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If You Want to Be Like the Danish (#1 Happiest People in the World) – Practice THIS

Denmark consistently ranks as one of the happiest countries in the world. But why? Well, a concept called “hygge,” pronounced “HOO-gah,” is believed to be a big part of that. But what is it? Well, that’s a little harder to put into words. So I turned to Danish happiness expert Meik Wiking, the founder and chief…

Sound Healing: What Monks do to put Spiritual Energy into a Singing Bowl!

What Monks do to put Spiritual Energy into a Singing Bowl!

Much beneficial energy is low volume frequencies (We can’t even hear them!), according to some scientists. We receive tiny frequencies (way too small for us to notice) from the iron currents in the Earth and from the orbits of the stars! NASA, the USA space program, plays frequencies such as the Schumann frequency, to keep…

Quality Life Can Be Yours With These 5 Simple Daily Habits


As human beings, we strive to improve ourselves in every aspect. We try to improve our education, social life and our bodies physically and overall improve our personality. A good personality can come in quite handy in daily life as it makes you more respectable among your peers and more approachable whether it’s in a…

Abundance Consciousness - How To Manifest in 7 Steps

7 Steps to Abundance – Even When You’re Flat Broke

To create abundance you need to develop abundance consciousness. Quantum physics has proved that consciousness affects matter, in other words it is your thoughts (energy)and feelings (energy) that determine what you create in the physical world. Furthermore, it is your beliefs on which your thoughts are based that create the circumstances in your life. Change your beliefs…

16 Natural Ways Get Rid Headache Pain

16 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache…FAST!

NOTE: From Darius – I hope you enjoy this article 16 Natural Ways to Get Rid Headache pain. There are many different things that can cause headaches: Abrupt changes in your diet or an everyday schedule like getting too much or too little sleep, stress, long working hours, skipping a meal, or from using the computer for…

Coral Scientist Sees New Tide of Hope to Protect Chinese Reefs

Restoration of the precious resource and ensuring its survival is Chen Hong’s lifetime mission What lies beneath has intrigued Chen Hong since childhood and he has devoted his life to exploring the mysteries of the seas, especially the “lungs of the oceans”, coral reefs. “Look, these are coral seedlings we planted in Xisha in April…