Health & Vitality

Canola Oil Is Not a Healthy Oil

Paul Fassa of Real Pharmacy writes: Just because Whole Foods uses it on their in-house prepared foods doesn’t mean it is actually a healthy oil. If you’ve been keeping up, you should know by now Whole Foods is a business cashing in on health trends without any regard for promoting and preserving what’s actually healthy.…

Bembu: 36+ Foods That Heal Common Health Problems

From an article on Bembu: When you’re struggling with a health problem and looking to avoid taking medication to treat it, food is the number one way you have of taking control of the situation. Always consult your doctor for serious medical conditions, but along with their advice you can take steps to improve the…


Meditation can be used to solve plenty of common issues that most of us experience in today’s fast paced lifestyle. Studies in the last few years by major universities such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford and even MIT have shown how beneficial meditation can be in all aspects of our lives. Here is just a few…

The Mind Unleashed: Time for More Natural Approaches? Study Finds Medical Errors are 3rd Leading Cause of Death

Phillip J. Watt of The Mind Unleashed writes: The ignorant vilification and unethical suppression of natural, plant-based approaches to medical issues of both a mental and physical nature has long been exposed for the world to see. However, usually the proponents of pharmaceutically-derived mechanistic medicine point to the high success of the industry, but considering…

6 Benefits of a Foot Massage

Marlene Madison of Awakening People writes: Undeniably, the activities of our daily living are accompanied by stress, tension, anxiety, depression and emotional pressures. As our lives become busier and busier every day, the long-term effects of these physical, social, and emotional pressures are also increasing. Notably, one of the simplest and often overlooked effective solutions…

Wake Up World: 10 Detox Water Recipes to Try at Home

Dr. Edward Group of Wake Up World writes:  Detox water has become a wildly popular diet craze. Many hail it as a miracle diet and think it can support weight loss. Could this be a revolutionary new way to drop pounds and trim the physique, or is it just another fad diet? Let’s start by understanding…


Gabriella Disendorf of My Empowered World writes: We live in a busy, fast-moving world where people do not have time to think about themselves but are forced to go on with their lives without any opportunity to reflect on possible problems, unfortunate situations and the ways these things affected them emotionally. With this much regression,…