
Brainwave States

How Do You Use Brainwave States For Your Personal Benefit?

Most of us are aware that we operate in various brainwave states throughout the day. Some of us purposely achieve brainwave states by way of meditation. Others may use specially formatted sound tracks in order to induce certain brainwave states. Are you aware that most individuals rely on one brainwave state more frequently than the…

Spiritual Awakening

The Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening

Frank M. Wanderer of writes: To be awake in life means the we are fully conscious in the present moment. Whatever we do, we do it fully consciously, focusing with all our attention to the activity we are actually performing. How many of us can say about ourselves that we are present in every moment…


7 Big Benefits of Journaling and How To Get Started Now

Laurie Barraco of Conscious Life News writes: The practice of writing down your thoughts, hopes, dreams and life experiences is one of the most valuable and important spiritual practices one can have. This practice is known as journaling or keeping a personal diary. I can speak from my own first hand experience that the ritual of…

Seeing Spirits - Can They See Me In The Shower?

How Do I Connect with the Archangels?

The angelic realm’s mission is to protect, nurture, and guide humanity. Races, cultures, and religions may have diverse and conflicting doctrines, but they all have one thing in common—a belief in Angels. In fact, 85 percent of all religions reference Angels in some form or another. Angelic beings team up to assist us in connecting…

the unleashed mind

The Mind is Unleashed:The World is Waking Up and it’s Magic to Watch

Phillip J. Watt of The Mind Unleashed writes: It’s inspiring to witness many of the earth’s people, especially in the Western world, becoming aware of the deep corruption in our social system, particularly because society is building its innate capacity to actually do something about it. More and more people now understand that we are…

Music of the Spheres

Music of the Spheres

There is one magical and beautiful thing which above all else defines our extraordinary, dawning Age: this time of such intensity heralds the end of separation, the birthing of a Golden Age. After eons and lifetimes when our inner and outer worlds have known every possible polarity and difference, every contradiction and opposition, we are…

Higher Self

Letting Your Higher Self Lead

Do you yearn to be of service but don’t know how to go about it Do Fears keep you from living the life you desire Do you feel like a victim and you life is meaningless Do you feel you have lost touch Do you feel you don’t matter and don’t belong Do you feel…

soul age

What Soul Age Are You?

Aletheia Luna of Awakening People writes: They say life is a “journey, a “school” and is here to teach us “important lessons”. But why? Have you ever considered the possibility that the lessons we learn and wisdom we accumulate in this life, extends into other lives? Is it perhaps possible that our life is not…


Body Mind Soul Spirit: 6 Fascinating Facts About Dreams

Larry Schwartz of writes: A new survey suggests men and women may dream differently. There aren’t many things that fascinate, frighten, sadden, intrigue, confuse, or enlighten us more than dreams. While science seems stumped about dreams, artists are inspired, creating countless books, movies, poems, paintings, dances and plays about dreams in an effort to…