
You Might Be An Angel In Training, watch out for the 11 signs

11 Signs You Might Be An Angel In Training shares: Angel in Training Sign #1 – You’re thirsty for new knowledge and you feel different from others. Angel in Training Sign #2 – You are deeply convinced that Life has a more profound meaning than just living an ordinary life. Angel in Training Sign #3 – One day, you feel good, you sense Life and…

The Divinity and Infinity of This Moment, is the WOW of NOW

The WOW of NOW: Exploring the Divinity & Infinity of This Moment

Tamara Rant from ConsciousLifeNetwork writes:  I honestly cannot think of anything more talked about in the “spiritual community” than the importance of being present or “staying in the moment” or someone mentioning the (literally) life-changing book by Eckhart Tolle aptly named, “Be Here Now”. So, what IS it about right here and NOW that is…

Affirmations and the power they have in a discussion

The Power of Affirmations

Emmanuel Dagher from writes:  Athletes who are dedicated to keeping the condition of their body at an optimum state through exercise know that in order to do so, there needs to be a specific formula. This formula usually consists of some if not all of the following things: 1.   A willingness to maintain…

Worrying About Imaginary Problems, 4 signs you can spot

​4 Clear Signs You’re Worrying About Imaginary Problems

Andrea Schulman of writes: ​With the Law of Attraction, what we think about, we create in our reality. Therefore, if you’re worrying about imaginary problems, you are actually in the process of bringing them through to fruition! Problems don’t exist until we create them. Therefore, worrying about imaginary problems is actually the only “real” problem any…

Chinese New Year on New Moon in Aquarius January 27/28th

New Moon in Aquarius January 27/28th: Dreams, Wishes & Chinese New Year

Lance Schuttler from writes:  Late in the night on Friday January 27th and early morning of Saturday the 28th (depending where you live in the world), there will be a beautiful new moon taking place at 8 degrees of Aquarius. This new moon is highlighted by Venus square Saturn and Mars moving into Aries…

How to understand, how to learn and How to See Energy

How to See Energy

Susan L. Magine of Awakening People writes: Everything in reality is made of energy. But for most of us this can be a hard concept to comprehend because we are conditioned to perceiving the world as very real and solid. As children we are taught, for example, that a table is a table, and a…

I Hear Things and I See Things…I believe things can be said for better

I See Things… I Hear Things…

Debbie Johnson wrote:  I Hear Things and I See Things . I spend my days talking and communicating with loved ones of others on the other side. As a child, I spent my days trying to figure out what I was seeing and hearing and what the heck was going on! I think I still…