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Ditch the Dairy with this Cashew Sour Cream

If you’ve been looking for a dairy-free alternative to sour cream, try this cashew sour cream recipe. Benefits: Cashews are a great source of energy and support bone and brain health. Apple cider vinegar aids digestion and supports overall health. Lemon is a refreshing source of Vitamin C and phytochemicals called limonoids, which have been shown to help fight…

Researchers Explain 5 Ways To Get Someone To Trust You

“If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar Although this isn’t a business-related article, Zig’s quote testifies to the power of trust. Any relationship – personal and professional – depends on mutual trust. Human psychology has a lot to do with it. Behavioral and…

Stay Present to Raise Your Vibration

Staying grounded in the present moment helps to raise your vibration and improve the quality of your life.  Many of us have heard before that we need to “stay present,” but why is this important?  The reason is because everything is happening now. Think about it: wherever you are, you are always in the present moment.  You are always in the…

People in High Stress Jobs Should Be Given Video Gaming Breaks, Says Research

More than half of Americans regularly experience cognitive fatigue related to stress, frustration, and anxiety while at work. Those in safety-critical fields, such as air traffic control and health care, are at an even greater risk for cognitive fatigue, which could lead to errors. Given the amount of time that people spend playing games on their…

3 Methods to Maximize Your Health

With our world’s societies plagued with sickness, sadness and stress, it’s almost rebellious to take good care of your health. Now of course there are pockets of people who pump their physique for the primary purpose of vanity, but effective health management is much more than just working and toning your body. The word ‘health’…

Inspired Action – The Empowered Way to Achieve Your Purpose

Motivational speakers talk a lot about action, taking massive action, action, action, action… This implies that you must take action non-stop. Just DO something towards your goal. The empowered person knows that it is inspired action that counts. Why? Because inspired action works with the most powerful partner – the Universe – in perfect synchronicity. Why is inspired action…