Personal Growth & Success


Happy New Moon in Sagittarius! This New Moon at approximately 1 ½ degrees of Sagittarius becomes exact at 5:57 PM New York time (22:57 GMT) on Wednesday, November 23. This New Moon begins the first lunation following the final (and most powerful) Eclipse Season of 2022! Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that brings an…

What is the Rainbow Circle?

“What is the Rainbow Circle?” Has been a koan I have asked myself every day, and the answer is always evolving. From the beginning, Rainbow Circle has been a vehicle for sharing wisdom in a way that brings humanity back into balance with nature and fosters a collective vision that fulfills our hearts’ desires. Each one…

Healing Trauma Through Forgiveness

“Women, on the half of all men everywhere, we’re sorry. We want to restore our integrity. We want to restore our ability for you to trust us. Please give us the opportunity for us to help restore that integrity, to help restore your trust.” Hello Soul Family! Are you having a hard time forgiving? Well…

Ask your Angels to remove and replace your emotions

About Kourtney Levens Kourtney Levens is an Angel Therapist® who uses her extraordinary abilities to connect with angels to give you a sense of validation. Her gift includes the ability to see, hear, and feel your angels, spirit guides, and loved ones on the other side, so you can receive messages from heaven. Kourtney has…

The Sounds of Silence

In snow country, winter brings a season of soft, deep and wonder-filled silence. The snow absorbs sounds, creating silence that feels juicy, thick and almost “holy”.  Think to the Christmas carol, Silent Night. Yet, many find comfort with constant noise. The TV endlessly talks. Lawn mowers, traffic and more… continually add noise. We are used…

Trusting yourself. How?

Ah, trusting yourself, what big a subject right?? How do you trust yourself? We can all struggle with this at times, daily, or every second. I could give you tools, methods or something to do to trust yourself. These methods could work or not work for you. If a method works, great! You feel relieved,…