
Why Global Healing Is About To Accelerate

How often have we truly wanted to forgive a situation, a person, or even ourselves only to keep reliving whatever occurred in the depths of our soul?  How does healing truly happen, and how can we let it unfold in a natural process that involves love for self and others? One traditional method from Hawaii…

You Can Benefit from Unconditional Prayer in 4 Simple Steps

We’ve all heard of unconditional love, but there’s a concept that is far less popular and perhaps even more important. It’s unconditional prayer, the practice of communicating with the Divine for the more connection, service and surrender. Unconditional prayer is the anti-thesis of “shopping list” praying where we tell the Divine what we want and…

Are you fearful of the unknown?

5 Tips for Protecting Yourself from Entities and Other Negative Energies.  By Joshua Bloom Do you fear that what you can’t see could possibly hurt you?  In the movies we often see goblins, ghouls and scary stuff that makes us worry or have concern in our real life about the unknown. You may ask yourself…

11 Intriguing Signs of Intuition

Are you aware of the signs of intuition you receive? Intuition is defined as: “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.” Now, while it is true that some people are more intuitive than others, intuition is something all of us experience regularly. You are an intuitive being, whether you realize…

Unlock the Mystery of Eternal Happiness

Don’t Worry Be Happy Now Let’s explore the dictionary definition of ‘happy’: feeling or showing pleasure contentment joy carefree blessed fortunate You get the picture, right? So why is it most of us feel that happiness is something to be attained? In my professional (‘School of Hard Knocks‘ education — certificate somewhere in file 13)…

Your Ancestors Didn’t Sleep Like You – Are We Doing It Wrong?

Evidence continues to emerge, both scientific and historical, suggesting that the way in which the majority of us currently sleep may not actually be good for us. In 2001, historian Roger Ekirch of Virginia Tech published a paper that included over 15 years of research. It revealed an overwhelming amount of historical evidence that humans…

Music – The Path to Enlightenment

Enlightenment – Incredibly Easy! By Jill Mattson Many paths lead people along the long road to enlightenment – when one overcomes the difficulties of negativity in the world of duality. At the conclusion of the journey participants experience nothing but love. Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, service and devotion are examples of such paths to enlightenment. Today we…