
Inter-Dimensional Travel

The Cosmic Art of Inter-Dimensional Travel

Tamara Rant of writes: In the beginning there was… Well, this would depend on whom you’re asking! Personally, I feel that the All came from Nothing (Zero-point, the Void, and what Buddhism calls Sunyata); and thus became everything…ever-expanding. Infinite potential at rest awoke, and once self-aware burst forth splinters of its own consciousness outward.…

Multidimensional Healing

The Art of Multidimensional Healing

Written by Gene Ang, Ph. D. Multi-dimensional healing means that you are healing more than just the physical dimension. There are two models that can be used to understand multidimensional healing. One model is called the Four Body Model and the other is the Seven Body Model. The Four Body Model and the Seven Body…

divine intelligence

Divine Curiosity and the Limitations of Science

Humanity is far more powerful than we imagine, even on an individual level.  When we begin to give ourselves more credit, the credit of Conscious Creator energy, we soon realize the divine empowerment within us.  How do we access it?  By using it.  By transitioning from complaining to exploring solutions.  By expanding beyond fear that…

How to Deal With Your FEAR About the Future

We are living in some uncertain times that has caused lots of worry and fear in people. In this video Andrea explains how to deal with your fear about the future in a way that brings you back into a state of peace and well-being.   h/t: 

self conscious


Alyzjah Kellam of writes: You must love your self. You must love who you are at this exact moment of time, and do that continuously. Live in a state of love for yourself, observe how you preform an action, observe how you see a situation, love to explore your own mind. You must love…


Enlightenment – Fast & Easy with Sound!

Written by Jill Mattson Many paths help people along the long road to enlightenment – overcoming the difficulties of negativity in this world of duality. With enlightenment, people rise above all negativity. Yet few achieve this divine state. Ancient masters preached that using your willpower to progress towards enlightenment was the SLOW way!  So what…