Welcome to Julie Renee Doering's Special Offer Page

Note: Refunds Cannot be Granted If More than 30% of Tracks Have Been Downloaded
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- Using This Program
Please read the program details below to become familiar with the content and any specific instruction that may be provided for using the program.
It is suggested that you access the materials provided in the order listed on the page below unless otherwise indicated.
Special Added Bonus
Energized & Sparkly Meditation Bundle
2 MP3s
Total Runtime: 10 Minutes
Pump Up the Energy
Time to take your energy to the next level?
Would you like to do it in a natural way?
By pumping energy, you will activate the fuel generators in the cells.
Quick and awesome, this regeneration of the body will have you up and on your way in no time at all.
This meditation is sure to raise your energy and launch you back into your day renewed, revitalized and ready for action.
- Fuel Generator of Cells Restored to 100%
- Breathe for Oxygenation and Vibrancy
- Aura Lighten-ing with Diamond Light Technique
- Adrenal Shift to Sparkling Animation
- Escalate Your Life Force
- Connection to Loving Community Restoring Faith in Others
Pump Up the Energy is for everyone. Use it on a day you feel sluggish, or a day when your emotions or hormones are taking you out of your best game. Feel energy and vitality return to your body in a matter of minutes. This is your time to shine, don't waste another minute feeling slow and low down. Let's get you back at peak performance with renewed vitality NOW!
Swift, Sweet and Sparkly
The fast, fun, clean up and reboot to guarantee you feel refreshed at any time! This meditation includes key clear outs and the 'quick version' of the restoring processes that are a part of my longer meditation.
This meditation will reduce the time spent in each stage of the process so you can get it done quickly and move on to the next thing. This way you can stay busy AND committed to your internal growth experience.
Sparkle, shine and feel fine in little time!
- Ground and Clear
- Male and Female Grounding
- Adrenal Release
- Own and Clean Up Center of Head
- Golden Vacuum
- Protection Rose
- Spiritual Reconnection with Body
- Golden Sun Validation
This is a great shower from the inside out helping you get the maximum clearing in the minimum amount of time. When you really want to go in deeper and you have little time to do it this meditation will rapidly transport you through a complete and very thorough experience. Know that you can do it!
Quantum Soul Path
2 MP3s
Total Runtime: 6 Minutes
Imagine getting it! Your authority and confidence become established as you release what has held you in stasis and move toward your magnificent earthly mission.
Powerfully centered in truth, clear and open yourself to the magnificence of your mission and your authority to act right now. Be ready for a flood of inspiration and have a notebook ready to capture your revelations. Empowering!
Click the Link Below to Register for Your Items
Items provided:
- Item 1: Four (4) Live Calls with Julie Renee
- Item 2: Q5 Meditations Bundle
- Item 3: Three (3) Live Calls with Julie Renee
- Item 4: Audio Support Bundle
- Bonus #1: Chapter from Your Divine Human Blueprint
Click the Link Below to Schedule Your Discovery Session
Via WebinarJam
Monday, August 17th, 24th and 31st, 2020 at
2:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Mountain / 4:30pm Central / 5:30pm Eastern / 9:30pm GMT
Monday, September 7th, 2020 at
12:30pm Pacific / 1:30pm Mountain / 2:30pm Central / 3:30pm Eastern / 7:30pm GMT
4 Live, Breakthrough Sessions
In this amazing 4-part live program you will learn the steps to regeneration of the cells for the 4 most important Quantum Activations of the Body.
This is an apprentice-level training and homework will be assigned each week so that you continue to gain in skill and practice the techniques learned during class in your real life.
Restore Your Teeth Now
Monday, August 17th, 2020 2:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Mountain / 4:30pm Central / 5:30pm Eastern / 9:30pm GMT
You'll learn how to prepare and clear the body for cell regeneration.
In this first training you will get the basics on how to set the body up for a successful regeneration experience.
You'll learn several unique hand gestures we call the quantum pump for both clearing and cellular neo genesis. You'll learn technique for muscle testing and begin the process of teeth regeneration.
Get Your Body Permanently into Your Very Own Regeneration System!
Monday, August 24th, 2020 2:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Mountain / 4:30pm Central / 5:30pm Eastern / 9:30pm GMT
We'll be rebuilding your nervous system and regenerating your adrenals in this exciting 2-hour mini retreat.
You'll see big shifts as we clear out the nerves of unwanted energies and programs getting you the right, permission and ability to have a youthful healthy nervous system that supports your quest to grow younger!
Hippity Happy Heart! Rejuvenate Your Best Love Organ (Heart)
Monday, August 31st, 2020 2:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Mountain / 4:30pm Central / 5:30pm Eastern / 9:30pm GMT
This very important process will clear your physical heart and layers related to your heart in your blueprint of unwanted old useless energies over running your heart with muddle and stagnation than jumping right into regeneration of the heart using your own stem cells and quantum field of transformation!
Healthy Clear Eyeballs (Vision)
Monday, September 7th, 2020 12:30pm Pacific / 1:30pm Mountain / 2:30pm Central / 3:30pm Eastern / 7:30pm GMT
Getting your eyes to see clearly once more is always a fantastic win and that's what we plan to do in this stellar final training!
You'll be learning a technique that softens the lenses, actually making it soft and pliable once more, which if you don't know means you see more clearly!
We'll be both clearing and regenerating your precious eyeballs!
4 MP3s & 4 PDFs
Total Runtime: 20 Minutes
The Quantum Shift 5 is a series of meditations promising transformation and efficient brain detox.
It is no secret that neuroscientists study meditators' brains to understand why the practice can have incredible effects on the entire human experience.
What you might not have heard is just like an athlete exercising a muscle, the meditator exercises the brain and the prefrontal cortex physically grows.
Do not worry!
This is not something you need to stress about. In fact, it is something to be excited about because your brain functions will improve, and you don't need thousands of hours to achieve this great affect! Even better news is, in as little as 5 minutes once or twice a day you'll move toward a stronger brain, with more happiness, connection with the world around you and peace.
Grow Younger
Today you can grow younger!
The combination of Mindset and technique can support the shift of cells from aging to youthfulness in this powerful regeneration meditation.
What the mind can conceive can become a reality. What is possible in the mind can be made possible in the body.
Your thoughts and visualizations can help you manifest into the healthiest most vibrant version of you possible.
- Pink and Gold Breath For Growing Younger
- 1st Chakra and 1st Brain Rejuvenating Process
- Bathing Internally with Earth and Cosmic Field — Energized With Pink
In order to grow younger, all you have to do is believe it. This meditation joyously guides you on a pink and gold breath journey of revitalization. Pink can soften the lenses of the eyes and reverse hardening as well as restore a youthful vitality to every cell in your body. Use this meditation often to reverse your inner aging process.
Genesis New Cells, Genius Brain (Frontal Lobe)
Did you know that Cell Regeneration is the key to longevity and great health?
The Human Blueprint coupled with the regenerative qualities of the quantum field can help us reach our true essence.
Learn how our bodies can restore and create new cells to 100% and know that you too can feel amazing every day of your life.
- Connect with the Quantum Field
- Own your Power-center for creation
- Source your Master Cell for Regeneration
- Breathe Gold with awe and wonder
- Cascade new cell growth and slough off the old
- Reunite Spirit and Body
Learning to regenerate cells is the key to longevity and great health. Beginning with this short comprehensive meditation, you step into mastering the secret connections of the quantum field and human blueprint. This meditation starts you on the path to the fountain of youth and a life of vitality!
Owning Your Body
Do you sometimes feel like this is not my body?
Are you wondering if you will ever feel in control of your body again?
Being connected to and owning your body is essential when striving for a 100% fully self-expressed life.
The life you imagine can ultimately be yours when you truly own and love your body, which is your temple. But you need to be in the present time.
- Kicking out squatters — that which is NOT ME
- Moving towards a male and female release — healing projects and aggression
- Creating a center of head clear out
- Creating the rainbow aura
- A reconnection with your legs
- Learning to click in your Spirit To Body
Do you currently have a beautiful connection with your body? Loving your body is the true path to healing and getting back into a wonderful world of action and even excitement. If you have felt disconnected from your body or been left sitting on the sidelines when it comes to self-love, use this meditation and experience a breakthrough now. Say it now — I own my body!
Instant Better Brain
Have you been feeling a little scattered lately?
We could all do with some much-needed clarity and focus in our life.
The Instant Better Brain meditation will get you back on track so you can keep moving full steam ahead!
Amazingly detailed yet simple to follow, this meditation is just what you need to reboot, restore and revitalize your 5 brains.
- Ground, Clear Release and Sparkle!
- Mental Body Reset to 100%
- Five Brain Grounding
- Brain Oxygenation
- Alternate Nostril Breath
- Balancing
Imagine your brain functioning and firing on all cylinders on demand! You will feel great, be clear and focused and will be able to let go of muddle. Why not make life a blissful experience!
By releasing and restoring the brain to its best performance, you will gain the power you need to launch back into life.
Chapter from Your Divine Human Blueprint Second Edition: Cellular Neo-Genesis
Never before has a book of this nature revealed such complete and accessible information on the entire Human Blueprint. Your Body has an elegant design with fields to support you in staying vibrant and youthful.
Protocols for Cell Regeneration DNA Clearing are given in full and easy to follow instructions.
Julie Renee is giving you the Chapter on Cellular Neo-Genesis to help you gain the most from this powerful course about cell regeneration.
Via WebinarJam
September 17th, 24th, and October 1st, 2020 at
9:00am Pacific / 10:00am Mountain / 11:00am Central / 12:00pm Eastern / 4:00pm GMT
3 Live, Powerful Trainings
In our all-new and powerful 3-hour live training, we'll be working all aspects of the blueprint, using our complex master chart and very specific concerns of the students who enroll. Julie creates a chart for your specific needs and clears your issues.
Highlight Topics from the Live Trainings:
- Remove harmful programs, brands, labels, realms and cycles permanently so they can never return again
- Neutralize the spiritual interference and frequencies that drag you down and keep you looping
- Clear all emotional and mental anchors
- Strengthen your will
- Restore your passion, commitment, and resolve in your mind body
- Restore your essence
Fraught with Fear to Graced with Goodness!
Thursday, September 17th, 2020 9:00am Pacific / 10:00am Mountain / 11:00am Central / 12:00pm Eastern / 4:00pm GMT
Have you ever felt a level of fear or anxiety that has left you either frozen or confused and unable to move forward? In session one we'll be neutralizing a hefty set of challenges that drive fears. Fear in so many ways is an illusion. I can think back to a time in my late 20's while driving in a poor neighborhood, a gang fight was going on among older teenage girls. I actually was not from their town, probably should have driven off, but I was not going to let this happen. I stopped my rental car, got out and literally stopped the fight. I commanded them to let go. And got them to apologize to each other and disperse. That could not have happened if I had an ounce of fear running.
How much fear is in your blueprint under the surface? We'll be neutralizing and incapacitating this fear. You need a hero, but you could be one in your own story without fear in your system.
Relentless Reactions to Joy-Filled Love Wisdom Directed
Thursday, September 24th, 2020 9:00am Pacific / 10:00am Mountain / 11:00am Central / 12:00pm Eastern / 4:00pm GMT
If you have not yet felt a stabilizing force return to you from the global turmoil, this is the session for resetting and uplifting you. We'll get you out of the fear brain and instinct reaction, sympathetic nervous system to a relaxed state of joy-filled love wisdom.
If you've had an experience of something like major depression, which I went through 30 years ago, you'll know what I am speaking about. These feelings, and thoughts are relentless, and your responses come from reaction. I remember just not being able to ground or regulate.
I thought about the missteps of family who raised me, and I was in a trap of assigning others for what I was experiencing.
Wow, when I discovered the Energetic encoding holding me in a stasis, I no longer wanted any part of, my body, heart and mind freed up! I walked in the possibility of everyday miracles and my life became magical! Perhaps you haven't had depression, or anxiety disorder, maybe nothing you can put your finger on, just not feeling right somehow or finding yourself reactive. This is the session to neutralize reactive feelings and move into the light of joy filled love wisdom!
Brain Bomb Misinformation Feed to Empowered Discernment
Thursday, October 1st, 2020 9:00am Pacific / 10:00am Mountain / 11:00am Central / 12:00pm Eastern / 4:00pm GMT
We aren't going to look at all the deception and darkness happening in the populace currently. You can do your own research on these happenings. What we are going to do is open your discernment so you can feel in your body, with body wisdom, what is true and what is off and should not be believed.
I have worked quite a bit in the Divine Human Blueprint on this issue, so we will adjust your own encoding to match the clarity and discernment to help you live well and know the truth. At this time there are waves, transmissions, and frequencies influencing our minds, as well as the news/social media which is often agenda directed.
Feel more ease in and lighten up in this session as we take the pressure off the influencing control projection energies off you!
2 MP3s
Total Runtime: 10 Minutes
Research shows that meditation permanently rewires the brain and increases the body's healthy hormones, lowers stress, and improves immune function. In other words, your chemistry works better when you're taking control of your brain, sweeping out the cobwebs (negativity, noise, etc) and sitting in your control center every single day!
If you are a multi-tasker like me, with your brain overloaded with the chaos of daily life, good news: meditation is the brain detox you need! As you still the mind and mute the barrage of thoughts, music, game noise and traffic, as you drop deeply into your essence, you activate the parasympathetic system. In this place you grow younger, clearer, and radiantly wonderful!
Let go of what you cannot control and embrace your field of peace and pleasure.
This meditation delivers a serene and happy healing to body and being.
As you glide through this sweet "grace-filled" meditation you will notice an increase in your wisdom as your stress falls away, quickly and easily restoring order and ease to your life.
- Breath of Positivity, Hope and Love Release of Stressors
- Grounding Cord Release of 'That Which is Not You'
- Rainbow Color Fields of Healing Light
- Restoring the Nervous System to Electric Blue
- Aura Healing with Blue Corona
- Seat of Soul — Center of Head Ownership — I am Serene
This amazing multi-faceted journey brings you to a place of serenity, guiding you to the release points needed to help you get back to your core. If you are tired of being agitated, worried and living with drama, and feel you are losing control, this is the meditation for you. It will help you get you back to your center.
The Quiet Mind
Are you easily distracted while trying to work?
Do you often find yourself in overwhelm as you traverse through your day?
It's time to distill your thoughts and quiet the mind.
A peaceful mind provides clarity that will help you control your world with grace and ease. Your life will improve when you silence the looping thoughts that serve to distract and annoy you. Your stress levels will lower, and joy will return in abundance.
- Bathe in Positive Energy and Quiet the Mind
- Eliminate negativity from your Aura
- Own your Golden Temple of Silence
- Identify what voice is you and what is not
- Feel Oneness with Unlimited Power, Grace and Love
With a quiet mind you begin the journey of self-awareness and transformation. Your mind will be more effective, and you will grow younger. Everyone can find a clear vision of manifestation and love with this meditation.
15-Minute Personal Session with Julie Renee
Via Phone or Skype
** Included with Full-Pay Package B Purchases Only **
Experience the Magic with Julie Renee
For a limited time, those who enroll in the full double program, those who have set their intentions high on a miraculous shift — Julie Renee wants to reward and delight you with even more!
You'll receive the precious gift of speaking directly with Julie Renee in a 15-minute DNA Discovery Evaluation.
Touch upon the most frequently DNA influenced areas and how well yours may be performing, including:
- Wealth
- Love
- Health
- Success
- Longevity
Julie will help you fully feel the quantum field of transformation in a palpable delicious few moments while strategizing your next steps for greater health and joy!
*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.
IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.
*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].