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Seven Helpful And Easy Ways You Can Transcend Ego

Seven Helpful And Easy Ways You Can Transcend Ego

The ego is a third dimensional tool our human body uses for and identity and protection. As we move toward the fifth dimension, some say we need to get rid of it, some say we need to tame it, and some say we should love it. What actually is our ego and what should we…

Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important

Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important

As we enter the Age of Aquarius, your energy vibration becomes more important than ever. In the near future, there will be a division of people into two groups, those who are service to self and those who are service to others. There will also be a division of those who are of positive energy vibration…

Simple Steps For Living An Inspired Life Every Day

Simple Steps For Living An Inspired Life Every Day

“You’ve got brains in your head; you’ve got feet in yours shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss For a lot of us, life just happens. It did to me for many years. I had a job; I paid my bills; I took an occasional vacation, went out with friends, had…

How Much Protein Consumption Should You Have Daily?

How Much Protein Consumption Should You Have Daily?

Protein is misunderstood. A necessary building block of human health that occurs in almost every food in varying amounts. As it is broken down into its smaller parts, amino acids, it is shuttled around the body to serve various different roles. Everyone needs protein in their diet, yet the amount that is needed varies widely depending…

Feeling Stressed? Toss These Unconscious Beliefs In The Trash

Feeling Stressed? Toss These Unconscious Beliefs In The Trash

The film, “A Quest for Meaning” follows two childhood friends as they travel the globe in search for the meaning of life. Questions about the collective beliefs that have shaped Western civilization are investigated, as are the changes in consciousness we now see as more and more people are becoming inspired to live more in…

7 Life Changing Lessons From My Life's Lowest Point

7 Life Changing Lessons From My Life’s Lowest Point

“Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.” – Paul Coelho I carried all my worldly belongings, in disheveled cardboard boxes, out to the car in the chilly Tahoe weather. Carting all your possessions out to the car when your relationship is on the rocks can be one…

3 Simple Tricks To Effectively Optimize Turmeric For Maximum Potency

3 Simple Tricks To Effectively Optimize Turmeric For Maximum Potency

Countless studies have demonstrated the medicinal benefits of this amazing herb which you can view here. Once you see the irrefutable proof that turmeric has a plethora of important health benefits  you will be eager to work it into your everyday diet. However, before you begin consuming this potent food medicine, you need to understand how to…

Why Meditation Can Help You Overcome Depression For Good

Why Meditation Can Help You Overcome Depression For Good

Doctors and psychiatrists are well-versed in the science of antidepressants. They’ve established a body of research showing how levels of certain brain chemicals fluctuate to affect mood, and they can chemically stabilize someone’s mood with pills. But truly healing from depression involves many intangible factors such as diet, the support of family and friends, belief…

How To Make Peace With The Quest For Perfectionism

How To Make Peace With The Quest For Perfectionism

I once heard a famous, self-help guru/podcaster say, “Purpose is the thing that launches you out of bed each morning, ready to attack the day.”  I was flummoxed. Launch?  There are people that launch out of bed in the mornings ready to attack the day?  Usually by the time my alarm goes off I’m thinking—What…