
cure cancer

This Controversial Fruit Can Cure Cancer and More?

Ariana Marisol of writes: Soursop is a large prickly green fruit with a delicious taste. Not only is this fruit a pleasure to the taste buds, it is also extremely healthy with many health benefits! Soursop, also known as graviola, is covered with ridges on the outside and has a soft juicy flesh inside.…

sodium benzoate

Real Farmacy: The Ingredient That Was Banned From Rubber Making in the U.S. After Causing Leukemia in Workers is Still in Your Food

Sarah C. Corriher of writes: One of the dirty secrets of the soft drink and processed food industries is sodium benzoate. It is a benzene compound that is produced by mixing benzoic acid with sodium hydroxide. It is a common preservative in processed foods and soft drinks. It has been associated with a vast…

anti cancer

Kale is an Anti-Cancer Powerhouse

Anthony William of Awakening People writes: Kale is a nutritionally packed leafy vegetable that contains incredible healing and rejuvenating properties. Kale is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins A, C, E, K, B-complex and minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper, and potassium. Kale is an anti-cancer powerhouse and contains phytochemicals such as…

Wellness Mama: The Link Between Sugar and Cancer

Katie, the “Wellness Mama” writes: Sugar is everywhere in the modern diet and there’s no doubt that it’s making us obese, fatigued, and sick. You can’t turn on the television without one commercial after another advertising candy, soda, or sugary breakfast cereals. While many of us have an intuition or research that makes us leery…