Personal Growth & Success

Letting Go - 5 Tricks to Help You Master The Art and Stop Holding On

5 Tricks to Help You Master the Art of Letting Go

Have you mastered the art of letting go yet? When we first learn about the Law of Attraction, it can be a very exciting time! Naturally, we want to put this law to use to attract the things we’ve been wanting. Unfortunately, though, this excitement can quickly turn to frustration if we haven’t yet mastered the…

Gratitude: 7 Ways to Teach Your Children to Practice

7 Ways To Teach Your Kids Gratitude

Gratitude is an elixir. It helps us to appreciate what is already good in our life (instead of overlooking it) and help us to get through not-so-great times. It is also linked to so many health and wellbeing benefits. Practicing gratitude – and it is something you need to do and practice – is great…

Success - Program Yourself in 5 Steps To Change Your Life

5 Steps to Program Yourself for Success

The only reason you are not as successful as you want to be right now is because you are programmed or conditioned to think the way you do. How you focus determines the ideas you have, the emotions, and the actions you take. Ultimately, what is on your mind most of the time causes the…

Tips for Creating a Powerful Vision Board That Will Manifest Your Dreams

4 Great Tips for Creating a Powerful Vision Board That Will Manifest Your Dreams

  Video Source: Chakraboosters Youtube (click to subscribe to Channel) Author’s Note: The best way I know to create your dream life is to start with a great blueprint — a Vision Board of what you deeply desire in all areas of your life (it’s brought me my home, my soulmate, my album, my book and much…

true beauty

8 Tips on How to Stop Caring What Other People Think of You

“Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.” ~Lao Tzu We’ve all feared — at some stage in our lives — what people think of us.  As ludicrous as it is to hand over your personal power in this way, it’s still a reality and something that is dealt with on a daily basis for…

law of attraction

Abundance: Use it Or Lose It (Law of Attraction)

Chances are, you’ve heard the expression “use it or lose it” before. Usually, it is used in regards to exercise and muscles. When you use your muscles, you maintain them and build them up. When you don’t use them, however, they shrink. This is a reference most of us understand pretty well. However, did you know…

Choose to See Your Truth and Live it on a Daily Basis

6 Ways to Live Your Truth Every Day

A Great Question… A friend of mine asked me recently about living your spirituality. She said she understood ‘miracles’, ‘a-ha moments’ and even evangelical epiphanies but she wanted to know how to live day-to-day (and this could apply to any religion or form of faith) — how do you ‘maintain’ your beliefs? Firstly, any belief…