
17 Common Preservatives Linked To Colitis & Obesity

If your diet consists of processed foods, there’s a good chance you’re filling your body with artificial preservatives. These substances have been shown to wreak havoc on our bodies. According to research published in Nature, artificial preservatives used in processed foods may increase your risk of inflammatory bowel diseases and metabolic disorders. In the study,…

Why You Need to Eliminate These 3 Words from Your Vocabulary shares: We’ve all done it. We’ve broken someone’s heart. We’ve spoken out of turn. We’ve been selfish. We’ve been insecure. We’ve been jealous. We’ve been impatient. The list of things we wish we could have done differently would likely fill pages, but here’s what happens when you eliminate 3 little words that infer regret, and…

Braving the Wave of Vulnerability: How Opening Up May Actually Not Bring You Down

Tamara Rant from Conscious Life News writes: I posted a video earlier on my personal Facebook page that speaks to being pretty damn vulnerable. I haven’t done a video in almost a year and I’ll say this one gets a little deep into some teary-eyed vulnerability. Instead of my usual need to first critique myself,…

Forever Fixin’ to Fix: Why It’s OK to Be OK and How to Just Be OK With It

Who hasn’t worked at changing something in their lives? It’s kind of the point, right? Well, maybe ‘change’ is more the means, while ‘growth’ could be considered more like the end we are actually trying to get to. And yes, we should always have personal exploration and expression of our gifts, talents, and abilities as…