Are You Ready to Step Into Your Next-Level of You and Become Magnetic to All You Desire and Require?

It’s Time to Make The Choice and Say ‘YES!’
to Your Divine Inheritance

Activate the Dormant Codes Within You That Will Propel You on Your True Path and Bloom You Into Abundance!

  • Package A

    Discount: 73% Off

    Total Value:$352

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on January 7, 2025

  • Package B

    Discount: 69% Off

    Total Value:$574

    You Wealth Special Offer:$179

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Incredibly Powerful Transmission

“It was truly amazing. The transmission was incredibly powerful. I’m looking forward to what I create after that session. Thank you Joanne Cary for creating the event.”


In this special offer from Joanne Cary, you will:

RELEASE the Blocks, Limitations, and Lower Density Energies That Have Been Keeping You From Experiencing Abundance in All Areas of Your Life

ACTIVATE Those Dormant Codes and Ignite Templates Deep Within Your Cellular Structure to Unlock the Skills and Abilities to Fulfill Your True Purpose

SAY “YES” to You, Your Divine Self, and Your Divine Inheritance: It’s a Choice to Open and Receive More Than You Have Allowed Yourself So Far

RECEIVE Anchor, and Ground the Higher Frequencies to Live Your Highest Life in Joy, Peace, and Abundance in Alignment With Your Soul’s Purpose

LET GO of the Blocks, Limitations, and Lower Density Energies That Have Been Hindering Your Experience of Abundance

BECOME the Next-Level Version of You and Become Magnetic to All That You Desire and Require for the Next Step on Your Path

From “Hopeless” to Positive, Hopeful and Connected to Self

“I was feeling very stuck and hopeless; like it was too late for me to create the life I wanted. There was a deep sense of something being inherently wrong with me.

After 4 months of working together I feel a lot more positive and hopeful about my future. I feel more open, have more energy, have been discovering things that bring me joy and have been able to connect more with others and meet new people. I can catch my negative thoughts sooner and turn them around and I’m able to move through difficult thoughts, emotions and situations more quickly than before. Thanks to the tools you have given me I feel more connected to my heart, body and breath and I’m starting to love and trust myself more. I feel like the most exciting part about having worked with you is that I now know I have a guide team and I can connect to them. Because of this I have experienced what it’s like to feel at home within myself and this feels like the essence of my journey to becoming more of who I truly am and finding more joy.”

Julia R. UK

Throat Chakra Clearing Fixed Paralyzed Vocal Cord*

“Remember when the guides did a healing and opening transmission to clear the throat chakra? Well, I had a paralyzed vocal cord on one side that was causing me to choke unexpectedly on food and water. The doctor used a filler material, similar to Restylane, to fill in the voice cord on one side so it closed properly when I swallowed. That was four years ago. Yesterday, I went in to the ENT doctor for a check up because I was feeling more hoarse than usual and I wanted her to see if I needed more filler. She scoped my throat and determined that the voice fold that had been paralyzed was now working properly! That I just need some antihistamines to control an allergy …I am so grateful to the guides for the healing transmission! This is really remarkable. Thank you so much for your part in transmitting the energy. Much love and many blessings to you.”

Val S.

[Surprise Healing from Realign to Your Divine Blueprint]

Joanne Helped Me Develop My Channeling Abilities

“I have worked with Joanne Cary for many months and she has provided a safe and nurturing environment for me to practice and develop my channeling abilities. She is supportive and encourages me in every way. I don’t hesitate to recommend her as a life coach and teacher in all things spiritual!” 

Suzi K., Canada

Clear Out the Weeds and Let Divine Light Nourish Your Sacred Garden with Joanne Cary’s Light Code Activations

Are You Ready to Activate Your Ascension to Your Next Level of Self?

Are You Ready to Let Your Garden Grow into Full Bloom - Into the Highest Expression of Your Soul’s Purpose?

If you’re ready, then take this opportunity to step into the most magnetic, aligned, and abundant version of yourself with Joanne Cary’s Blooming Into Abundance: Opening to Your Divine Inheritance” offer that is exclusive to the You Wealth community. This series is designed to support you in releasing the dense energies and inherited blocks that have kept you from living a life of joy, peace, and prosperity.

This is your chance to experience profound energetic shifts, light language transmissions, and channeled guidance that will transform your energy field and unlock dormant codes within your cellular structure.

The Package A and Package B in this series offer includes:

Two (2) 45-Minute Live Group Sessions + One (1) 60-Minute Q&A Session - Receive energy clearings, light code activations, and direct Q&A guidance from Joanne and her Spirit Team.

Quantum Video & Audio Recordings - Listen to the channeled transmissions and activations as often as you like for deeper integration and expanded consciousness.

Bonus Activations & Light Language Transmissions

50-Minute Private 1:1 Session with Joanne

Join Joanne Cary and her team for this exclusive quantum journey, where you will prepare your field, activate your light codes, and receive the support of higher-dimensional guides. It’s time to reclaim your divine inheritance and bloom into the abundant life you’ve always dreamed of!

Receive the Light Codes to Dispel the Dark Energies Blocking Abundance and Good Fortune

Through this exclusive offer from Joanne Cary, you will unlock these benefits:

Activated Light Codes and Templates from Deep Within Your Cellular Structure to Unlock the Skills and Abilities to Fulfill your Soul’s Purpose EFFORTLESSLY

Be Open to Receiving SO MUCH MORE than You Have Allowed Yourself so Far

Receive, Anchor and Ground the Higher Frequencies to SHIFT WITH EASE into Your Highest Life in Joy, Peace and Abundance in Alignment with Your Soul’s Purpose

GO EVEN DEEPER with the Activation and Transmission from Each New Level of Consciousness through Quantum Video and Audio Recordings that Exist Outside of Time and Space

Your Garden of Abundance Blooming into its FULLEST and HIGHEST Potential!

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

  • Package A

    Discount: 73% Off

    Total Value:$352

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on January 7, 2025

  • Package B

    Discount: 69% Off

    Total Value:$574

    You Wealth Special Offer:$179

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Item 1

Two (2) 45-Minute and One (1) 60 Minute Live Group Calls with Joanne Cary

Value: $155

Via Zoom

Wednesday January 8, Saturday January 11 & Wednesday Jan 15, 2025 at 12pm PT

Blooming Into Abundance: Opening to Your Divine Inheritance

Make 2025 your most prosperous and incredible year yet!

Are you ready to release the blocks, limitations, and lower density energies and distortions that have been keeping from experiencing abundance in all areas of your life?

Are you ready to step into the next-level version of you and become magnetic to all that you desire and require for the next step on your path?

Do you want to activate dormant codes and ignite templates deep within your cellular structure to unlock the skills and abilities to fulfill your Soul’s Purpose?

Are you willing to say “Yes” to You, Your Divine Self and Your Divine Inheritance? It’s a choice. Are you open to receive so much more than you have allowed yourself so far?

Are you ready to receive, anchor and ground the higher frequencies to live your highest life in joy, peace and abundance?

If the answer is yes, then you’re going to want to join Joanne Cary for Blooming Into Abundance: Opening to Your Divine Inheritance. In this 3-part channeled light language and energy event you will embark on two experiential journeys. The first live call releases you from distortions and limitations stopping you from living the life of abundance and prosperity you desire and the second live call ignites and activates the dormant codes and templates in your form and field so that you can magnetize everything and everyone necessary for you to Bloom into Abundance and receive a cornucopia of abundance, joy, and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

On top of the two calls, this series comes with Quantum Recordings. As these transmissions are quantum and exist outside of time and space, this means each time you are called back to re-listen to it, you’re met with a new experience, and you’re worked with from your new state of consciousness. So, to allow you the greatest benefit of this event, you also receive both an audio (MP3) and video recording of the session following each of the calls to provide you an opportunity to listen again and go deeper with the activation and transmission.


Preparing Your Field for Full Bloom

Wednesday – January 8, 2025 at 12pm PT

In the first transmission, we’ll be “weeding” and preparing your metaphorical field. A chance to let go of what’s not working any longer, what needs to be released, from your physical body or your subtle, energetic bodies including from this, past or other lifetimes or lineage.

Here you receive the exact energies in both your energy field and cellular structure to release distortions and limitations, lower density frequencies, blocking patterns, beliefs that aren’t serving you any more and are limiting your ability to receive abundance in your life. What do you need to let go of in order to allow you to be fully open, to fully bloom and be ready to receive your Divine inheritance?

The thing about inheritance is that you don’t have to work hard, or strive for it. It’s a gift. It’s given. It’s yours. But you must have both the space in your field to receive, as well as, be willing to be open to receive it. Many light workers, and way showers, know how to give, but not receive.


Bring In the Light Activation

Saturday – January 11, 2025 at 12pm PT

From the new clear space, the prepared garden of your physical and energy bodies, and from this new level of vibrational frequency, we’re taking a journey of expansion to expand your light quotient so you can hold more light and align more fully with your True Divine Self.

Just as the plant is nurtured and nourished by the sun, activating within it its ability to bloom in perfect ways, this light language activation will activate and ignite those dormant codes and templates in your field and cellular structure to move you forward most fully and in your highest, fullest, most profound expression.

You will anchor & ground the higher frequency energies to support you in living your highest life in joy, peace and abundance. Allowing all the preparation and clearing, the activation and expansion to be fully connected into your body and the earth so that indeed, you can Bloom into Abundance and fully be ready to open to receive your true heart’s desires; your Divine Inheritance. 

You can’t rush this – just like the flower, you can’t force it to bloom faster. It knows how, and it will do it in perfect time and this is the same for you. These transmissions and activations provide exactly what you need to magnetize, as if by magic, everything you require to experience a cornucopia of abundance, joy, and fulfillment in all areas of your life and to live a life beyond your imagination.


Questions & Answers with Spirit

Wednesday – January 15, 2025 at 12pm PT

Join Joanne Cary for this 60 minute interactive live Questions & Answers call where the participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to Joanne and her Spirit team* to support them on their path and in navigating these times. No question? No problem.

Even if you don’t have a specific question yourself, you’ll find that you’ll receive wisdom and insights as you sit in their energy and listen to this multi-dimensional discourse.

A recording of the event will be provided within 24-48 hours after the conclusion of the event.

Note: Joanne is an open channel for Source, higher dimensional consciousness and works most regularly with Lord Melchizedek, The Great Teachers, Ascended Masters, Archangels and other inter-dimensional beings who are supporting the great shift in consciousness that is happening on Earth right now.

Beyond Heavenly and So Powerful

“OMG!! Joanne just finished her Harvesting Abundance Session and it was off the charts magnificent and packed with so much Light and Love and wisdom from the Angel Realm, The Ascended Masters and all our Guides. The clearing and transmission was beyond; beyond heavenly and so powerful. And the Q&A was amazing and so on point for all of the questions. Deep gratitude to Joanne and her Team for the experience. Not sure if you can purchase it after the fact but if it’s available it’s an opportunity for you to say Yes to!”


I Felt My Entire Being Humming After

“The New Beginnings Preparation for Expansion was more than I could have imagined. I was thrilled to experience the process of expanding my whole being to hold more light as it continues to shift through the new frequencies. The transmission was uniquely received. I felt my entire being humming after. It was truly wonderful. Much love and gratitude to you, Joanne, and your guides for this magnificent event. 🙏❤️”

Sandra H.

Joanne’s Guides Can Answer Any Question

“To be in Joanne’s and her guides’ energies is always a wonderful experience! And to have channeled answers to any question you ask is just as uplifting and beautiful. Thank you, Joanne and your guides for everything you share in love for our understanding. Would highly recommend this experience to anyone else; if you are thinking about joining Joanne and her guides for any guidance, go for it, just do it. Once again, thank you Joanne.”

Lesley G., UK

Very High Energies - Love Love Love!

“It was so beautiful Joanne! Love Love Love listening to your light language! The energies are so high and I keep yawning! Thank you!”


Feeling the Energy & Love

“That was so beautiful, thank you all so much. The energy & love I’m still feeling is very special. Very emotional.”


Grounded, Warm Energies

“All the care and warm energies coming in were wonderful and still grounded. Thank you so much.”


“Was wonderful, felt my guides and angels all around me. Thank you Joanne & team” 😍


Release the Vows of Poverty - Light Language & Energy Transmission

Value: $33


Runtime: 10 Minutes

In this powerful channeled light and energy transmission, you will renounce and release any vows of poverty you have agreed to across any timeline, space or dimension. 

Make the choice, the decision, and set the intention to release it prior to listening. Your conscious intention is a powerful amplifier for this activation and release.

Release Abundance Blocks & Step Into Your Purpose

Value: $33


Runtime: 21 Minutes

Be held in the love of the Divine Feminine energies of Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Mother Earth in a beautiful light transmission and guided process to support you in unlocking and releasing limitation to receive the abundance and love that is your divine birthright in order, and for you to receive the joy and fulfillment that your Soul Self seeks in this incarnation on the plane. Please sit back, find a beautiful, peaceful space for you to receive their transmission. Enjoy.

Next-Level Source Light Codes Activation

Value: $44


Runtime: 12 MInutes

Receive Source Light Codes and allow their ignition within you to step into and experience the next-level version of you. You will find that you have more connection than you have now, you’ll be introduced to more of your Guides, and be prepared for a more Galactic Experience here on Earth.

Prior to listening, set the following intention:

“I’m only open and receptive to those energies and that information that are for my highest good, in the perfect amounts needed for my healing and evolution at this time.”

❀ Listen only when you feel called – You’ll know when the time is right.❀

Increase Your Capacity to Hold Abundance

Value: $33


Runtime: 12 Minutes

So much high frequency light is coming into the planet right now to support us in becoming more of our Soul Self or True Self in our body. But just like pouring water into a full cup, there’s only so much it can hold before the water just runs out. That’s exactly what’s happening with our bodies and all the light that’s coming in. We are near filled to the light capacity we can hold and this transmission expands our ability to hold this higher frequency light. Not only does this open us up to greater abundance in our lives, it also begins to align us with those extra sensory abilities, multidimensional realities and ways of being that you may not have tapped into yet. Find yourself some space to sit back and open up to receive. Enjoy!

Cellular Activation - Activate a Personal Gift from Your Divine Self

Value: $44


Runtime: 18 Minutes

My Team Facilitates a custom activation just for you. The Archangels, Masters and Mother Earth join you and YOUR HIGHER SELF to create this sacred space for you to receive the exact gift you need right now from your Divine Self to help you in your life and on your path!

Open your heart, and be ready to receive your gift and light activation as your Divine Team energetically activates and integrates this gift and wisdom within your cellular structure!

  • Package A

    Discount: 73% Off

    Total Value:$352

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on January 7, 2025

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 2

50-Minute Private Session with Joanne Cary

Value: $222

Via Zoom

Intuitive Mentoring | Energy & Light Activations | Channeled Guidance

In this powerful 50 minute private session, Joanne will use a variety of practical tools combined with intuitive, channeled guidance, light language and / or energy transmissions, to address the questions, situations, or intentions that are most important to you. You’ll leave feeling lifted and energized by the high vibrational frequency of Spirit and feeling clear, unstuck & empowered so that you can move forward with confidence & live your life’s mission.

Depending on what’s coming up in the session, Spirit may facilitate some clearing work aka “energetic surgery” or bring through a light language or energy transmission to support you shifting blocks, aligning to your next steps, or activating dormant codes in your energy field so that you are ready and excited to move forward with clarity and ease.

It’s important to know, that although Joanne channels messages and light language activations from Source and higher dimensional consciousness to support you in navigating your life and your highest evolution and healing at this time, the information received is facilitated by your own Soul Self / Higher Self & Guide Teams. They’re always making sure you get exactly what you need for both your mental mind (the words) and your energy systems (the energy transmission).

Sessions are conducted via Zoom. An audio recording of the session is provided following the call to provide you an opportunity to listen to the guidance, energy or light language transmissions as often as you like, as well as bathe in their energies.

A Private Session with Joanne will:

❀ Give you an opportunity to ask and receive guidance on questions you have about your life, what you may be facing and receive answers directly from Spirit.

❀ Support you in releasing old patterns, and/or activating dormant information in the body & energetic field through the energies, light codes and information brought through.

❀ Give you an opportunity to be in the higher frequency energy which helps attune your system to it and will allow you to realign to the higher frequencies when outside of a session more easily.

Help you feel unstuck and clear on your next steps regarding a personal situation or question.

Help you realign your energetic field and release any blocks and distortions that aren’t serving you any longer.

❀ Provide you with a higher-level perspective on your current circumstance or situation.

How do I know if a session is for me?

It’s for you if:

❀ You have the desire to do it!

❀ You want to be lifted and energized by the high vibrational frequency of Spirit.

❀ You want a personalized message from your Spirit Team to help you navigate your life and next steps. Note that when you’re in a private channeling session you are able to receive energetically, in your field, information that will continue to help you long after the session is completed.

❀ You have questions that you are looking for guidance on or want a higher level perspective.

❀ Joanne resonates with you. When you choose a channel, go with someone who feels good to you, who you resonate with, they will have codes of information that will be gifted to your energy field like little time-released capsules. They’ll unlock to support you just when you need it. When you are called to a channeler, they have information (both in words and strictly by energetic transmission) just for you. Just ask to receive and it will be so.

My Life is Forever Better

“I am forever grateful to Joanne. I have been honored to work with her as a mentor and mindset coach for six months. My life is forever better because she has helped me let go of so much that was no longer helping me be the best version of myself. Not only is my personal life better, but so is my organization. When I think of Joanne, I think of her as one of the most impactful people I have had the privilege to interact with. Thank You, Joanne.”

Matt B

Joanne Frees You Up to Experience More Joyful and Fulfillment

“In the world of conscious evolution and spirituality there are many rabbit holes down which you can get lost and I have done a fair few of those over the last 30 years. Joanne is a very clear guide on the journey to freeing yourself from limitations, both self imposed and projected. And not next week or next year but in the now. She holds a very strong vibration of truth and light so that even the most well worn beliefs begin to dissolve with her guidance. She provides a big hearted, broad minded, non judgmental space for freeing yourself up for a more joyful and fulfilling experience of who you truly are and guides you on the path to creating what you truly desire.”

Judy H. Wales, UK

A Channel and A Guiding Light

“My one on one session with Joanne and her guides was a beautiful heart connecting experience. She is a clear and pure channel who created a soothing, comfortable, energetic container for me to lean into. The wisdom her Team shared felt true and it shed light on areas I hadn’t been able to reconcile in the past. I am grateful for this experience and recommend her as a channel and a guiding light.”

 Esther Piszczek, USA

  • Package B

    Discount: 69% Off

    Total Value:$574

    You Wealth Special Offer:$179

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight.

Harvesting Abundance

Value: $55

Video & MP3 

Runtime: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Join the Archangels, Lord Melchizedek & other Masters in this powerful and transformative event to support you in aligning to your Divine Blueprint so that you can fully receive the true abundance that is your Divine birthright.

 Enjoy this transformational event!

This 90 MINUTE REPLAY of the live channeled online event by Joanne Cary includes:

❀ A Brand New Channeled Message: Teaching from higher dimensional consciousness to support you in aligning to your true abundance.

❀ Channeled Energy Clearing Transmission & Realignment Process: Where you get to sit back and receive the exact energies & activations you need in your energy field and cellular structure to support you. Leave regenerated, nourished and realigned to your divine blueprint so you are ready to receive the bounty of your Divine inheritance.

❀A Question & Answer Period: Where Spirit answered questions from the attendees.

The recordings are provided to stream or download including:

The Full Event – Video (mp4) Run Time: 1h30m

The Full Event – Audio (mp3)

Channel & Transmission Only – audio (mp3)

Q&A Only – Audio (mp3)

  • Package A

    Discount: 73% Off

    Total Value:$352

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on January 7, 2025

  • Package B

    Discount: 69% Off

    Total Value:$574

    You Wealth Special Offer:$179

    Sold Out

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

About Joanne Cary

Conscious Channel | Teacher of Being | Mindset Coach

As a leader and guide for wayshowers, Joanne helps you tap into your own innate wisdom and multidimensional self, while learning to release fear, find joy and live an empowered life.

She uses a variety of practical tools combined with intuitive, channeled guidance, light language and / or energy transmissions, to support you in shifting blocks, aligning to your next steps, and activating dormant codes in your energy field so that you are ready and excited to move forward with clarity, confidence and ease to fully live your life’s purpose.

Whether working one-on-one or in a group session, Joanne is an open channel for Source, higher dimensional consciousness and works most regularly with Lord Melchizedek, The Great Teachers, Ascended Masters, Archangels and other inter-dimensional beings who are supporting the great shift in consciousness that is happening on Earth right now. 

Through channeled messages and light language activations, she transmits light encoded frequencies and healing energies as a vessel of Source to support our healing and evolution at this time.

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Joanne Cary’s package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm ET January 9, 2025, which is before the live sessions begin (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker’s offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker’s offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker’s digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Joanne Cary’s package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm ET January 9, 2025 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically “Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?”. Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered “Yes”. Only 67 respondents answered “No”. A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].