
Your Momentum Is Critical to the Law of Attraction!

“Momentum is an extremely important component of the Law of Attraction, and one that is often overlooked!” says writer, Andrea Schulman. After the holidays, Andrea reflected on the effect that relaxing for a couple of days had on her energy level. She is usually very busy and has no problem to get up and go,…


Omkari Williams of writes: If you follow the news, both from home and all around the world, there is enough that is at least discouraging, if not downright terrifying, to drive heads deep into the sand. There are plenty of reasons to feel the world is spinning out of control and that little can be…

Conscious Life News: A More Attractive Law of Attraction

Marcus T. Anthony of Conscious Life News writes:  The universe tends to reflect back to us the contents of our own minds. I call this the general principle of attraction. I don’t like to use the term “law of attraction” (even though I used it in the book title, below), simply because the latter term tends…

7 Simple Ways to Give Thanks Daily

Andrea Schulman of Conscious Life News writes: Being grateful is a lifestyle choice.  The more gratitude we express, the better life gets!  Fortunately, there are many ways to give thanks daily as we move through life. Here are a few ideas on how to incorporate more gratitude into your daily routine: 1. Upon waking As…

4 Things Everyone Should Know About Toxic Family Members

Dealing with toxic family members is never an easy task. Since they are family, it’s only a matter of time before you see or hear from them. Just the thought of knowing that a confrontation is on its way is discouraging. It doesn’t have to be daunting, you can’t control how people treat you in…

Parents Of Successful Kids Do These 10 Things In Common, Science Finds

When it comes to parenting, there is no blueprint to getting it right. Everyone has their own style and learn through trial and error. However, psychologists have found some common habits of successful parenting. Here are a couple of those habits. 1. Kids are assigned regular chores Research shows that when children are given chores…

What Introverts Can Teach Us – It’s Pretty Amazing

Rick Riddle is a typical extrovert, outgoing, strikes up conversations with anyone and has plenty of friends. Because of this, he simply could not understand introverts and their opposite way of living; this was until he decided to date one. His sweetheart opened up a new world for him, one that was irrelevant to him…