
The Difference between the Mandela Effect and Manifestation

I’ve been asked recently whether there is a difference between the Mandela effect and manifestation–and if there is a difference, what that might be. The short answer is: Yes, there is a difference, and it has a lot to do with conscious intent. A trending monicker for reality shifts is “Mandela Effect,” in which many people may notice…

Take Back Your Power with Awareness

Money For Nothing, Things For Free

“Money For Nothing, Things For Free” was originally published at RYVT. Can you imagine the possibility of having money for nothing, and anything you want for free? If not, that’s ok, because I can imagine it for you. And if I can imagine it for you, there’s a place in the universe where you know it too.…

Transparent Bubble Tent Lets You Sleep Underneath The Stars

by Paulina Tikunova, BoredPanda If you thought the glass igloo hotel in Finland was cool, then you’ll love this unique tent. The wizards at Holleyweb  have invented an inflatable, PVC, transparent, bubble tent that lets you live outside, but with all the comforts of home. All you need is 2000 USD, the tent, and somewhere to plug in the tent’s blower, which…

Step Into The Darkness & Create More Light

There are moments, days and sometimes even months where we must face our darkest hour. Sometimes this is represented by things happening in the world around us that create deep sadness, despair, and anger within us. Yet other times this can come about through our own inner world when we are going through some challenging…

3 Valuable Understandings to Help You Kick Fear Addiction

Creeping in Through the Cracks Fear is a mighty strong emotion. It could be said to be the driving force behind our collective impotence. Why does it have so much force in our lives? It get’s flung at us constantly via the media — TV, movies, adverts, the general public, etc. And when we’re not…