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Atlantis Rising

Atlantis Rising!

Overview When the thirteen lost Crystal Skulls of Atlantis are all recovered and reunited – it will signal the beginning of the ascension of Mankind to the divine realm. … The signs are strong and clear. A new dawn is at hand. As we raise mankind’s energy and consciousness – more skulls will be found.…

ENERGY HEALING, 22 tidbits on healing that I use in my work & teaching.


I would like to share with you some tips on healing that I have used over the many decades in my energy work practice and teachings. Set your Intentions and sacred space for the session before your client arrives. Meditate on the “state” you want to be in as the session starts. Create a supportive…

Globalism - True or false?

Globalism – True or false?

I am all for ONE WORLD where we have free travel, no borders, openness and no more wars EVER! However… right now there is a dark grid of energy called the ‘mutant matrix’ over the 3D grid. If we give global power to THIS small group of people…we will lock ourselves in this 3D grid.…

Attractive Human: How to Become One - Understand the Lives of Others

How to Become an Attractive Human: The Value of Understanding the Lives of Others

Just as we finished this New Year’s issue on creating leads, I came across an article in Stanford magazine titled “How to Become a Successful Human.” The article expresses the university’s concern about a growing trend it sees: fewer and fewer students are taking courses in humanities, instead favoring subjects with a more utilitarian bent, such as…