Personal Growth & Success

The 3 Must-Have Ingredients For Unstoppable Success

The 3 Must-Have Ingredients For Unstoppable Success

After over 40 years in business and nearly 10 years as a coach/mentor and trainer I’ve discovered there are 3 key ingredients to unstoppable success. By combining these 3 ingredients you will be able to reach the level of success that you’ve dreamed of, but perhaps didn’t truly believe was possible. There is magic in…

12 Unconventional Habits Of Highly Productive People

12 Unconventional Habits Of Highly Productive People

It is not enough to be busy… The question is:  What are you busy doing? I’ve always been someone driven to excel and make the most out of this wild ride called life. So when I read Tim Ferriss’ book The 4-Hour Workweek, a new world of possibilities opened up to me.  After discovering his personal productivity…

How To Make The Most Of Significant Moments And Learn From Them

How To Make The Most Of Significant Moments And Learn From Them

By themselves, significant moments do not alter a person’s behavior. Events certainly can make powerful impressions on us: they stir our emotions, capture our imagination, provoke our conscience, or bring revelation. However, events do not automatically transform us, and the feelings they evoke usually are short-lived. Leadership breakthroughs happen when we seize the opportunity presented…

Try This 12-Step Program For Achieving Simplicity

Try This 12-Step Program For Achieving Simplicity

Here are 12 very specific tools for simplifying your life. Begin using them today if you’re serious about hearing that ultimate call to inspiration. Unclutter your life. You’ll feel a real rush of inspiration when you clear out stuff that’s no longer useful in your life: If you haven’t worn it in the past year or…

5 Common Regrets And How You Can Avoid Them

5 Common Regrets And How To Avoid Them

“I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” ~Unknown If you had a second chance at life, what would you resolve to do differently? What would you regret from your past if you had the power to change it in your future? In 2011,…

Seven Tools For Personal Growth And Spiritual Development

Seven Tools For Personal Growth And Spiritual Development

This post from The Enneagram Institute provides tools for personal growth that are linked to the various Enneagram types. Enneagram is a nine-sided figure used to represent the spectrum of possible personality types. The Empowering Team likes these spiritual development tools that give you insight into working with your own and others’ Enneagram tendencies toward balance. To…

Obtaining Fulfillment and Success Through Failure

Fulfillment Through Failure

Fulfillment through failure sounds crazy, however by changing the meaning that we tend to automatically attach to failure is what opens the door to massive success. For me however, it was quite the process to get there. It’s through utilization of goals that lead me to my peaked frustration. I, like many others, bought into…