
16 Natural Ways Get Rid Headache Pain

16 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache…FAST!

NOTE: From Darius – I hope you enjoy this article 16 Natural Ways to Get Rid Headache pain. There are many different things that can cause headaches: Abrupt changes in your diet or an everyday schedule like getting too much or too little sleep, stress, long working hours, skipping a meal, or from using the computer for…

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud to Be an Introvert

In this article, you will find out why it’s a good thing to be an introvert, if you are one. It seems that finally the world is waking up to the idea that there is this kind of people called introverts among us – and not weird, or awkward, or embarrassing people, as they used to be…

17 Common Preservatives Linked To Colitis & Obesity

If your diet consists of processed foods, there’s a good chance you’re filling your body with artificial preservatives. These substances have been shown to wreak havoc on our bodies. According to research published in Nature, artificial preservatives used in processed foods may increase your risk of inflammatory bowel diseases and metabolic disorders. In the study,…

Always Be Amazing! Everyone has a special brand of creativity

Be Amazing! Always Be Creative…

Cherie Roe Dirksen from writes: Only Artists Are Creative…Uh, Not! Everyone has a special brand of creativity — yes, I’m talking to you! You might not think of yourself as particularly creative — perhaps you think creativity only has to do with the arts? Not at all. People who are creative can take anything…

5 Reasons Why Simple Living is Key for Self-Actualization

We live in a world where our attention is constantly being demanded and pulled into different directions. Phone calls, text messages, social media, the media, work, kids, the list can go on and on. Have you stopped to think about what life would be like without so much stimulation? Here are five reasons you’ll be…