
The Difference between the Mandela Effect and Manifestation

I’ve been asked recently whether there is a difference between the Mandela effect and manifestation–and if there is a difference, what that might be. The short answer is: Yes, there is a difference, and it has a lot to do with conscious intent. A trending monicker for reality shifts is “Mandela Effect,” in which many people may notice…

Five Simple Steps for Transforming ANGER

It sure seems like there’s a lot more anger around lately. Think of all the movie characters that have “Anger Management” issues! Wikipedia has entries for, among others, Anger, Anger Management, Rage, Road Rage, Air Rage, Computer Rage, and even Wrap Rage, which is defined as “heightened levels of anger, frustration and violence resulting from…

Expanded Conciousness

Expanded Consciousness: 3 Reasons Why you are Not Awake

Frank M. Wanderer of Expanded Consciousness writes: Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would certainly believe that I have gone mad. You are awake, you are concentrating your attention to reading, and you…