
Healing The Mother Wound Course

Our mothers are our first touch with love. Yet many of us didn’t get the kind of or quality of love we wanted. You might have had a mother that was anything but loving which left you wondering what the heck? What did I do to deserve this?  We might fantasize about what our mother…

Scalar Energy: Bringing Hope to Tanzania Region

In 2017 Tom Paladino offered Scalar Light remote healing sessions to communities in Tanzania. The results are heart warming. Originally published: Phoenix Voyage What is scalar energy?Nikola Tesla was the first to discover scalar light, which he proved with the Colorado Springs Tower and the Wardenclyffe Tower, both of which emitted free energy. Scalar energy is…

The Quantum Is Full Of Rewritable Code

As an energy healer of 30 years I’ve watched spirit technicians rewire human consciousness as a matter of course. For them it is easy and obvious. And it is their experienced skill to observe consciousness energy flows and matrices at ever subtler levels. Nano data is stored in light waves. All quantum particles are made…