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Druid Lore: Magic of the Ancient Runes

It is twilight and the Druidic Priestess reverently touches the ancient rune carving, tracing the distinctive shape with her finger. She feels energy surging in the rune form. She voices the rune’s name and softly sings its sound. Remembering well, she invokes the unique magic of this rune and lets the memories and energy flow…

Dialogues with Remarkable Souls

Here’s Kenji Kumara interviewing Darius Barazandeh on ‘My Near-Death and Awakening Experience in the Beyond’ BIG process at the end… and some Higher Self readings as well! Here’s Kenji Kumara interviewing Darius Barazandeh on ‘My Near-Death and Awakening Experience in the Beyond’ BIG process at the end… and some Higher Self readings as well! 🙂…

Manifest an Abundant Life of Light

A powerful – often overlooked – tool to help us manifest the things in life that we desire AND to clear negative energy out of ourselves replacing it with plentiful positive energy is: careful control and design of our Home Living Environment. You CAN create your own Home of Power and infuse your Life with…

8 Feet Together Angels

8 Feet Together

So, did you know… when you think of a loved one on the other side (whom you haven’t thought of in a while) that means they are within 8 feet of you when you had that thought! Their auric field crossed yours- and that causes the consciousness to intersect with yours. The same goes for the Archangels…


Events and feelings are intensifying. What we are now hearing throughout the media, buzz word is “FEAR & CONTROL” – darkness emerges to be set free.   Just for a moment, remember that we are living in a Universe of Duality: black/white, good/bad, everything has an opposite.  You may also know that humanity is in a very unique…

Your Life of Freedom

Freedom! What is it about that word that has the ability to bring up so many conflicting feelings within a person? I’ve often heard people say that all they want is to be free, to live a life of freedom. Yet the daily choices they make over and over again keep them stuck in living…

What is a Medium?

A medium is someone who has access to souls who have passed to the other side. The ways a medium can access a loved one can differ. Some can see them, some can hear them, some can feel them and some can even become them for a short time – and even talk like them!…

10 Money Affirmations and Wealth Mantras That Will Attract Money and Financial Abundance Into Your Life

Attracting money is a tricky subject and most of us, at some point, struggle with feeling unsuccessful, feeling unfulfilled in our work and insecure in our finances. Consciously, we know financial abundance can go hand in hand with personal fulfillment; but, we have never been taught how to achieve financial abundance doing what we love.…

We Once Held Astonishing Energies – We Can Again

This Earth and its People are advancing with constant acceleration. We are continually given more powerful tools – just when we need them – to lift up ourselves and the Planet. Reconnect to the Etheric Energy Archetype of your Original Higher Divine Embodiments. You can reclaim the energies that you wielded before you incarnated in…

Defense Frequencies for Better Immunity

In early March, I was awestruck with the devastating worldwide spread of the Coronavirus Pandemic. I immediately thought of Sharry Edwards, who I have known for 20 years. I was familiar with past work that she had done studying viruses and pathogens and protocols that she had developed to alleviate the effects of these –…