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4 Tips for Raising Happy, Emotionally Healthy Children

4 Tips for Raising Happy, Emotionally Healthy Children

“Emotional intelligence begins to develop in the earliest years. All the small exchanges children have with their parents, teachers, and with each other carry emotional messages.” ~Daniel Goleman I consider myself an expert on the emotional needs of children. Mostly because I was one. No one goes into parenthood anticipating the ways they will psychologically…

Boost Your Immunity with These 10 Ancient Tips Everyone Should Know

Boost Your Immunity with These 10 Ancient Tips Everyone Should Know

The Sanskrit word for immunity – vyadhikshamatva, and its translation – ‘forgiveness of disease.’ In the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine, the concept of good health is not relegated to just ‘not being sick.’ Our entire constitutions are completely balanced and invigorated when we truly experience ‘good health’. Aside from balancing the doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha, as well as making…

3 Very Important Concepts That Create Our Current Life Experiences

3 Very Important Concepts That Create Our Current Life Experiences

As we awaken it is important for us to understand that we are working with 3 very important concepts that create our current life circumstances: * Soul Contracts * Free Will and Karma * Subconscious Beliefs and Program Soul Contracts Soul Contracts are put in place before we incarnate. We go through a process of pre-birth planning…

The Top 5 Benefits of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

The Top 5 Benefits of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Aromatherapy, a widely used form of alternative medicine, utilizes an array of essential oils to bring about an incredible number of positive results for both the body and the mind. And while essential oils, coming from the pure essences of plants and flowers, are the primary medium used in aromatherapy, they are not the only…

12 Ways To Calm The Overactive Mind And Achieve Balance

12 Ways To Calm The Overactive Mind And Achieve Balance

Have you ever laid in bed trying to sleep while a constant stream of thoughts flow through your mind? Do you perpetually think about random thoughts throughout the day? Law of Attraction According to the Law of Attraction, you will receive whatever is predominantly on your mind. If your mind is producing chaotic, non-random thoughts, then…

Nine Choices Your Future Self Will Definitely Regret

Nine Choices Your Future Self Will Definitely Regret

“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, “It might have been.” -Kurt Vonnegut We all have something at the back of our minds that we wish to have done differently or haven’t done at all. We often ask ourselves what could be different if we tried harder to be better. Here…

Try This 12-Step Program For Achieving Simplicity

Try This 12-Step Program For Achieving Simplicity

Here are 12 very specific tools for simplifying your life. Begin using them today if you’re serious about hearing that ultimate call to inspiration. Unclutter your life. You’ll feel a real rush of inspiration when you clear out stuff that’s no longer useful in your life: If you haven’t worn it in the past year or…