by Marilyn Jenett
In this election season packed with unprecedented emotion, debate, controversy, and surprises…had you given any thought to how you would react once the vote is over? How do you feel now and how will you feel in the future toward our President if your candidate did not win?
Will you continue to focus on the flaws and mistakes of the winner and constantly welcome proof that your opinions and judgment were correct in the first place? Or will you accept the winner, warts and all, and offer your mental, spiritual, and emotional support to help create a foundation for a “unified” America? At the same time, will you take action to create outer change if that is what you feel guided to do?
Instead of defeat, would you consider keeping your mind focused on a President who is open to divine guidance, open to listening to the heartbeat of the nation and prompted to inspired right action for the good of our nation and the world?
By maintaining these thoughts in our consciousness, we can contribute to the creation of the end result — so the RIGHT choices will be made by the victor. The Universe does respond to our thoughts, individually and collectively.
Think about, bring about.
Does this mean you have to relinquish your personal views, beliefs and desire to change outer circumstances? No, of course it doesn’t.
After the election, here are the steps that will lay the foundation for change – from the highest spiritual perspective and in alignment with prosperity laws:
1. You did what you felt led to do on Election Day (or before, if you voted by mail as I did). You followed your own guidance to the best of your knowledge and ability. Now that the vote is over…
2. Release all candidates, all parties to their highest good. Release any thoughts of anger and resentment and defeat. Contribute to the harmony and healing of our nation and to your own personal prosperity with your thoughts of harmony and healing. Remember the saying, “Holding onto resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”
3. If you feel led to be actively involved to create outer change in some way, do it. Don’t sit around and complain. Do something about it. But whether you do or not, keep your thoughts focused on harmony, love and peace. Mental activity alone is powerful enough to change the world. And the more you complain, the more you will create to complain about.
The Universe is listening.
© 2003 – 2016 Marilyn Jenett | Feel Free to Prosper