Personal Growth & Success

Affirmations and the power they have in a discussion

The Power of Affirmations

Emmanuel Dagher from writes:  Athletes who are dedicated to keeping the condition of their body at an optimum state through exercise know that in order to do so, there needs to be a specific formula. This formula usually consists of some if not all of the following things: 1.   A willingness to maintain…

Always Be Amazing! Everyone has a special brand of creativity

Be Amazing! Always Be Creative…

Cherie Roe Dirksen from writes: Only Artists Are Creative…Uh, Not! Everyone has a special brand of creativity — yes, I’m talking to you! You might not think of yourself as particularly creative — perhaps you think creativity only has to do with the arts? Not at all. People who are creative can take anything…

Chinese New Year on New Moon in Aquarius January 27/28th

New Moon in Aquarius January 27/28th: Dreams, Wishes & Chinese New Year

Lance Schuttler from writes:  Late in the night on Friday January 27th and early morning of Saturday the 28th (depending where you live in the world), there will be a beautiful new moon taking place at 8 degrees of Aquarius. This new moon is highlighted by Venus square Saturn and Mars moving into Aries…



Ben Schwalb from My Empowered World writes: Most of our suffering is self-inflicted. How does this happen? It all starts with desire: we want something. Then we make a leap from desire to belief: we believe that our desire should be fulfilled. We “should” lose weight. We “should not” eat that dessert. Someone “should” invite us to…

30 Powerful Quotes That Will Change Your Life

30 Powerful Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Cassandra Sturdy of posted: Ahhh quotes… The thing about quotes is that they give you a perspective or outlook you didn’t see before, some resonate with you more than others and some will ultimately be what you need  for a shift or change in your life. You may have a favorite I’ll let you share…

How Quitting Breeds Success

How Quitting Breeds Success

Mark Manderson of MyEmpoweredWorld writes: “If you haven’t considered quitting, then you’re not doing it right!.” Once I grasped this powerful statement it transformed my entire mindset.  Before I would allow obstacles, frustration, and any barrier to deter me from conquering my dreams.  I had negatively reinforced the pattern of giving up as any great accomplish…