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11 Things Humans Do That Dogs Hate

There are many ways you can drive a dog nuts — and you probably aren’t even aware of them. So if you want to be your dog’s best friend, find out how you can fix your annoying habits. Dogs try to be our best friends, but boy do we ever make it difficult sometimes. Here…

24 Powerful Keys to Transcend the Ego

The Ego is the central figure of our personal history, based upon the past and looking into the future. It is a dissatisfied, possessive small ego that often makes our life a misery. It is for certain that this small ego–or, more precisely, what we believe is our Self, our Ego–coiled up tightly in the…

5 Things That Happen When You Break Up With a Narcissist

Being in a relationship with a narcissist is oftentimes something that you only realize is incredibly toxic once you’re finally outside of it. These relationships are toxic because of how confusing, exhausting and abusive they are, so props to you for finally gathering the courage to say ‘No, I’m not doing this anymore.’ Breaking up…

Quick Solutions to the Most Common Recycling Mistakes

We here at Health Nut News LOVE the earth and anything that can help to heal it from the damage we’ve already done OR prevent further damage from happening. So, it goes without saying that we love recycling and that’s why we wanted to share this story with you. With the desire of seeing the…

The Best Roasted Cauliflower

Many people think that veggies are boring or bland, but the key to actually enjoying healthy food is how you make it! If you prepare and cook veggies right, it makes a world of a difference. This roasted cauliflower focuses on three factors to make it crave-able: temperature, time, and almond flour, which adds a…