
Conscious Life News: Eckhart Tolle’s Gentle Action

Marcus T. Anthony of Conscious Life News writes: We should never underestimate the importance of taking concrete actions towards actualising our goals. Yet there is a genuine distinction that has to be made if you want to take action that is truly powerful in the highest sense. I am talking about a power which emerges from…

Expanded Conciousness

Expanded Consciousness: 3 Reasons Why you are Not Awake

Frank M. Wanderer of Expanded Consciousness writes: Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would certainly believe that I have gone mad. You are awake, you are concentrating your attention to reading, and you…

bad things happen to good people

Awakening People: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Andrea Schulman of Awakening People writes: Have you ever asked the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” Or (even more confusingly) “why do good things happen to bad people?” Often we just throw our hands up and say “life’s not fair!” However, this is an incorrect statement because life indeed is fair. …

Surrender Your Problems

10 Affirmations to Surrender Your Problems to the Universe

Andrea Schulman of Conscious Life News writes: Sometimes, we make a bigger deal out of our problems than we need to.  While we might be concerned and worried about how we are going to take the next step to resolve a pressing issue, this anxiety actually only makes it harder for us to find the…

9 Easy Ways to Manage Your Hypersensitivity

Andrée Laplante of Awakening People writes: If you find that you are getting more sensitive to what goes on in your life and in the world, you sometimes feel overwhelmed to the point you don’t recognize yourself and wish you had stayed in bed, you are not alone! Like everyone on this planet right now,…

Awakening People: Experiencing The Divine

Matthew Scott Donnelly of writes: There’s two different realities going on from within the world. One reality is that which exists from within the universe in which the world is as it is and therefor is perfect. And the second reality is that on a logical level from which the collective mind has hit…