis
  • Bursitis: Inflammation of fluid that reduces friction in muscles and bones

2. Obliterate back & joint pain:
➣ Remove stiffness and increase mobility and flexibility.

➣ Gain strength and stamina that you thought were lost forever.

3. Strengthen tendons, ligaments, collagen, connective tissues and muscles:
➣ Support overall musculoskeletal resilience and recovery.

4. Restore collagen and promote collagen production:
➣ This will strengthen and improve cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments and support joint and lubrication.

5. Strengthen bones:
➣ Promote the absorption of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for healthy bone density.

6. Rebuild/replenish cartilage:
➣ Lubricates joint frequencies of collagen and nutrients used to build healthy joints. Plus, water and synovial fluid frequencies.

7. Restore elasticity and flexibility
➣ Revitalize muscles and joints, reducing stiffness and promoting range of motion.

8. Regain range of motion, energy and vitality:
➣ Support joint lubrication and rejuvenate your body’s natural mobility.

9. Benefit from higher levels of activity… walk, exercise and play again:
➣ Walk, exercise, and enjoy physical activities without pain.

10. Nourish and renew crucial vitamins and nutrients:
➣ Boost tissues and bodily networks with crucial nutrients like Vitamin A, B complex, C, D certain minerals, like copper, manganese, zinc and magnesium.


Say "Yes" to this Total Transformation and Say “No!” to More Aching Joints, Creaking Knees, Twinging Spines!

Join Jill Mattson on her Back to the Joints ~ Total Transformation offer, exclusive to the You Wealth community and experience:

  • Benefit from frequencies that EXPONENTIALLY promote healing and vitality in beautiful music anytime, anywhere, as often as you like. 
  • Support healthy bones, cartilage and connective tissues by promoting collagen production and increased mobility.
  • Optimize your muscles, tendons, ligaments and overall strength, vibrancy and flexibility with complete EASE.
  • RAPIDLY Bring down inflammation and eliminate pain.
  • Learn energy techniques, such as bone breathing, and other energy work for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Experience CATHARTIC release of negative emotions linked to Back to the Joints issues, Receive frequencies of flower remedies and positive emotions to support mobility.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

  • Package A

    Discount: 88% Off

    Total Value:$775

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$892

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

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    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the voice analysis has occurred.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package C

    Discount: 79% Off

    Total Value:$897

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

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    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Item 1

Back to Joints ~ Vitalizing Music!

Value: $295


Runtime: 61 Minutes

Frequencies to Support Strong Bones

The frequencies associated with many forms of calcium include minerals and nutrients that help replenish calcium, such as calcium phosphate, which helps make bones hard, and Vitamin D (which helps absorb calcium). Vitamin K (helps bind cholesterol to ship it to the liver for bone health), potassium – a mineral and cell salt that supports bone strength), methylsulfonylmethane to balance PH to reduce oxidative stress and osteoarthritis, magnesium (too little is linked with osteoporosis), manganese to support bones, the frequency of bones – to lesson repair time if broken, proline, an amino acid used in collagen to make bones strong, and hydroxyproline (a biochemical that is a collagen constituent) and collagen frequencies to support healthy bones. Thanks to Sharry Edwards for developing these frequencies – SoundHealthOptions.

Frequencies to Support Strong Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons

Vitamin C helps repair ligaments. To support muscles, tendons, and ligaments: Vitamin C helps repair ligaments; calcium fluoride cell salt supports connective tissues and mucous membranes and tissue elasticity; frequencies to support oxygen in muscle fibers; myosin for smooth muscles; myoglobin which stores oxygen for muscle contraction, skeletal muscle frequencies, oxygen for tissue repairs, water, tyrosine – an amino acid contained in muscles, copper, Vitamin A and B1, B4, B12, B12A B5, B6, and for tendon health, zinc for tendon health, NAD to support tissues and needed amino acids. Thanks to Sharry Edwards for developing these frequencies – SoundHealthOptions.

Frequencies to Support Strong Cartilage

Vitamin C supports cartilage and collagen and prevents degeneration. Vitamin D reduces joint pain; Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and Hyaluronic acid— aid joint repair and provide viscosity and lubrication; Platelet-rich plasma (reduces inflammation, stimulates cell proliferation, enhances tissue regeneration), lactate (present in synovial fluid -enhancing the body’s natural repair), collagen fibers provide structure and strength to cartilage. Prostaglandins regulate inflammation and pain. Thanks to Sharry Edwards for developing these frequencies – SoundHealthOptions.

Jill’s Music Unblocked My Entire Respiratory and Digestive System

“Dear Jill, I was afflicted with a very bad head & chest cold on Sunday. That evening I could not sleep at all, and nothing in terms of medicine was working. I decided to put ALL of Jill’s CDs in my carousel, and played them as I lay down. During the music, everything that was blocking my respiratory system, throat, and digestive system began to remove itself from my body. It was truly a breakthrough that enabled me to fully recovery the following day & enabled me to do my talk show with a regular voice & energy. Jill’s music is truly powerful, and is very much on the cutting edge of a rediscovery of ancient remedies healing the body, mind & spirit.”

Gary D. Purifory Co-Owner of The Community Listening Network

“A Tremendous Blessing”

I have noticed a sea change in my life since I first encountered you and your work on Darius’ show, and I purchased a couple of your teaching and healing music packages. I’m sorry that I don’t have adequate words to express my appreciation and gratitude for your wisdom, talents, and incredible generosity. Your healing music has been a tremendous blessing, as it has helped settle my emotional and mental states enough to get some spiritual work done.”



“Her Music Soothes My Soul”

Also, her music soothes my soul….it also feels like a door is opening. This is a sign of me moving forward! You are a gift to us Jill…blessings”


Item 2

Healing Energy for the Musculoskeletal System

Value: $150

3 MP3s

1. Bone Breathing – 10.5 Minutes MP3

2. Clear Emotional Energies – 11 Minutes, 15 seconds

3. Healing with Source Energy – 12 Minutes

Healing Energy MP3s For Muscular Skeletal System

In these three audios, orchestrated to heal the Musculoskeletal System, Include:

  1. Bone Breathing – Bone breathing is an ancient practice that brings chi and life force into your bones, clears stuck energy, and enables your body to build muscular bodies with vitalizing bone marrow.
  2. Clear Emotional EnergiesClear emotional stuck energy in your muscular-skeletal system to allow healthy energy to flow and rebuild muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bones.
  3. Healing with Source Energy – Use the highest energy to sweep your body and muscular-skeletal system


More Energetic, Less Irritation

“I’ve been listening daily to my prescribed listening. I am feeling better. At first I noticed that when I wasn’t listening I had a feeling of an underlining of irritation. That irritation wasn’t seen while listening to the music – as the music made that frequency go away. Now after a couple weeks that irritation is gone. I also feel more energetic most days and my neck has more good days than before.” 

“Thanks for your loving light!”


“Most Powerful and Healing Stuff I’ve Ever Experienced”

How come I never found you before?!!! To me, you came out of “nowhere”! I am so grateful to the Universe and to you. This is THE most powerful and healing stuff I’ve ever experienced.”

Your Music Dissolved My Persistent Fear

“Dear Jill, I want to report an extraordinary healing episode from listening to the song Agrimony from your Healing Flowers Symphony CD. As I lay listening to this song, I felt the music begin to touch a particularly annoying fear I had held for many years. As a highly analytical person, I have been very consciously aware of this fear, yet I was also keenly aware that it had no logical basis. But I have never sought out its source or attempted to deal with it. I suppose I have treated it like a thorn in the side, which I was destined to carry until, perhaps, it worked itself out. After listening to this song, I found that this perennial fear had dissipated as if the music had dissolved it. I know the music was responsible (the “self-healing” aspect notwithstanding) because of the extreme resonance between that fear sensation and specific sections of the song.

Immediately after listening to the song, I was left with a sensation of extreme well-being that manifested emotionally as a quiet, effortless peace that had displaced the fear and seemed to seep into my whole being and mentally as a picture of Mother Earth cuddling me in her arms as if I were a small child being rocked to sleep. It was an extraordinary experience. Thank you for your music! I believe that your work will greatly help many people.”

David Kent

“I found myself practically floating on air”

My first conversation with Jill about her research into the powers of sound and music was so awe-inspiring that I found myself practically floating on air — in the rarefied orbit of some unaccustomed altered state.”

Judy S

Deep Wave Beauty

Value: $66


Runtime: 56 Minutes

An exciting development in Alternative Health and Wellness using sound music is a unique new effort in this field that can help you look and feel younger and more beautiful.

This CD includes the frequency associations of essential vitamins and nutrients critical to healthy skin. Gentle toning energies lift and firm collagen, muscles, and skin tissues of the face and neck.

Enchanting new-age classical music provides the structure for the overall experience. Stress melts away as the listener obtains peace and calmness. Spiritual peace, mental tranquility, and Deep-Wave Body Relaxation result, bestowing inner and outer beauty.

Anti Inflammation Music for Deep Body Healing

Value: $66


Runtime: 23 Minutes

Experience a Deep Body Healing – Reduce inflammation

Studies link anti-inflammation aids that alleviate many problems. Dr. Nathaniel Perricone, MD, in The Perricone Prescription, connected inflammation and most chronic degenerative diseases: arthritis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, connective tissue disease, coronary issues, immune disorders, diabetes, meningitis, cystic fibrosis, cancer, stroke, psoriasis of the liver, detox blockage, respiratory stress, and aging.

Cellular inflammation is associated with processes that keep bodies healthy, but excess inflammation can be life-threatening. Sharry Edwards developed frequency-equivalents™ to lessen inflammation, and Jill Mattson has included them in her award-winning sound healing music. This musical collection, which has additional healing tones, is called Deep Healing Music.

These beautiful musical selections include:

  • Co Q 10 – this supplement aids heart disease, supports ATP, helps reduce and moderate inflammation and free radicals
  • Oxygen – Oxygen has been used to aid breathing with respiratory issues
  • Iron – Iron is a mineral present in foods, a component of hemoglobin, an erythrocyte (red blood cell) protein that transfers oxygen from the lungs to the tissues
  • Quercetin – a flavonoid from fruits and vegetables, boosts the immune system
  • Erythropoietin – a hormone secreted by the kidneys that increases the production of red blood cells and moderates inflammation.
  • Heart–a healthy heart frequency
  • Germanium – a chemical element that supports the immune system, the oxygen supply in the body, increases circulation, speeds up metabolism of body cells, regulates positive and negative ions, relieves joint and muscle pains, alleviates stiffness and cramps and destroys free radicals.
  • Protein Kinase – an enzyme that supports ATP and phosphate metabolism, cell signaling, protein regulation, cell transport, and secretory processes
  • ATP – is an organic compound that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells
  • Adrenaline – a hormone that supports circulation/breathing
  • Vitamin D – supports bones, intestines, the heart, and the immune system
  • Zinc – helps wound-healing the immune system, and helps make proteins and DNA. Zinc has also been shown to improve a cold:
  • Luteolin – a flavonoid that performs anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation processes

Healing Flower Symphonies Vol I and Vol II

Value: $66

MP3 – 12 Tracks


 1- Healing Flower Vol 1, 49 minutes

2 – Healing Flowers Vol 2, 50 minutes


The Healing Flower Symphonies contain the actual frequencies of the flower essences for the Soul Flowers of the Bach Flower Remedies. In addition to the flower frequencies, each track offers powerful, emotionally healing music. The symphonies begin by releasing the negative aspect of the emotion involved. This beginning takes you into the dark side of the emotion to enable a cathartic release (such as turning impatience into patience). This catharsis allows us to let the negative emotional baggage go. The music then transitions into the victorious triumph and mastery of the emotion (as in transforming fear into trust). The net effect is a beautiful blessing of the flower essences in a vibratory experience coupled with a complex musical composition – together resolving the emotional challenge involved and strengthening the desirable emotional health of the listener.

Each Healing Flower Symphony supports the transformation from a negative emotion to the mastery of it, like impatience to patience or panic to courage.

When one is depressed, joyful music is irritating. Likewise, depression needs to be released before one can enjoy upbeat music. Sad music stirs old pain, bringing it to the surface. It enables one to reconnect with feelings he had long ignored, leading to an emotional catharsis.

The Healing Flower Symphonies creatively take you into the dark side of each emotion (such as impatience versus patience) as a cathartic release – cleansing emotional baggage. Whatever is repressed has power over us; we have been trained since our earliest years to repress negative emotions. These do not vanish but show up as an outward negative energy, such as anger or aggression, or an inward force manifesting as depression, insecurity, or illness.

The antidote is to feel your pain – it allows a release. This is why grieving works. This isn’t as frightening or as painful as you think. It will not destroy you. Within a surprisingly brief time, the pain will dissipate. Listen to music and let it help you feel free.

People overwhelmingly report the release of unpleasant emotional baggage while listening to The Healing Flower Symphonies. Many experienced negative emotions pass out of their energy fields while listening. This is not a pleasant moment. The Healing Flower Symphonies are not for “pansies.” Others were not aware of their energy fields but disliked the cathartic music briefly. Repeated listening is like peeling an onion – layer after layer of negative energy is removed. 

Developing a positive attribute, such as happiness, is insufficient to maintain happiness. It won’t habitually stick unless you first discharge sadness. We need catharsis.

The music of the Healing Flower Symphonies transforms into a virtue, a feeling. To make a habit of a virtuous feeling, we must feel it repeatedly. What could do that more easily than music? Enjoy!

❀ Healing Flower Symphonies Vol I Tracks:

1. Clematis (9:25)

❀ The Clematis Flower helps loosen and clear avoidance of reality and enhances enjoying the moment.

2. Centaury (5:01)

❀ The Centaury Flower helps loosen and clear feeling obligated and builds feelings to freely help and give.

3. Sceranthus (9:51)

❀ The Sceranthus Flower helps clear indecision and builds confidence and ability to make decisions.

4. Water Violet (10:58)

❀ The Water Violet helps loosen and resolve isolation and builds companionship and connection.

5. Rock Rose (7:41)

❀ The Rock Rose helps eliminate feelings of panic and replaces these with new courage.

6. Agrimony (8:56)

❀ The Agrimony Flower removes insincerity and builds inner peace.


❀ The Healing Flower Symphonies Vols. II Tracks:

1. Impatiens (5:17)

❀The Impatiens Flower helps clear frustration and impatience and to replace these with feelings of patience and peace.

2. Vervain (4:40)

❀ The Vervain Flower loosens and clears inflexibility and builds broadmindedness.

3. Cerato (6:28)

❀The Flower addresses feelings of self-doubt and creates self- trust.

4. Gentian (6:15)

❀ The Gentian loosens and clears doubt and builds trust.

5. Chicory (8:45)

❀ The Chicory Flower clears demanding love and builds giving love.

6. Mimulus (9:16)

❀ The Mimulus helps clear fear and fosters feelings of fearlessness.


Seasons in the Sky

Value: $66

MP3 – 15 Tracks

Runtime: 62 Minutes

Seasons in the Sky - The Musical Zodiac

Seasons in the Sky IS Zodiac Energy for All

In designing Seasons in the Sky, Mattson recreated the energy of our most influential Stars and Planets in 15 original tracks. These otherworldly emanations constantly bathe our planet in positive & negative frequencies. These celestial energies work on us at multidimensional levels.

All celestial bodies constantly produce energies at unique frequencies. The energies released by the Zodiac Constellations contain all defining attributes of Mankind – in perfect form. Listening to Mattson’s “Zodiac Music” restores the frequencies that are missing or out of balance in your system.

In addition to the Fundamental Frequencies for each Zodiac Sign, Mattson includes actual NASA recordings of sounds released by well-known influential Stars and Star clusters – such as Sirius, Pleiades, Crab Nebula, Regulus, and more.

For Optimal Health, it is essential to have 12 key frequencies—at the proper levels—in our bodies and energy fields. When we listen to music today, we predominantly receive three notes/key signatures (C, D, G). However, we require 12 frequencies for optimal health. This musical collection includes the entire gamut of Fundamental Frequencies necessary for vibrant health.

A healthy spine has frequencies like a xylophone—three octaves of 12 half notes—that are repeated in this music. Tune your spine!

Aries – Generate energy to move into action, try new adventures, receive zest and spirit, stick up for yourself, increase self-power, motivation, be ready to act!

Tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: large, thick muscles, gross circulation, female reproduction (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Taurus – A stable energy for grounding, enjoying the comforts of home and family, fair play, stick to your guns.

Tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support balance of these issues: tendons, ligaments, tissue linings, circulation of digestion, bowels (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Gemini – A force of change to increase strength, to change quickly, pursue a variety of ideas, explore, organize, help others, reciprocation.

Tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: liver, gallbladder, pancreas digestion, appetite, production of enzymes and hormones (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Cancer – Generate energy to slow down, nurture and be nurtured, strengthen family ties and emotions.

The tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: cellular oxygenation and transport of minerals and oxygen to the eyes and muscles (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Leo – A stable energy to overcome sensitivity, be confident and dignified.

Tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: moist tissues, lungs, eye rose, bronchial structures, diaphragm, mouth, gums (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Virgo – A force of change to be responsible and refined, go the extra mile in a task, meet a deadline, plan, fine-tune.

Tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: kidney, environmental allergies, prostate, male reproduction, lower back, cranial balance (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Libra – Generate energy to build strong partnerships, balance, carry out plans, focus on others needs, sharing.

The tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: blood filtering and screening, managing mineral balances, the flow of fluids, and nutrients (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Scorpio – A stable energy to deepen relationships, loyalty, devotion, feel intensely, think ahead.

Tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: neurotransmitters, the balance of minerals and enzymes, bone matrix, water balance (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Sagittarius – A force of change to expand your world with all kinds of exciting adventures and endeavors, good luck, make a difference, be hands-on, manage time.

Tones in this song balances the zodiac sign and support these issues: resource maintenance and storage, with C# retrieving nutrients from the bowel (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Capricorn – Generate energy to be of service, meet responsibilities, support your community, complete projects, be spiritual, take care of others.

Tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: eyes, electrical issues, non-physical issues, resource management, and aging (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Aquarius – A stable energy to deeply understand yourself, support groups, be intuitive, read between the lines, and strategize.

The tones in this song balance the zodiac sign and support these issues: the immune system, adrenal problems with environmental allergies, related body detoxification, and oxygen regulation (according to Sharry Edwards of BioAcoustics).

Pisces – A force of change to overcome the ego and self-interests, transcend your life and then prepare to start over again, meditate, spirituality.

Love, Pease and Wellbeing to Every Cell in My Body

“Jill, As I listened to your music for the very first time, I felt it immediately begin to minister love, peace and well-being to every cell in my body. Frankly, that hasn’t happened ever in my life. I felt every cell coming into perfection as I closed my eyes to breathe in this amazing music. Thank you!!! Much love.”

Michael Murphy

Healing Frequency Music Melts Fears and Cares Away

When I listen to your beautiful CD my cares melt away and I feel the illusion of fear dissolve. I experience the truth of light and love when I listen to your music.

Anne L

Hauntingly Beautiful Music Creates Surges of Consciousness

“Last night I was taken by the haunting beauty of the vocals and also by the cascading effect of the music and how it seemed to create rhythmic surges of consciousness—as if my attention was being swept in and out like the waves on the ocean that were also a part of the music.”


Jeff C.

My Clients All Ask For It

“I feel so peaceful, the sounds are so healing. I use it during my healing sessions with clients. They all ask for it.”


  • Package A

    Discount: 88% Off

    Total Value:$775

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 3

Your Personal Voice Analysis

Value: $127

Voice Analysis

Includes two written past life reviews!

The Human Voice is a “Window to our Well-being.” The spoken voice is comprised of thousands of individual frequencies. Our voice is like a musical orchestra that combines many instruments to produce a complex audio composition. Each component frequency in the voice is linked to underlying physical systems and the “state” of the critical frequencies reveals information about the associated body organ or system – and the corresponding health of the body.

Jill Mattson has produced a program that analyzes the frequencies that make up your speaking voice. Mattson uses a software program (Invented by Sharry Edwards) that separates the continuous spectrum of frequencies comprising your Voice into the fundamental components. Once the voice spectrum breakdown is created, Mattson can analyze the results for critical components and balances/imbalances… that are related to important personal issues and challenges. She combines this Voiceprint assessment with your most fundamental Astrological Influences/considerations and finally does a “mini-psychic reading” of your energies (contained in your voiceprint).

Mattson then provides a written report that is completely customized for the individual. This report gives follow-up recommendations that include missing frequencies and the Zodiac “Songs” that complete and harmonize your energy field, fostering health and balance in your life. The entire process is simple and fast to complete.

Your Personal Voice Analysis Package ~ What’s included:

  • After purchasing your personal voice analysis, click on the link provided. Make a short recording of your normal speaking voice. Please make sure your microphone is turned on.
  • Mattson will analyze the presence/breakdown of critical frequencies contained in your voice.
  • Important Astrological Influences are factored into your personal analysis.
  •  Further, Mattson performs a (mini) psychic reading based on your Voice and personal information. Often including several past lives – information.
  • A written report covering the comprehensive assessment above and, most importantly, listening instructions to add and subtract your frequencies to harmonize and balance your energy fields – based on your voice analysis and astrological and psychic readings. This report will be emailed to you.
  • Charts and instructions on how to use this music for targeted physical and emotional benefits.

So Full of Emotion…Becoming Lighter and Lighter

“Dear Jill, I am tearing up because I am so full of emotion because of our work together. To feel like I can have sustained joy is a miracle, and I thank you for helping me get there. You are a beautiful soul, and “I was so right when I looked into your eyes on the screen and ordered your program. The work you did to bring in the light and the healings you are facilitating helped shine a light on that shadow lurking in my field. I believe that I will become lighter and lighter-literally and figuratively. Thank you, Jill. May you and your family continue to be incredibly blessed.”


Shockingly Accurate

“Thank you so much Jill. You touched on so much of who I am, the voice report was a little unnerving. You are a gift to the world.”


This Tool Is What I've Been Waiting For

“The voice spectrum analysis report was amazing, accurate, and rings true to me. What a tool! I have used and created many tools for healing and self-development and studied many healing methods over my lifetime but this method you put together is like a tool I have been waiting for… wow!”



“Wow! That reading was phenomenal! It drew my breath and instantly transported me to a magical feeling.”

Susan Karns

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$892

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the voice analysis has occurred.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 4

45-Minute Private Session with Speaker

Value: $127

Via Zoom

Powerful Personal Sessions with renowned Sound Healer & Psychic - Jill Mattson

Enjoy a unique, individualized Reading to access critical information! Jill Mattson is an “open channel,” meaning you can contact nearly unlimited sources to access critical information for YOU!

Possibilities are thrilling – Mattson’s readings include:

  • Learn of past lives!
  • Resolve karma, relationships, negativity – or other issues from past lives that hold you back today!
  • Do mind-blowing energy treatments
  • Channel Ascended Beings for incredible energy, receive subtle gifts, and improve your intuitive skills. Find your destined path.

Use your time with Jill to create energy flows for manifesting.

Readings are 45 minutes in length and can be audio or audiovisual.



IMMEDIATELY Healed Extreme Pain

Jill, I was in extreme pain. Afterward, I felt healing immediately, and this morning I am at ease and well. Everything you shared felt so true. Much love and blessings for all you do! Xo”

Mari Riches

Deeply In Love With Life

“Even though I received my reading from Jill months ago, I still go back to it, and I am still receiving the benefits of her channeling. I was deeply moved by Jill’s devotion to service and by her transmission. 

During the session, I could access and transform some essential stories from past lives that were still affecting me. After Jill’s reading, I felt whole and integrated, as if some pieces of my soul had returned to me. Following her high intuition and deep spiritual connection, Jill guided me through energy clearing, finding closure and resolution, and remembering the spiritual gifts I brought into this life. I received new critical insights into my behavior patterns, relationships, and longings.

After the session with Jill, I felt happy and deeply in love with life! I felt welcomed, honored, and loved. I could understand and experience the unity of all that is in a new way.

Jill shines her humble and very generous presence. She is truly masterful at what she does.”

Arina Matvejeva

Moved to Tears in Remembrance

Yes! I immediately started to cry, but it was due to recognition and remembrance. It felt like I was so moved by Jeremiel’s love and tenderness when carrying us ‘over’. Thank you so much!”


Renewal of Hope, Faith, Self

“Your teachings and work have shifted my sense of self, renewed hope, and faith in what’s possible for my life to impact others.”


Underlying Reasons for Eating Issues Releasing

“Wow, so powerful! I’m buzzing. I’ve struggled with eating issues most of my life. I could feel all of the underlying issues releasing… Thank you.” 

Amber in Ocean View, HI

TRANSFORMED: Heart Light and Expansive

“When I saw myself in the records, I was so poor. I had nothing. I saw my tattered clothing. I could FEEL myself at that moment. I started to sob. Then Jill asked us to move to another space, and I instantly felt myself as an observer of myself, seeing ALL the LOVE that I am. That love has imprinted my physical heart. My heart feels so light and expansive. My breathing has changed as well. It is so incredible. I FEEL transformed!!!”

Helen in Chester

"A Powerful Energetic Release and Heart Healing"

“Wow, that was so intense, very strong, a lot of energy came into my crown, went into my heart chakra, and then I started to spin. A lot of grief got lifted. Thank you so much.”

Aniz in Calgary

"Finding My True Voice from Within"

My voice was quieter, and its power came from within instead of from trying to speak forcefully with power externally.”


"Life-Changing Insights and Powerful Energy Healing"

“Your information helped me to find my path and what I enjoy in life. Amazing that I couldn’t see that until this reading. With this knowledge, I was happy with the choices that I made. Plus, you gave me an energy treatment so powerful that I had to lay down, in fact, much of the day. I can’t tell you HOW much better I felt. What healing and what a difference in my life.”

Aaron Bessemer

"A Deep Connection with Archangel Michael"

“Jill, Hearing from ArchAngel Michael, was like hearing from someone I knew my whole life. His energy and guidance was “out of this world”. How can I thank you enough! “

Michael Sarandon

  • Package C

    Discount: 79% Off

    Total Value:$897

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight.

Cosmic Streams


Runtime: 78 Minutes

Balancing Ancient Energy Centers using Guided Meditation

Secrets were passed down through the Ancient Mystery Schools concerning subtle energy channels within your body, such as the chakras. Initiates in various schools of enlightenment, studying under an ascended master, scribed special ways of clearing and balancing the chakras. This CD incorporates many of these long lost methods to deeply clear chakras. 

This guided meditation includes 17 sound-based methods for chakra clearing from all over the Earth. Sounds add energies associated with chakra clearing. For example, when you visualize the color red associated with the root chakra, the sound of red is playing in the background. This sound amplifies the energy created by visualizing the color red. The rhythm, pitch, Tibetan bowl, elemental sound, and syllable associated with each chakra are sounded during the meditation, amplifying the power and energy for chakra clearing! 

An Unrivaled Chakra Meditation Experience

  • Tune Chakras with Special Frequencies, Rhythmic Patterns, Colors, Elements, Emotional Subtle Energies and Affirmations 
  • Clear all Chakra layers and dimensions 
  • Harmonize and balance all major Chakra levels – including higher energy connections 
  • Align Chakra harmonic patterns using vowel sounds, musical instruments and Tibetan bowls
  • Chakras are linked with specific glands – the control centers of your body. Activate and clear the Chakra/gland subtle energy connections.
  • Elevate spirituality through Channeled Subtle Energies of Ascended Masters and Angels


  • Package A

    Discount: 88% Off

    Total Value:$775

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$892

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the voice analysis has occurred.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package C

    Discount: 79% Off

    Total Value:$897

    You Wealth Special Offer:$197

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $99, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

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*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

About Jill Mattson

Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician, Author – expert, and Sound Healing composer – 15 intriguing and magical CDs using ancient and modern techniques and special healing frequencies. Jill is a 5-time author awarded Best Music & Book of the Year, 7 Gold, and 3 Silver Awards from COVR. Jill was featured at hundreds of teleseminars and on over a thousand radio shows and magazines, including covers! She offers an online Sound Healing School Free music & School of Sound Healing! 

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Jill Mattson’s package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker’s offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker’s offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker’s digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Jill Mattson’s package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically “Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?”. Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered “Yes”. Only 67 respondents answered “No”. A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].