
Divine Curiosity and the Limitations of Science

Humanity is far more powerful than we imagine, even on an individual level. When we begin to give ourselves more credit, the credit of Conscious Creator energy, we soon realize the divine empowerment within us. How do we access it? By using it. By transitioning from complaining to exploring solutions. By expanding beyond fear that…

6 Ways To Read Someone’s Mind Easily

Many of us think of reading somebody else’s mind as a sort of control mechanism. If you can figure out their next move, you can manipulate them or anticipate their future actions. In reality, it can be far more practical and personal. Reading someone else’s mind allows you to be there for them, understand their…

The Art of Fighting Without Fighting shares: You might find yourself in a tricky conflict from time to time – without a doubt, you will, and many people resort to violence in these situations – which only perpetuates more violence. What do you think the best way to deal with a bully is? If a kid was picking on you…

10 Consciousness Facts

Consciousness has been defined as many things to many people, but there can never be one encompassing definition to what it really is. However, there are several factual components that assist in its definition and allow us to assess our own level of consciousness. What level are you at? Before reading this list, it’s important…

Interdependent Universe: Everything is Connected

We all possess a powerful human soul, and we – along with everything else in the universe – are connected. You might have heard this before, and passed it on as some metaphysical conspiracy. However, there is a much deeper truth to this statement than you understand firsthand. The universe has had humans baffled for…

How the Law of Attraction Changed My Life shares: “How the Law of Attraction Changed My Life” was originally published at Raise Your Vibration Today. I don’t know about you, but the Law of Attraction changed my life in a dramatic way, and definitely for the better. Sure, I’ve used it to attract “things” like cars, and money and a business, but…