Tamara Rant of ConsciousLifeNews.com writes:
In the beginning there was…
Well, this would depend on whom you’re asking! Personally, I feel that the All came from Nothing (Zero-point, the Void, and what Buddhism calls Sunyata); and thus became everything…ever-expanding. Infinite potential at rest awoke, and once self-aware burst forth splinters of its own consciousness outward. Without movement, there can be no creation…no manifestation.
I further believe that the moment Source Consciousness became aware of itself; the very first sound waves formed and thus began what we could call “divine motion”. Everything that grows needs movement in some form in order to do so. This is a rule of Nature and we humans are included. There is something hard-wired not only in our DNA, but in the deepest roots of our hearts that tell us we are here to ultimately grow and expand.
We may think that we simply exist only in this third-dimensional reality, but this is just the playground of creation. We are all here, whether we know it or not, to make a difference in the lives of those we encounter during our time around. And also, to make a difference in our very own lives as this is how we grow inter-dimensionally. While we are traditionally taught to rely on our physical senses, to travel to other realms, you need to be in tune with those senses beyond your physical five. It’s the letting go of our “this world” attachments, which ultimately frees us to rise in frequency to match those “other world” spaces in the cosmos.
We’ve all been there where a certain area of our lives just feels so incredibly stagnant. The energy around it is heavy, dull, and while there is any underlying tone yearning to come forth, you can feel yourself literally holding something back within yourself. If we don’t understand we are actually doing this to ourselves, it can just feel like life is out to get us and no matter what we do, we continue to be “stuck”.
When we are in this kind of space, we are often closed off to inspiration, creativity, and of course the most obvious – action. But like they say that the truth shall set you free, so will a simple thought. A thought that can lead you to action, or to even change your actions from one resonance to another, is one that has tremendous energy behind it. And this is exactly the type of thoughts you want have if you wish to visit dimensions higher than our 3-D plane.
About the Author
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality.