Health & Vitality

Woody Harrelson Speaks Out Against The System, Urges Public To Adopt Sustainable Change [Watch]

Amanda Froelich of True Activist writes:  Woody Harrelson might be best recognized for starring in box office hits such as ‘Zombieland’ and ‘The Hunger Games’, but he’s also a celebrated activist who, in the past, has promoted a plethora of issues that demand attention such as environmental responsibility, plant-based eating, and corruption in the government.…

Wild Blueberry Smoothie

Try this delicious smoothie recipe made with wild, lowbush blueberries; naturally occurring berries that have been growing in Maine, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island for more than 10,000 years. They are smaller in size than planted blueberries and a more concentrated source of nutrition and antioxidants. Wild Blueberries are the ultimate…

75% of Sunscreens Are Toxic, Use THIS Instead

All over the media, doctor’s office and magazines we see that too much sun exposure is bad for you and you need sunscreen as protection. At the same time, over 2 million Americans find out they have skin cancer each year. Now, researchers are telling us that sunscreen is actually harming us. In 2014, the…

Take a Glimpse Into the World of an Autistic Person With This Overstimulating 90-Second Video

Seth M of Expanded Consciousness writes: From every perspective, whether you’ve never known someone with autism or have a loved one who is autistic, education and information regarding this condition is important for the empathetic and aware individual. What is it?  Autism is a largely misunderstood condition that affects about 1 out of every 68…

Want Delicious Chickpeas in Your Garden?

Ariana Marisol of writes: Chickpeas are regarded as beans but botanically they are neither beans nor peas. A chickpea is a tender annual legume, that grows up to about 18 inches tall and produces pairs of dark green, compound leaflets. Chickpeas have swollen, oblong pods that are about 1 inch long and wide. These…

How to Make Chocolate Bars with Coconut Oil

From an article on Complete Health & Happiness: I love chocolate. Fortunately, for all the chocolate lovers out there, studies have proven that dark chocolate is really good for you. It is loaded with antioxidants and has many health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. Dark chocolate has magnesium, which helps relax the nervous…

How the Human Heart Functions as a Second Brain

PL Chang  of The Mind Unleashed writes: The word “heart” is an anagram for the word “earth”. Hence, the phrase “home is where the heart is”. How the Human Heart Functions as a Second Brain Because the heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field, the information stored in its electromagnetic field affects every organ and cell…