How to TRULY Trust Yourself

Ah, trusting yourself, what big a subject right? How do you trust yourself? We can all struggle with this at times, daily, or every second. I could give you tools or methods to trust yourself.  Then these tools or methods may or may not work for you. If a certain method works, you can feel relieved, happy, better and believe in yourself. If a certain method doesn’t work, you could feel frustrated and upset, adding to the fear and hopelessness of not trusting yourself. Before any tool or method can be shared, we must first approach how to trust yourself from a foundational level. If we don’t start here, at some point no method, tool or teaching will sustain you. You can feel back to square one, same questions, same frustrations. 

So let’s nip all that in the bud shall we? Let’s bypass that fickle ego. Let’s point to the truth within you so you have a solid foundation to work from and practice with, always.

And here it is: Trust is not something you do, trust is what you are. You ARE trust itself. What happens within you when you read those words? How does this feel? Does it resonate as truth? Yes? No?

True trust arises deep from of your true self, out from your true nature, residing in the truth of who you are. It’s a consciousness, vibration, a feeling (not emotion). It’s part of the core of who you are. It’s not an action your Being does, it’s what your Being is. Your inner being/true self/true heart walks in trust as trust, walks in faith as faith. Not because of waiting for something outside of you to happen or not happen, but because trust is who and what you are. 

Trust is normally approached as an action that we work really hard to feel, do or have emotionally. Trust is something we normally put on something outside us to behave in certain ways and for Life to only manifest in certain outcomes. We’re giving our power away to something outside ourselves to determine if we can trust or not.

The second we do this, we’re actually setting ourselves up for disappointment every time because this is actually not trust at all, but expectation. Example: “I trust that you won’t let me down. I trust that you won’t lie to me, betray me. I trust life to manifest how I need it to and on my timeline. I trust life to match my prayers, emotional needs and give me proof…” Then if these things don’t happen in the ways I’m trusting (expecting) or they change outcomes ever so slightly, BAM! My world is rocked. I now have an existential crisis of what’s real and what I can and cannot trust. Then I say, “See, I knew it! I can’t trust.” Then my fears, grief and hopeless get triggered and I freak out. Then at some point I feel better and I start working on trusting again. Then eventually something won’t happen like I think it should again. Then I pull back on trusting again. I shut down. I don’t trust myself, people, life or God. Then the whole cycle starts over again only to be repeated again.

What if you could stop this cycle? What if you could take this whole thing to a whole other level? What if you tapped into the consciousness within you that IS trust? What if you went into your true trust energy and heart when circumstances are not happening in the ways you want instead feeling only stuck in the fleeting egoic loyalties that can get exchanged from one thing to the next because something did or didn’t happen. What if you could always know the difference between your TRUE trust and your mind or emotions? What if all you had to do to start freeing your pain cycle is to just stop in the midst of it all and just breathe…

Just start with one breath in and one breath out. Breathing in and breathing out. Then gently start meeting and feeling your feelings and mind’s ideas as they are. No fixing, just feeling, just being present with everything as it is. Make space for it all to be here with you as is. Let your feelings be felt, cry out, emote and express themselves. Hold them and love them as is. Then, when you feel ready, gently make your way down to your heart. Down to your deepest heart. Breathe with and AS your heart. Feel your heart place. Feel the energy here. Feel the attributes of your heart energy. State with gusto: “I AM trust.“ Then ask your heart to bring you your true energies and consciousness of trust. Allow your heart to take you into trust and for trust to come to you. Ask your heart to bring you your TRUE trusting energies, vibrations, consciousness. Be curious of what your heart will bring you. What does this feel like? What are the energy signatures of your truest trust? What does it feel like when you’re with your truest trust? Rest back in here and get to know this place. Get to know yourself AS trust. 

It’s here, within your deepest heart’s inner place, that you can begin to bring your deepest questions like: “Life isn’t happening in the ways I thought or need. What can you show me about this? What can you tell me? What is there to be or do right now about this, if anything? What are my next steps? How do I feel and walk AS trust even though this is happening? What is this experience wanting me to know about myself? What are the opportunities being presented to me from this experience? Then just be here. Be with you, your heart and your deepest true trust and see what it brings you in this moment.

Practice feeling your feelings and then always coming back to your truest trust heart. Practice feeling your own true reliance support system, your guidance, your path-shower. You ARE trust and have always been. Begin trusting yourself from here, your real true place.

About The Author:

Ambujam is a Quantum Energy Healer, Awakening and Self-Embodiment Activator, Wayshower and Guide. Ambujam’s one-of-a-kind Group Power Healing® leaps you forward through thresholds of inner healing that would have normally taken weeks, months, decades, lifetimes! Group Power Healing® attracts kickass highly attuned individuals dedicated to their healing, living truth, empowerment and self-realization -no matter what. This type of synergy creates an accelerated healing power field catapulting inner growth, evolution and awakening for all attending each session. You instantly clear out roots of old energy patterns, making space to awaken and embody faster into your next levels. Group Power Healing® unlocks your inner-knowing, amplifies true self, energizes your heart’s truth and anchors self embodiment. Ambujam’s work has accelerated the path to freedom for over 29 years.

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