Paul Fassa of Real Pharmacy writes:

Just because Whole Foods uses it on their in-house prepared foods doesn’t mean it is actually a healthy oil. If you’ve been keeping up, you should know by now Whole Foods is a business cashing in on health trends without any regard for promoting and preserving what’s actually healthy.

Whole Foods was involved with promoting the current soon to be signed GMO “Dark Act, a measure dressed up as a compromise and hidden in another bill. This soon-to-be law overrides states rights to label, even retroactively.

After all the trouble Vermonters went through to create their GMO labeling law that only just went into effect this July, it will now be revoked by this federal law.

Instead, a very toothless labeling law that doesn’t even enforce its barcode system, which requires being read by smartphones only, and is so full of loopholes of what a GMO is that it’s likely to allow most genetically engineered foods to pass through.

Thanks for the non-GMO help Whole Foods. After all, the cheap Canola oil used in your in-house made foods is probably GMO.

Canola Oil: What It Is Really

First of all there is no canola seed or plant. Canola oil comes from rapeseed plant seeds, which despite its ugly name yields a high amount of oil. Originally, that oil wasn’t fit for human consumption. So it was used industrially, similar to motor oil’s machinery protection. What made it unfit for humans was erucic acid, which can lead to fatty deposits in the heart muscles of animals and humans.

But over time with hybrid breeding, versions of rapeseed plant seeds eliminated most of the erucic acid, making that toxin a non-issue today. So even if a crop of rapeseed  (canola oil) is among the ten percent or so of “Canola” seeds that are not genetically modified to be Roundup Ready, the processing of this oil makes it a health hazard.

When you purchase foods made with Canola oils, which is a very cheap processed oil, it is very likely to be GMO because 80-90% of Canola comes from Roundup Ready rapeseed seeds to allow heavy glyphosate spraying.

Read more HERE

About the Author

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers.