Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra! The New Moon at approximately 10 degrees of Libra became exact yesterday, on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 2:49 PM New York time (18:49 GMT). The annular South Node Solar Eclipse peaked slightly before that, at 2:45 New York Time (18:45 GMT).

Solar Eclipses always coincide with New Moons. A Solar Eclipse is like a supercharged New Moon—it sets the stage for the next 6 months. It’s a good idea to set intentions for the next 6 months, a few days after the Eclipse has passed.

During Eclipse Season, we have been receiving energetic downloads (we could call these codes) that serve to unravel what we no longer need to carry with us, while also redirecting us in the direction of our Highest Destiny in this life.

Eclipse Season is an unsettled time when everything is undergoing recalibration. It is an uncertain time and it is certainly a time to expect the unexpected.

This is a South Node Eclipse, occurring on the South Lunar Node. South Node Eclipses have to do with alchemizing the karma and energetic baggage that we are carrying, so that we can move forward freely into our Highest Destiny here on Earth.

Often, the codes that are downloaded to us during a South Node Eclipse end up initiating the necessary changes that we need in order to be energetically free to move into that Highest Destiny.

Since Libra, being the ruler of the 7th House, has to do with relationships—including partnerships—the codes downloaded now can end up initiating changes in how our most important relationships fit into our lives .

Libra is the cardinal air sign. A cardinal sign signals the beginning of a season! Libra is in charge of welcoming in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. As tropical astrology was created to align the signs with the Northern Hemisphere seasons, it makes sense that fall is ruled by an air sign, with the leaves flying through the air and the wind blowing, foretelling the return of winter.

Libra is a cardinal air sign that is represented by the glyph of scales, demonstrating the need for balance and harmony as one of the irreplaceable facets of a healthy life. Libra is also the sign of justice, ruling over all things related to justice, fairness, and the law. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and relationships.

And that’s exactly what is on our mind heavily right now: love and relationships. On a personal level this Libra eclipse is most likely to have the biggest impact on your relationships—both romantic and familial.


For romantic relationships, this will be a make-or-break time. Many relationships will be going through tumult—and even separations—at this time. With Libra, the name of the game is fairness and balance. If one partner feels like they are being treated unfairly, or their needs are not being met, these things will likely cause major problems in the relationship now, and over the next few weeks.

Libra being the steward of the Descendant, so to speak, is focused on integration with others. Libra’s tendency can be to sweep things under the rug in the name of keeping the peace. However, with Venus in Scorpio, there will be a strong force that encourages us to speak up and tell the truth about our feelings and our experience.

You should speak up about what you need to at this time. Mercury joins with the sun and moon in this eclipse chart, just over one degree away.

On the other side of the coin, there is a strong and beautiful force in this eclipse chart that will fortify those relationships that are meant to be fortified. Venus in passionate, raw Scorpio joins with Mars in nurturing, emotional Cancer and the Retrograde Saturn in Pisces to form a beautiful Grand Water Trine. Saturn is the stabilizer in this setup, providing the opportunity for some relationships to enter a new level of intimacy and strength in the weeks following this eclipse.

Saturn is also the planet of karma, and with it so pleasantly trining Mars and Venus, the opportunity is there for longstanding issues—that in reality are rooted in past-life karma—in relationships to finally find resolution in the weeks and months following this eclipse.

With Mercury in Libra conjunct the eclipse, the natural tendency of this energy is toward resolution. The energies are supportive of us having deep, meaningful, cleansing, and clearing conversations with our loved ones.

To further discuss romantic relationships in your life, I’d like to present to you a very simple yet powerful set of questions to ask yourself to understand whether you are in a relationship that is supportive of your evolution or not. Ask yourself these three questions:

(a) Does my relationship add to my growth, or does it slow it?

(b) Does my relationship add more positive things to my experience of life than negative, or does it add more negative things to my experience of life than positive?

(c) Am I evolving, on a personal level, during my experience of this relationship? Or am I stagnating or being held back?

For those relationships that are reaching their expiration date, you may look back and notice that the rockiness really accelerated since last March’s Lunar Eclipse in Libra. The time window between that eclipse and this one has kind of been this make-or-break time where relationships will either make the cut or not.

One of the most fascinating parts of my spiritual skills/Service Work is that I have the special ability to read the karmic ties between two people. You can be assured that almost always, those people in your life with whom you have had the most complicated relationships with (think family members, close friends and romantic lovers) are people that you’ve known before in past lives.

As I said, this eclipse is occurring on the South Node in Libra—strongly highlighting karmic relationships, as the South Node represents our past lives. We are being asked to more deeply understand–and to heal–our most important karmic relationships at this time.

You see, souls like to ‘dress up’ and play different characters in each others’ plays. Your mother may have been your brother in another lifetime. Your husband may have been your daughter in another lifetime. Souls who know each other well often incarnate with each other over and over. These souls who you know well may be fellow souls in your Soul Group of twelve—or if not, then they likely are in your Monadic Group of 144 souls.

When two souls that know each other quite well dress up as different characters and have different relationships between each other in a series of lifetimes, karma is accumulated between the two souls.

In this context, think of karma as a log of every word spoken and experience shared between two souls when they are incarnated at the same time on the Earth. Your history with your current boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, or dad likely goes much deeper than just what you can remember from your current lifetime.

The natural trajectory of all things is balance and resolution (this is what Libra teaches)—and it is no different in this case. Each soul desires to resolve any past negative karma with other souls. Sometimes, it is planned for the resolution to happen in this lifetime, but sometimes not. Sometimes the resolution may be planned for a subsequent lifetime or for after one or both of the souls has left their physical body and is now existing in an afterlife realm.

As Lightworkers, we naturally want to resolve everything. We generally carry a deep-down aversion to people being mad at us or disappointed in us. Lightworkers tend to be martyrs and people pleasers rather than narcissists. However, although the natural trajectory of all karmic relationships is complete resolution, it may not always be the right time for that to happen.

One of the most difficult lessons for many Lightworkers is to learn when to walk away, or to cut someone out of their lives.

Please receive these words clearly and with compassion: you are under no obligation to continue to receive someone’s abuse or negative energy simply because they are your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, son, daughter, mother, father, friend, or co-worker. You have complete free will to cut anyone out of your life if you feel so inclined.

I know this is not an easy thing to talk about, but you are likewise under no obligation to continue to be emotionally and energetically drained by someone, no matter your history with them. I realize that sometimes it is not practical or even possible to completely cut someone out of your life—or you may not want to or be ready to–but in many instances the solution may be to keep some geographical distance between you and that person, or to just interact with that person less often.

You don’t have to pick up the phone every time someone calls. You don’t have to respond to every text. You don’t have to hang out with a person every time they are feeling sad or want to complain about their boyfriend. You don’t have to tolerate being drained.

But there are of course relationships that you do want to keep. You don’t want to avoid the other person, but there are some difficulties that need to be worked through. As I said before, this wonderful Grand Trine sets the foundation for a wonderful experience of relationships at this time.

Listening to someone else deeply and fully is one of the best gifts that you can give somebody. Practice listening without immediately inputting your opinion—try letting someone just let out everything they need to say, so they feel fully heard–and then speak your mind. Usually when people feel listened to, they’ll be more apt to listen better to what you have to say.

The Libra energies support a healthy back-and-forth dialogue. With Venus being in Pluto-ruled Scorpio joining in on the wonderful Grand Water Trine with Mars and Saturn, it’s a wonderful time to heal perceived issues of misuse of power between people (especially in families and partnerships); and to establish a more commensurate balance of power between you and others, that can cultivate a healthier relationship for both you and the other into the future.

As Libra rules the House of Partnerships (the 7th), it also very much has to do with romantic relationships of course. Unquestionably, the one factor that differentiates successful, harmonious, long-lasting romantic relationships from those that come and go with frustration, is effective communication. 

When things are left unsaid between lovers—or when what is said is vague and unclear–it builds up tension in both parties. Even the most unintuitive person can sense that something is amiss when a lover isn’t telling them something important.

There are cases where people stay married for decades while still holding back from telling their partner their true feelings.

Oftentimes, people get into a long-term relationship and things become familiar. They end up literally becoming afraid of what life would be like without their partner. They may wish their partner would radically change, or deep down they may wish that they had the courage to walk away, but they believe these endeavors would be futile.

Afraid to leave the marriage, they just bottle up the resentment inside. This type of resentment can even manifest itself as cancer years down the line if the feelings are not dealt with and the necessary difficult conversations are not had.

If we want to build 5th-Dimensional partnerships, the most important facet is open communication. When the communication is open from the start, it is a lot less likely that one partner will feel afraid to bring something up to the other later on in the relationship.

If you’ve been in a relationship for awhile where the energy feels stagnant and you feel like there is a lot that has been left unsaid, one helpful tip is to plan an excursion out in public and plan to have a difficult conversation there (or alternatively just go on a walk with your partner).

Getting outside of your home (if you live together)–in which the energy has become stagnant–and into a fresh environment with fresh energy can also bring fresh energy to the way that you and your partner have become accustomed to communicating with one another.

Of course, the truth is sometimes relationships—whether romantic or familial—are irreparable, at least for the time being. Sometimes a relationship requires a period of separation before two people can really come back and repair what had been damaged.

Or sometimes a relationship needs to reach its conclusion, and the karmic issues will need to be worked out later when the two people are in a different stage in their life, or even in future lifetimes, the dream space, or afterlife realms.

As a planet at large, if we are going to indeed successfully complete this Ascension process, it is not just about our individual Ascensions, but it is also a requirement that we evolve into conscious, supportive relationships.

Many of our benevolent extraterrestrial friends—like the Sirians—have mastered relationships. For the Sirians, for example, mature communication and mutual respect are natural. If you are in a healthy romantic relationship, you should strive for the same.

As we collectively begin to spend more and more time fully anchored into the 5th Dimension, one of the challenges to be had is learning to transition into more conscious relationships. We have all grown up in 3D families, and the imprintings of how those family members, especially our parents, handled relationships lies in the subconscious as a program until it is replaced by a more conscious program.

To assist in imprinting new programs for more enlightened relationships, consider if the following three pillars feel good to you. These apply to romantic, friendship, business, and family relationships, though the last one can be the most difficult to shift.

1. Desire

You only need to participate in relationships in which you desire to be in. If you don’t desire to be in the relationship—whatever type it is—you are under no obligation to. Staying in a relationship that you don’t want to be in simply because you’re getting something material out of it is not ideal–and perhaps the relationship will disappear eventually, anyways.

In 5D, there is no such thing as ‘I did this for you and now I expect you to return the favor’. If you desire to return the favor, then you do. If you don’t, you are under no obligation to. Just because you have a history with someone does not mean you are contracted to continue with them into your future.

2. Communication

In harmonious 5D relationships, communication is clear between both sides. If one person feels like they need something from the other and they aren’t getting it, they communicate that. It’s then up to the other person to decide if they desire to give that or not. If they do, great. If not, then the one who feels his or her needs are unmet can choose to let go of any expectations of receiving that, or to leave the relationship.

In 3D relationships, people often have expectations of the other person that the other may not be even aware of. When expectations are unmet, it leads to disappointment, victimhood, and finger-pointing.

In 5D relationships, instead of holding expectations and expecting the other to fulfill those whether he or she is aware of them or not, we communicate what we want in the relationship. We communicate what makes us feel comfortable, and what makes us feel uncomfortable. And in this way, you can have healthy negotiation and compromise.

In 5D relationships, we don’t get angry at one another. When anger arises, it is a signal that a wounding is getting triggered, and instead of expressing anger at the other beloved, you remove yourself from the conversation until the charge of the emotion has passed   . Anger expressed outward always harms. Anger felt and honored inward is very healing.

3. Boundaries

In 5D relationships, we become very clear about what our boundaries are. What you feel comfortable with and desire in a relationship will be different for each person in your life. So it’s important to set clear boundaries with everyone. You don’t need to type up a contract and e-mail it to them, but when someone crosses your boundaries in any way, you need to be direct.

Being direct is different than being mean or insulting or angry. Being direct is an expression of your highest values.

For example, if you live with someone and they are borrowing or taking food from you without asking, that might be something that crosses the line with you. It may be dishonoring a value of yours if the roommate or family member doesn’t ask for your permission.

For other people, it would be no big deal. But if it is to you, then you need to communicate that. When you honor your boundaries, it feels good. It feels empowering. It’s a way of honoring your own divinity.

When thinking about how to ameliorate relationships—especially non-romantic ones—it can be helpful to consider whether in general, would it be helpful in bettering the relationship if you were to be more assertive or more tolerant?

Sometimes the answer is both—being more assertive in some situations/contexts, and more tolerant in others.

I would recommend taking a moment now to journal a bit on your relationships. After reading this, what are you feeling about the direction of your romantic relationship (if you are in one)? What needs to be done? How can you better some of your other non-romantic relationships


For those of us that are single or open, now is a wonderful time to meet new partners, with Venus being in passionate, romantic and sexual Scorpio, and with all of the Libra energy having relationships be at the top of everyone’s mind right now.

With the Libra energies being in focus, being a great listener will go a long way in forming successful new romantic connections.

Meeting a new partner during an Eclipse Season is significant. Strong connections that are initiated during Eclipse Seasons are very likely important karmic relationships, or even Twin Flames or Divine Union partnerships. Pay attention to who you meet during this time, as they can be important figures in your soul’s journey.


As this is the final eclipse of 2024, in the weeks following this eclipse we will begin to integrate the intense codes that have been downloaded into our energy fields this Eclipse Season. In this eclipse chart, we have Chiron the (Wounded) Healer in Aries (Retrograde) sextiling Jupiter in Gemini—highlighting that the next few weeks (and really, the next six months, to extrapolate) will be a tremendous window for personal growth!

One of the main takeaways from this Libra eclipse should be that we learn the most important things in life through the context of our experiences in relationships, as we have discussed at length. It’s also crucial to remember to never lose the self in the context of relationships (as this is the shadow aspect of Libra/the Descendant).

We learn from relationships to grow as individuals, so that then we can participate in relationships in a higher-vibration matter, and so on and so forth (it forms a wonderful positive upward spiral of evolution).

The North Node in Aries is teaching the personal development piece right now, and we shouldn’t lose sight of that aspect of the current energies. 

Wishing you a happy and healing eclipse and New Moon in Libra!

With Love,

Matthew John

About The Author

Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Trance Channeler, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Speaker & Spiritual Life Coach/Mentor working with angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Galactics.

He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler, trance channel, and a transmitter of healing frequencies.

Matthew has been on a 14-year+ Awakening journey. His powerful and effective teachings and healings are a product of many intense Awakening experiences, deeply human ordeals and tens of thousands of hours of study. He receives clear guidance from his Guides which he shares with his followers and clients from around the world. He specializes in helping others to heal their childhood and past-life traumas, reading people’s life plans from a Soul perspective, as well as serving as an activator and a mentor for Starseeds and those who are looking to accelerate their spiritual development.

As a Sirian, Blue Avian, Orion, and Andromedan Starseed, Matthew is intimately familiar with the mission of Starseeds on Earth. He guides clients and followers to connect with their Starseeded essence and to align with their specific Divine Service Work on Earth. 

Matthew is a spiritual leader for the Golden Age. He has an innate ability to see the ‘big picture’, and this is why he is so effective in assisting his clients and followers to heal, transform, and accelerate their Awakening.

Matthew resides in Western New York, U.S.A. with his Ascension dog Sebastian.

Visit Matthew’s website: https://www.youareadivinehuman.org/

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