Personal Growth & Success

How You Can Find Your Soul’s Purpose Using Intuition

As a life coach (a self-described “intuitive” one) and published writer of many books related to human psychological and spiritual development, I often get emails from people seeking clarity on certain issues. Sometimes these people book online sessions with me, but just as often I simply respond by email as fully as I can. So,…

7 Amazing Things That Happen When You Start Loving Yourself More

“When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits—anything that kept me small. My judgment called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving,” ~Kim McMillen I started learning about self-love a long time ago. In fact, I started learning about self-love so long ago that…

Leo Solar Eclipse: Revolution, Healing and Collapse of the Establishment

Astrologer Laura Walker of has put out an 8 minute audio recording of her take on the Leo total Solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017 and why she believes this event will be supremely positive for the world and will further accelerate the downfall of the political/banking cabal. The audio recording is titled “All Roads Lead…

Researchers Explain 5 Ways To Get Someone To Trust You

“If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar Although this isn’t a business-related article, Zig’s quote testifies to the power of trust. Any relationship – personal and professional – depends on mutual trust. Human psychology has a lot to do with it. Behavioral and…

Inspired Action – The Empowered Way to Achieve Your Purpose

Motivational speakers talk a lot about action, taking massive action, action, action, action… This implies that you must take action non-stop. Just DO something towards your goal. The empowered person knows that it is inspired action that counts. Why? Because inspired action works with the most powerful partner – the Universe – in perfect synchronicity. Why is inspired action…

Teacher Shows Students How Negative Words Can Make Rice Moldy

The impact of positive and negative emotions might be more impactful than you think—and more persuasive. A teacher in Curitiba, a southern region in Brazil, decided to illustrate the power of words to her students by using two cups of sealed rice. Physical education teacher Ana Paula Frezatto Martins arranged the class in a circle around the two…