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5 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Clairvoyance Abilities

5 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Clairvoyance Abilities

After teaching Psychic Development for almost 20 years, I can tell you from experience that the most popular psychic sense that students seek to develop is the gift of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the ability to see psychic energy in the form of; colors, shapes, people and visions of the past, present and future. For some,…

The Physical And Spiritual Meaning Behind Your Food Cravings

The Physical And Spiritual Meaning Behind Your Food Cravings

Food cravings are an everyday thing for most of us, and when we approach them as an intricate language between the body, brain, and spirit rather than something to be resented or ignored, they can be extremely useful in improving health. The challenge with cravings is that you have to know how to translate them,…

12 Unconventional Habits Of Highly Productive People

12 Unconventional Habits Of Highly Productive People

It is not enough to be busy… The question is:  What are you busy doing? I’ve always been someone driven to excel and make the most out of this wild ride called life. So when I read Tim Ferriss’ book The 4-Hour Workweek, a new world of possibilities opened up to me.  After discovering his personal productivity…

The Importance Of Paying Attention To Your Dreams

The Importance Of Paying Attention To Your Dreams

It’s interesting to realize that we spend approximately 6-8 hours of our daily life sleeping. When you add that up over a lifetime, that’s almost 1/3 of our lives! Along with all the benefits that sleep offers including rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, there is another benefit that we sometimes don’t acknowledge, and that…

8 Simple Tips For Boosting The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

8 Simple Tips For Boosting The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

The most important thing you need to know about the subconscious mind is that it is always “on”. That is, it is active day and night, regardless of what you are doing. The subconscious mind controls your body. You cannot hear this silent inner process with your conscious effort. You need to start taking care of your subconscious…

6 Simple Ways To Keep Your Family Grounded For More Wellbeing

6 Simple Ways To Keep Your Family Grounded For More Wellbeing

With so much of an energetic shift occurring within our Universe, upon our planet, and within the entire collective, it can be increasingly hard to stay grounded. Throw in work, family, and everyday responsibilities, and it can be even harder to find time to think about how to stay grounded! But the good news is that staying…

Awakening To Your True Divine Human Consciousness

Awakening To Your True Divine Human Consciousness

In our journey to become a higher expression of our true consciousness in Divine Being, we often use language that includes words such as “healing,” “transformation,” and “evolution” to describe a process of change. Because we are moving from one frequency of consciousness to another, we perceive this pathway as becoming something new—transforming into something that is…

How To Make The Most Of Significant Moments And Learn From Them

How To Make The Most Of Significant Moments And Learn From Them

By themselves, significant moments do not alter a person’s behavior. Events certainly can make powerful impressions on us: they stir our emotions, capture our imagination, provoke our conscience, or bring revelation. However, events do not automatically transform us, and the feelings they evoke usually are short-lived. Leadership breakthroughs happen when we seize the opportunity presented…