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Morning Ritual | 5 Morning Rituals for Health and Happiness

5 Morning Rituals for Health and Happiness

How you start your day matters. Consciously starting your day with positive thoughts and actions can set the tone for a more productive and joyful day ahead. Try incorporating these 5 healthy habits into your morning ritual for vibrant health and happiness. Drink Lemon Water Our bodies are made of up over 75% water. After 7-8 hours of…

Affirmations - 4 Ways To Make Them Better and More Effective

4 Ways To Make BETTER Affirmations

Affirmations can be tricky, tricky things. Affirmations are positive statements designed to focus our attention on having the things we want in life. Many students of the Law of Attraction use affirmations regularly to align with their goals and desires. A well-constructed affirmation can tap you into the knowledge that all is well, and that you are…

More Energy - 5 Ways to Keep You Energized From Morning to Evening

5 Ways to Get More Energy From Morning to Evening

The world is a place where one is demanded to work to achieve every goal they set. In most cases people have very big dreams that require a lot of energy to achieve them. Only a few people manage to achieve their dreams while the majority settle for something below their expectations. This does not mean that…

Spirit Guides - 7 Things That May Be Blocking Yours

7 Things That Can Block Your Spirit Guides

Your angels, spirit animals and spirit guides in general are supposed to be connecting and communicating with you, offering guidance for your life and acting as a source of light and encouragement. If you aren’t experiencing this, what’s the problem? As it turns out, it’s probably largely you yourself that stands in your own way, as well…

Gratitude: 7 Ways to Teach Your Children to Practice

7 Ways To Teach Your Kids Gratitude

Gratitude is an elixir. It helps us to appreciate what is already good in our life (instead of overlooking it) and help us to get through not-so-great times. It is also linked to so many health and wellbeing benefits. Practicing gratitude – and it is something you need to do and practice – is great…

Empower Others - 6 Ways to Become An Empowering Leader

6 Ways to Empower Others

An empowering leader holds and serves a vision broad and deep enough to inspire others and allow them to take parts of it and make it their own. When Rob Hopkins founded the Transition Town movement, his vision was to take the insights of permaculture and ecological design and apply them on a local community level.…

Success - Program Yourself in 5 Steps To Change Your Life

5 Steps to Program Yourself for Success

The only reason you are not as successful as you want to be right now is because you are programmed or conditioned to think the way you do. How you focus determines the ideas you have, the emotions, and the actions you take. Ultimately, what is on your mind most of the time causes the…

Raise Vibrational Frequency - 10 Ways to Stay Positive

10 Ways to Stay Positive and Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Everything in the Universe is energy, so raising your vibrational frequency is one of the key factors in manifesting positive outcomes. Even with the best of intentions it can sometimes be hard to stay positive when you’re exposed to the chaos and negativity in the world. Be on the lookout for those things that get you…

Seeing Spirits - Can They See Me In The Shower?

Can They See Me in the Shower?!

When I first started seeing spirits on the other side, I was so amazed by seeing them, that at first, it didn’t cross my mind to think they can see me. Then one day I realized- Wait! They can see me! Can they see me naked in my shower? Are they watching my every move?…