
palm and thumbs


Here is an interesting article about reading palms. A persons hands can tell you alot about them, continue reading to find out how. Hands have been the most important instruments in the evolution of humans.  It is proven that there are more connections between our brains and hands than any other body part of our…

Follow Your Intuition

5 Easy Ways To Follow Your Intuition

Andrea Schulman of writes: Many people believe that only a handful of us have psychic abilities.  In actuality, all of us have a built-in psychic ability: our intuition.  With a little practice, you can strengthen the connection you have with your intuition and come to really rely on it. If you are trying to…

drama queen

Dealing With a Drama Queen

Judith Orloff of writes: The rollercoaster antics of a drama queen can put you on overload, and wipe you out. They’re the Sarah Bernhardt of energy vampires. They have a breathy flair for exaggerating small incidents and make them off-the-charts dramas. Life is always extreme, either unbearably good or bad. They spend life flitting from crisis…

Five Powerful And Simple Ways To Feel Empowered Each Day

Body Mind Soul Spirit:16 Tips For Going Off Grid

From an article on “We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense…



The Law of Attraction has helped many people achieve goals that only in their dreams could have been true; from famous superstars to your next door neighbor. Here are 9 steps that will help you get to the same level as others who are now living more joyous, prosperous and fulfilling lives. 1. Feeling Good…

stay calm

5 Things Successful People Do to Stay Calm

Seth M of Expanded Consciousness Writes: For some of us, when we’re struggling in our personal lives, we’re struggling in our work lives. It’s very easy to let the ups and downs of your personal life affect how productive or effective you are at work. In fact, TalentSmart studied over a million people and found…

intuitive children

How to Guide and Support Intuitive Children​​

Tanaaz Chubb of Awakening People writes: Intuitive children are those that are psychic, empathic and sensitive to the energies around them. They may also have prophetic dreams, visions or be able to see spirits or communicate with spirit guides and angels. Children are very susceptible to psychic energy and tend to feel things stronger than…

Feeling Provoked

Awakening People: Feeling Provoked? This Is Your Best Defense

Andrea Schulman  of Awakening People writes: Often, people will treat you with love and kindness.  But what do you do when they don’t? How do you respond when someone says something hurtful, does something mean or tries to provoke you? What’s your best defense? I used to believe in retaliation, so I used to stand…