
3 Very Important Concepts That Create Our Current Life Experiences

3 Very Important Concepts That Create Our Current Life Experiences

As we awaken it is important for us to understand that we are working with 3 very important concepts that create our current life circumstances: * Soul Contracts * Free Will and Karma * Subconscious Beliefs and Program Soul Contracts Soul Contracts are put in place before we incarnate. We go through a process of pre-birth planning…

Nine Choices Your Future Self Will Definitely Regret

Nine Choices Your Future Self Will Definitely Regret

“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, “It might have been.” -Kurt Vonnegut We all have something at the back of our minds that we wish to have done differently or haven’t done at all. We often ask ourselves what could be different if we tried harder to be better. Here…

7 Secrets To Knowing And Becoming Your Higher Self

7 Secrets To Knowing And Becoming Your Higher Self

Each of us is connected with the Divine. The Higher Self within us far transcends the understanding of our conscious minds. This is the power that all the great geniuses and teachers of history have accessed. It is also the place of magic and miracle in our lives. Here are the seven key steps to…

Five Obvious Signs Your Ego Is Running the Show

Five Obvious Signs Your Ego Is Running the Show

Is your ego sitting in the driver’s seat of your life? If so, you definitely aren’t alone! All of us (at least sometimes) hand over the control of our lives to our egos. Now, to be clear, your ego isn’t a “bad” thing. Egos often get a bad rap. But when we identify our egos…

Why The Best Place To Live Is In Your Own Imagination

Why The Best Place To Live Is In Your Own Imagination

This world is but a canvas for our imagination -Henry David Thoreau When we are children, we could care less if we got dirt on our clothes during a good tree climb, or if our hair looked just right before going up to play with a new classmate. We were quick to say exactly what…

Self Actualization - The Challenge Of Losing The Self

Self Actualization – The Challenge Of Losing The Self

Buddha preached giving up everything to reach awakening, Jesus  said “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” The path to self realization is paved with shedding things but what does it really mean? The ascetics tried giving up everything but Buddha saw that giving…

One Day, or Day One: How to Embrace Carpe Diem

One Day, or Day One: How to Embrace Carpe Diem

“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” ~Charles Du Bos What do you want to become? What do you want to achieve? Whatever it is, it will require sacrifice. The first sacrifice is time. You will have to decide between two contrasting…

Three Tips To Manifest Your Desires For Success And Happiness

Three Tips To Manifest Your Desires

Learning how to manifest your desires is important for success and happiness because it makes it easier for you to achieve your goals in life. At your current level of evolution, you are not able to instantaneously manifest your desires. However, you can increase your success rate of manifesting your desires by understanding how thought…

5 Things That Can Block Development Of Your Psychic Abilities

5 Things That Can Block Your Psychic Abilities

When it comes to developing psychic abilities, most people are focused on what they can do to enhance their psychic abilities. However, many are doing things that in fact, are slowing down the process.  There are 5 things that can block psychic abilities that many are unaware of. Simply by avoiding these 5 things, you will naturally…