
The Seat of the Soul the Gateway to Enlightenment

In ancient times the Egyptians thought the heart was the place of residence and seat for the Human Soul. Because of this belief the heart was especially preserved and left inside of the body after death while still all other organs were removed.  The Hindus too taught and believed the soul is located in the…

Fluoride | The Hidden History

Body Mind Soul Spirit: The HIDDEN History Of Fluoride

From an Article on Once you find out the hidden history behind fluoride, you will never intentionally ingest it again!  Fluoride is commonly found in water supplies and toothpaste, but you will also find it in processed foods made with tap water as well as in chemtrails.  Fluoride is a toxic waste that is…

Discover interpretations of the Tree of Life - the meaning, the principles and philosophy in ancient and modern times

5 Ancient Interpretations For The Meaning Of The Tree Of Life

The meaning of the Tree of Life in many modern interpretations is believed to connect all forms of creation. The image represents the Divine creator. Below are some of the different interpretations from various religions.   1. Christianity – The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden Within the center of the Garden of…

What if I told you that your higher self lies beyond the barriers of this physical world, but you can still access this high vibrational being while on Earth? It might seem a little farfetched because we have been taught that the only reality that exists is right before our eyes.

Top 9 Reasons To Reconnect With Your Higher Self

From an Article on Body Mind Soul Spirit: There are many reasons why it is more than worth your while to reconnect with your higher self. The top nine reasons (in no particular order of importance) are included here. 1. Your higher self (also known as your soul, your true self, your authentic self, your…

5 Karmaic Laws That Have the Potential to Change Your Life

Jr Trainer of writes:  At a very basic level, karma operates under cause and effect type principles. Your actions now will have a direct influence on what happens to you later. Which is ultimately why our fates are not written in stone. When we do good deeds for others, like buying the coffee of…

Spiritual Awakening

Awakening People:14 Unique Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Andrea Schulman of Awakening People writes: Have you experienced any symptoms of a spiritual awakening? Chances are, if you are reading this article, the answer is “yes!” A spiritual awakening is an ongoing process whereby a person becomes aware of their connection to the infinite, and becomes mindful of their spiritual nature. As spirits, we…

throat chakra

Throat Chakra: The Voice of God

Sabrina Reber of Awakening People writes: The throat chakra holds the energy of communication. It is located in the area between the shoulders and the neck and is developed during the ages of 7-12 years. Not only is the throat chakra used for communication between people but it is also how God and our higher…

intuitive children

How to Guide and Support Intuitive Children​​

Tanaaz Chubb of Awakening People writes: Intuitive children are those that are psychic, empathic and sensitive to the energies around them. They may also have prophetic dreams, visions or be able to see spirits or communicate with spirit guides and angels. Children are very susceptible to psychic energy and tend to feel things stronger than…