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Living in the Limitless Realm so You Can Live Life Beyond What You’ve Never Considered Possible

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Free Listening Expires Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 12:00pm Pacific

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IMPORTANT: Reserve Your Private
Energy Session w/ Dr. Alison Kay
(Limited Spaces Available)

New 2025 ‘Limitless Jumpstart’ Spots Added! 

The Time is NOW - We Are Being Called to Live Without Limits

Money, Abundance, Wealth, Health… You Can Have it All!

Embrace Your Infinite Potential and New Possibilities With Dr. Alison Kay’s

  • Package A

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$2,704

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package B

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$4,597

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 11, 2024, or no refunds available after the private session has occurred, whichever occurs first. 

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Abundance and Money Manifestations Showered My Family…

“I started training with Dr. Alison in July, and by September, the abundance and money manifestations showered me and my family.”

Gwen Maddox, Maryland, USA

In this special offer from Alison Kay, you will:

Life Changed After ONE Session

“She found & rewrote a trigger for a deep personal subconscious program and from this one interaction & clearing, my life has changed. I’ve had to leave 20+ years of spiritual work, understanding and integration all behind over the past two years. None of it applies or even works anymore at the newer levels. And it started with one of Alison J. Kay’s free phone calls three years ago.”

“Over the phone she found and rewrote a trigger point for a deep personal subconscious program of mine. I took the ball from you that evening and have been running with it ever since, dear goddess.”

“It’s a new reality now of completing ancient karmic cycles and claiming responsibility for patterns of generational trauma through personal/collective shadow work with its own new language that I’m just beginning to learn how to speak. Old school don’t live here no more, except for its conviction to keep going.”

Ken ‘Sohappy’ Clegg

I Am Now Living My DREAM Life

“Working with Dr. Alison for the past three months has made an enormous healing possible for me. Between her healing products, special clearings and intuitively guided coaching recommendations, I have experienced a dramatic reduction in PTSD symptoms such as hyper-vigilance, sleepless-ness, poor digestion and general distrust. Dr. Alison’s skill as an energy healer — combined with her joyful and uplifting demeanor and extensive knowledge, means there really hasn’t been anything coming up in my process that she can’t handle. I feel so much better each day and am getting my life back and am moving forward.”

“I am starting to live the life of my dreams as a spiritual reader, inspired social enterprise entrepreneur, and meditation teacher. All things that I had longed to do but never before had the wherewithal or know-how, or energy to bring it all together.”

“I am a long-time spiritual student as well as a long-time successful business person, and from both of these perspectives I have nothing but high recommendation to anyone who wants more in their life on any level. I have studied with high lamas, siddha masters, and spent time with millionaires on their estates and in temples across Asia. From my four decades of close-up exposure to such business and spiritual leaders I can speak to the authenticity of Dr. Alison’s energy skills and spiritual motivation — she is also a real magician. And an amazing being.”

Helen Faith Drummond, Biz Owner
East Anglia, England

Helping Me Reach $6 Million* in Sales

One of my main goals with 3M (Magic, Manifestation & Money Flow signature program) was 6 Million in sales in 2021. As of Friday, I was at $5,728,848.90 and so much of that came with grace and ease.

Patty Sue Landry

Everything Shifted; Work, Love, Money and Physical Health

I’ve been working with Alison for over a year and a half. I attend her small group theta healing sessions and monthly workshops at Enchanted Earth in Dunedin, as well as one-on-one sessions about once a month. My life has shifted to more positive everything; work, love, money, relationships, physical health. I got a more desirable position at work. And I started loving my career again.

My dating life has improved dramatically. I’ve been the ‘one date wonder’ for way too many years (I’m embarrassed to say how long). Over time that went to two dates, then four dates, one month, then two months, you get my drift. I’m now currently in a relationship.

With money, I’ve never had enough. Every extra cent went to some sort of house or car or pet emergency. That’s changed to having enough without emergencies. Recently I was gifted a very large gift, and opportunities to make more money (which I jumped on!).

When I first started seeing Alison, I wasn’t able to lose weight. I’ve been dieting for years, and I’d gain, but never lose. I’ve since lost 35 lbs (and counting).

Also I was diagnosed with a nerve disorder in my brain about 11 years ago, and a few months ago I made the move to come off the debilitating medicine with success so far! Even my massage therapist sees a drastic difference, which she credits the energy work I do with Alison. It’s been an experience like no other.”

Lori P., Dunedin, Florida

We Are Being Called to Step into A Limitless Lifestyle

Are You Ready?

Ask Yourself…

Do You Wonder Why You’re Not Having as Much Success in Your Material Life as You Feel You Could?

Are You Tired of Struggling Over Money, Abundance and Bills?

Are You Tired of Feeling Limited in Money, Abundance, Wealth and Health? 

Do You Finally Want to Live Your Dream Life Now?

Do You Perceive There’s More Available to You & for Your Life, but You Just Can’t Access It?

If You Find Yourself Answering "YES" to These Questions… You Are NOT ALONE!

Are You Ready to Be TRULY Limitless..

This package brings together a freshly created and newly curated specific offer to give the You Wealth Revolution audience a variety of super potent tools and services that’ll increasingly shift you, your consciousness, your subtle energy system and thus your self-talk and choices and life into becoming more unlimited in all areas of your life.

Living in the limitless realm is by no means spiritual only, although you are being tapped into some of the most mystical energies available and able to be translated into your consciousness and subtle energy field nowadays to increase your spiritual power. 

Your body’s vitality, strength and flexibility, your sense of freshness, your businesses if appropriate, your money flows, your levels of joy, your ease of overcoming any obstacles and invoke “miracles” to take care of these, your levels of easy joyous co-creation – all of this and more will increase from this offer, with Package B with much more insurance that you shift into your capacities to access this realm.

The specific group calls and the number of them comes from the need to focus on some necessary but not-so-sexy aspects of what Dr. Kay has experienced and seen from working with thousands of clients. It is crucial, required of us, that we are able to live a life beyond limitations that keep us restricted – limitations that we often are subconsciously employing on ourselves.

After experiencing the limitless realm and breaking from your own limitations, you will not be the same – and you will be able to use these tools for the rest of your lifetime. which is good because the more you listen to these in the new energies starting to come in, the more effectively you’ll be living in the limitless realm, and no longer have your consciousness nor life require blocks and restrictions in order to keep you safe and grounded, This is a game of the ego-mind, and we are evolving beyond the “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” element of the ego-mind and how it tends to keep us safe. And the more you clear out hidden blocks like old traumas and past-life traumas and experiences, the more you’ll be able to have yourself and your life optimized in these new times.

Our consciousnesses are undergoing a massive upgrade. This package is designed to help you align with these changes, allowing you to benefit fully rather than struggle through the adjustment.

That is the nature of these times – to learn how to access our divine potential and receive the metaphysical support, as we co-create our new golden era in what is considered humanity’s greatest evolutionary leap, 2012-2032, of which we are in a KEY turning point now.

Money Has Been Manifested!*

Money has been Manifested! My husband and I received an unexpected check in the mail today for $600 from our mortgage company. They stated there was an overage in our escrow. This is too cool! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Laura Ahern – Member of Magic, Manifestation and Money Flow Program
Ashburn, Virginia, US

Received $8,000 of Unexpected Money in One Week!

“After the call where you did clearings and activations around receiving surprise money I received the 4th surprise check for the week. I am now up to about $8000 of unexpected money for the week!

“Anyone considering working with Alison J. Kay stop thinking about it and do it. Thank you Alison, can’t wait to see what else is in store for me!”

Marilyn Barnes – Business Owner
Cape Coral, Florida, USA

The Most Amazing Energy Session I Have Ever Experienced

“I just wanted to thank you for the most amazing energy session I have ever experienced. Your skills are beyond any I have ever known. I’ve met a lot of people who claim to have great abilities but the treatment ends up being just okay. Yours was way beyond what I expected… and that was a wonderful surprise! I can’t wait for my next session!”

Bonnie Dye
Clearwater, Florida, USA

Good Sales and New Buyers After Sessions!

“I am already blessed with good sales in our Tarpon Art Guild gallery. But two days after our one-on-one session a new collector came to the gallery to buy a couple of my paintings. When his new house is finished he will come back for more! Woohoo!!”

Anneke H – Artist and Usui Reiki Master in Dr. Alison’s Lineage and Training
Denmark, Florida and North Carolina, USA

More Confidence to Book More Clients!

“Yay! Last night, I received a request for a VUP session from a client who I haven’t heard from since November, when she booked a session for her husband. Her last appointment was in August. So thanks for the powerful zoom call Alison J Kay! This makes me feel more confident having return clients, even though I have not been taking much action to find new clients.”

Lana Horning
Alberta, CA

You Don’t Have to Play Small Anymore!

The Gifts of the Universe Are Ready to Come Rushing in

In this special offer from Alison Kay, you will:

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

  • Package A

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$2,704

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package B

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$4,597

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 11, 2024, or no refunds available after the private session has occurred, whichever occurs first. 

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Value: $1300

Remote Work + MP3

Open Up to Flow And New Possibilities!

This attunement opens up to you the moment you purchase. Then for it to begin to flow towards you and become activated, so to speak – as well as your conscious mind having more awareness of it which helps anchor it in more effectively – listen to this one accompanying audio 1 time.

For those of you who already have received the Open Up to Flow & New Possibilities Attunement whilst it can seem repetitive, that’s not the way this technology works. The more you have in volume of the same attunement the more you increase its power & effectiveness because it has a building momentum inherent to its technology. Effects are then deepened and the results that have been seen when approached in this way are improved.

Note: Listen to the accompanying Attunement Opener MP3 to activate and support ALL the energetic attunements in this offer.

You will be attuned to the new possibilities AND step into your own flow

What this attunement gives you in great power, increasingly over time is:

Helps you open to more flow in areas desired

Helps you do what’s needed to create flow with ease

Supports you in taking initiative towards things you want

Opens you to a place of all is possible (even where you were previously hopeless)

Clears deep blocks in the way of having what you desire in a timely manner

Clears where you feel like everything is arduous and taking so much time so things happen with more ease, more often and much quicker

Clears where you’ve lost desire & initiative to do something so you can get those nudges to do it with a raised vibration

Clears where you’ve been in resistance to the new & making choices that will co-create the new

Opens up in your mind more perspective to be more open-minded to new possibilities that’ll help you with what you desire


Value: $77


Runtime: 18 Minutes

Open Yourself Up to Endless Possibilities!

This is one of the two core recordings that’s purpose is to get you attuned ever increasingly to learning to live without locking in limitations for yourself to then have to strive beyond.

Beyond a guided visualization, this transmission walks you & your consciousness through a gateway where the frequencies of living in the Limitless Realm get transmitted to you.

Note: This audio must be the first thing that you listen to in order to begin the attunement process and ready your energy for the rest of the items in the packages. 

If you were to choose to continue to use this expansive transmission daily whilst we move through our accompanying group calls you will be optimizing what else becomes possible for you & your life.

This also begins the remote healing being sent to you upon your 1st experience with following along what this spacious transmission takes you into & connects you to – and will help your initiation into living in the limitless realm anchor, deepen and strengthen if you were to choose to listen to this daily.

Value: $77


Runtime: 1 Hour

Bring Limitlessness into Your Field of Being

This is the 2nd of the 2 core recordings for getting you attuned ever increasingly to learning to live without locking in limitations for yourself to then have to strive beyond.

Can you see a version of you where you’re genuinely – beyond intellectually only, but embodied – beyond duality, beyond restrictions, beyond having something to heal or fix, but instead continual positive expansion, up & up the spiral? 

During receiving these clearings & activations yourself, you will find your own system responding in ways that open up new pathways in you energetically, neurologically, biochemically & spiritually, as you receive clearings & activations on what are some of the stickiest hidden – and sometimes conscious – blocks people have towards letting go of being habituated to having restrictions & limitations in place.

After the first 3 clearings & activations, there is some advanced coaching from my decades of meditating & teaching meditation, some of the most advanced Yogic philosophy to help you better understand how this all works & advance on your spiritual path as you let go and learn to have limitless choices – and to choose them AND choose to do the follow up to ensure completion & success in both the spiritual and material world.

This work is especially poignant and key for these new times we’ve now stepped into, as we together, collectively, co-create our new paradigm – our new Golden Era.

Here is what you'll receive potent clearings & activations on, as we increasingly attune you to the realm of limitlessness:

  1. Playing Small
  2. Honoring Yourself, the life you’ve been given, and your divine spark. This advances you beyond increased self-worth, and self-esteem in the most holistic, foundational and beneficial way, overall, with this much misunderstood aspect of human psychology.
  3. Anywhere and everywhere you’re limiting yourself, whether through not enough money or something else.

Dr. Kay will also give you teachings on: Advanced, mystical aspects “brought down”, anchored in and coupled with foundational western psychology and integrated into the nature of the ego-mind and its typical functioning involved with learning how to live without locking a restriction in place to limit you. 

This coaching/teaching is meant to integrate the clearings & activations thus far. It will allow you to more adeptly receive the energy clearings, activations & frequencies and make the best use of it so you can move beyond needing something to resist against or fight against or limit you.

During this coaching you’ll hear the example being used for your benefit of how much money you have is a choice, and not having enough money is employed as something to fight & resist against. This is multi-faceted and again, quite advanced, so this bit will require many listen throughs in order to genuinely gain the shift & benefits intended.

Then the remaining clearings & activations:

  1. You finding out what it’ll feel like for you to be living a life and be able to successfully navigate that life without needing restrictions to limit you – and that includes where you’re employing money to restrict you – so you can see what it’s like to actually be free to choose from the actual buffet of choices whatever it is you’d like to co-create and you allow yourself to enjoy more success with these co-creations.


  2. You finding out, ever increasingly, what the juicier version of you is like where you are so strong & comfortable with choosing what works best for you – that lights your heart up – that you don’t even notice what others think nor any judgements others may have of you & what you’re choosing.

Value: $1000

Immediately Available

Unlock Your Boundless Potential in 2 Live Sessions for Limitless Living!

Getting Started On Clearing the unsexy blocks around keeping yourself limited and Activating You to Have Thoughts and behavior that support you to be increasingly living from the limitless realm.


Self-Consciousness & Hesitancy Transmuted into Increased Power to Voice Your Desires

Clearing wherever any levels of self-consciousness or desire to belong or group think cause you to leak your power & are holding you back from accessing the limitless realm. You’ll then be activated so that you can choose more from the new possibilities, speak up for yourself and your desires wherever appropriate, especially with the Universe as you claim what it is you’re desiring to co-create.


Activating Courage & Confidence

Clearing wherever any causes for not being able to boldly choose to go beyond where you’ve gone before are limiting you. This will involve clearing any nuanced causes for low self-esteem, procrastination and self-sabotaging hidden blocks within your operating system that lead to you not being able to RISE and choose bigger & bolder for yourself, increasingly.

EXTREME Ease and Abundance

“All is flowing with extreme ease and abundance. People are stepping up and shining forth in new ways. Old assumptions/stories are revealing themselves and sloughing off.”

Sarah Boxx
New Mexico, USA

Creative Energy Coming Out of My Eyeballs!

“Ok Dr. Alison! You did it again. You boosted the shit out of me and I have creative energy coming out of my eyeballs.”

Lindsey Ganahl
Seattle, Washington, USA

Dr. Alison is the One to Come to If You're Ready for Huge Shifts

“Thank you for everything, Dr. Alison J Kay. You’ve provided strength and support for me and there is so much opening up in ways that I couldn’t even imagine.

You are definitely the one to come to if you’re ready for huge shifts and change. So much love and golden light returned.”

Kirsten Schreiber
San Jose, California, USA

Helping Me Reach $6 Million* in Sales

“One of my main goals with 3M (Magic, Manifestation & Money Flow signature program) was 6 Million in sales in 2021. As of Friday, I was at $5,728,848.90 and so much of that came with grace and ease.

I’m so freaking close!! I can feel it! It’s mine! I completely expect Thursday’s event to take me over the top!! Thank you again!”

Patty Sue Landry
Ashburn, Virginia, USA

  • Package A

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$2,704

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package B

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$4,597

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 11, 2024, or no refunds available after the private session has occurred, whichever occurs first. 

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Value: $500

Amount of Time of Personal Help: 30 min

** Limited Availability – New Sessions for Jumpstart 2025 – JUST ADDED **

Dr. Kay Will Pierce the Core of Your Spiritual Blockages and Activate Rapid Growth!

During this immensely valuable session you will receive a piercingly accurate intuitive reading that goes to a place you’ve likely not gone before, that gets at a root cause of the most, or 1 of the most, problematic patterns in your life – called a “samskara” in Sanskrit – including which key chakras are involved in it.

You will then receive a verbal clearing and activation which will clear out this pattern as much as you’re ready for, as well as a beautiful activation of your own keys and codes and the positive unconscious and subconscious messaging for this pattern, so that you’re repatterned in the direction of successful gaining of the gem as I call it, or the power that’s hiding behind this limiting pattern, so you gain the spiritual growth and evolution.

Note: This session will not be recorded.

Value: $1250

Remote Healing Transmissions

Remote Transmissions Are Projected Daily, for 30 Days,
Beginning on Date of Purchase

Experience the Phenomenon that is Dr. Kay’s Remote Healing Transmissions

This 30-Day remote energy transmission with Alison is phenomenal! It’s utterly priceless and considered such a high value of what she does daily for her Mastermind participants, that she has heard throughout the years this is one of the hardest aspects to let go of when their time is complete in the Mastermind. Through Alison’s remote work, you will find it absolutely phenomenal how unconditionally loving and supportive the Universe is through the individualized energy-healings that you will receive.

Value: $1300

Energy Work + Audio

Duration: 17 minutes

Clear Deep Blocks that Inhibit You From Living Life Fully And in Joy

In ‘This Thrive & Play in These Times Attunement’, you will appreciate yourself more while Knowing You Are Safe & Opening You More to Be Loved.

This attunement will also help you bring your own unique gifts forward now – including when you don’t even know what yours are – to make the most out of these times.

Specifically, this attunement clears deep blocks around:

Appreciating yourself

Valuing yourself

Approving of yourself

Seeing the magic within you and your own unique gifts

❖ Liking and loving yourself

Appreciating your gift of life

Valuing your life, so you can make more of it, within your daily choices and create the best life ever!

Receiving the Divine’s appreciation for you

❖ Receiving the Divine’s love for you, unconditionally

❖ Receiving nourishment, protection, Guidance and connection with the Divine’s love, ever increasingly

❖ Receiving Divine love (from the Divine and others) so that ultimately, it’ll then show up in whatever ways you’re ready for.

❖ Being too task-focused

❖ Being too serious

❖ Being too problem focused, whether you tend to be a problem solver or not (it’s the nature of the ego-mind, our medias’ and societal conditioning that reinforces this)

Grounding into your body and feeling safe, and that you have the right to be here

This attunement also clears damage to your inner child from any deep traumas, conditioning, congenital, inherited issues, imprints, karma and more. It restores your inner child to feel safe and to be present and involved in your life.

It also increases the nurturing of your inner child, no matter your age. This helps to enable you to choose and co-create the best life possible, esp. as these new possibilities for the new golden era become more accessible for those of us attuned and positioned to align with them and co-create our lives from them.

This attunement helps all of humanity now, with more of us carrying these frequencies and having them turned ON!

Note: Listen to the accompanying Attunement Opener MP3 to activate and support ALL the energetic attunements in this offer.

Value: $47


Runtime: 1 Hour 45 Minutes


So you can actually step into the life your heart sees for you, rising above the limited parts of you like never before!


No more burrowing your head under ground or with your head just above, in survival mode, perpetuating yesterday.

No more holding back on your joy nor receiving nor choosing your highest possible reality you can co-create! 

You’ll get your tigress’ share if you do choose to step out and roar.

But to also help you sustain the momentum, when folks are typically already starting to weaken from those redundant resolutions…


Untethering you from the survival mode, the lack mode

Empowerment, Activation and Blessings for the Abundance For ALL vibrations becoming even more physicalized for you and through you

❖ Putting to rest the past and its energies in a way that serves your highest and best, individualized to you

Putting to rest the past and its lessons with clearing and activation on behalf of the collective for more overall ease at this stage of our Greatest Evolutionary Leap for Humanity ever! (2012-2032)

❖ Deep, profound NEW process to facilitate the most robust, deep within you, profound release your system can possibly allow at this time

❖ Blessings of good fortune over you

❖ Let’s activate the highest possibilities for you and your life

❖ Your connection strengthened to the field of unlimited possibilities

❖ Your connection strengthened to the unconditional loving support all around you for your path

Clearings and activations to assist you to Stay the Course as your Tigress You Emerges!

Value: $2000

Via Zoom

Immediately Available


Unlock Your Boundless Potential in SIX TOTAL Live Sessions for Limitless Living!

Clearing the unsexy blocks around keeping yourself limited and Activating You to Have Thoughts and behavior that support you to be increasingly living from the limitless realm! This is a continuation of the two live group sessions from Package A giving you SIX Live Group Sessions with Dr. Kay. 

Consider this a type of immersion for you into the limitless realm. Dr. Kay has been guided to offer these group sessions in order to bring you what’s needed to get you the most optimized outcomes with this focus: learning to live ever increasingly without limitations and restrictions in all areas of your life.

There are some core aspects – whilst not so sexy – that are key to shifting into more of the freedom that learning to live without you employing limitations to stop you and play smaller, requires. We will be getting to these throughout these 4 live events (6 Total for Package B).

In each group session, Dr. Kay will be guided to interact with participants more closely, including selecting an individual to work with, based on where the collective energy of the group is during the live event. Using her intuitive “Hawk Eyes” approach, she will identify a hidden root blockage and transform it into a clearing and activation that benefits all attendees.

These sessions will be recorded and made available afterward, though attending live is always preferable. Dr. Kay will also be working with participants via remote healing, already tuning into them similarly to how her highest-level program, the Mastermind, operates. This combination is highly effective and has been difficult for past participants to part with due to its powerful results.

Expect an enjoyable, transformative experience as Dr. Kay applies this high-level, cutting-edge, and mystical work to everyday life. The goal is to foster the greatest possible flourishing and thriving in both material and spiritual aspects of life.

You will also have your new attunements further enhanced on the first of these 6 zoom sessions.

These sessions will have an individualized nature to them, as Dr. Kay will be tracking your progress and running specific clearings and activations based on what you most need. These group sessions will offer you immeasurable value – and Alison has seen this successfully work to garner profound and permanent changes and shifts in people working with her with these various components she will bring into these live sessions.


Clearing Wherever You Need to Be Right, or Feel You Need to Prove Yourself

These 2 aspects are profoundly stealth and deeply conditioned into typical daily behavior – esp. if you are a business owner or high level executive – or in any relationship with anyone. 🙂  This will help you have a full system exhale, so you can approach the co-creation of your life from a much freer, lighter perspective and consciousness. 


Calling All Control Freaks! Clearing that and Empowering You to Be More Able to Surrender & Trust

We’ll be delving into the slippery & diverse spectrum of where the ego-mind exerts its control in ways that cause you to stay within what’s familiar and comfortable, clearing these and activating you to have more ease being more ready to choose what you desire and Surrender into focusing on this, despite the ego-mind’s stealth like controlling hidden blocks (like slowing the rate of your progress.)


Moving Beyond Requiring Things to Be Reasonable and Into Clear Intuitive Connection

We’ll be exploring and clearing the subtle ways our conditioning within the old paradigm has caused us to trust reason & logic and distrust the intuitive and heart-lead thoughts & ideas. We’ll be activating your capacities to exist within the more wild, unpredictable world of the mystical and mysterious, so you can have a more direct connection with the Universe, and have your desired manifestations be heard – and manifest – more easily.


Activating You to Have the Realm of the Miraculous Become Common-Place

Get those rose colored glasses out & let’s clear your internal dialogue and hidden blocks that make it more likely for you to doubt and be cynical. We’ll replace that by activating optimism, hope and TRUST in miracles and magic and that the Universe is unconditionally loving and has your back, replacing where you may have also become demoralized from all the chaos of change. And finally – activating you to have more comfort in the limitless realm, free of requiring it show up a certain way.

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight.


Runtime: 1 Hour 10 Minutes 

Release, Reset & Unlock More Potential

In this oh-so-high event, at the end of which folks were saying they felt so much lighter, more relaxed and more peaceful with some even going into a light sleep due to these sweet energies, you will receive:

  1.   A clearing of any and all resistance you have to releasing what’s ready to go and an activation that’ll help you move forward now with more zest, freedom, and success in the energy of a new beginning. Dr. Kay will run frequencies to boost the invitation for the energy reset of the entire globe, for both you individually and us collectively.

  2.   Once the frequency of a RESET is anchored in, Dr. Kay will lead you through all areas of your life to bring forth NEW energy for NEW awareness to create NEW intentions, as she guides you to tune into what can be reset for the season ahead, while also focusing on integrating the learnings from retrograde season.

  3.   Frequencies are then run for you to clear any remnants of mental fog from the recent past, so you make use of this newfound clarity, while she runs frequencies and guides you through various hand positions to increase your clarity.

  4.   You will receive a clearing and activation for the road to be open for making radical changes now – along with the courage to seize the moment!
  • Package A

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$2,704

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package B

    Discount: 94% Off

    Total Value:$4,597

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 11, 2024, or no refunds available after the private session has occurred, whichever occurs first. 

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

About Dr. Alison Kay

Dr. Alison J. Kay is an internationally recognized Award Winning Energy Healer who refused to settle for less than she wanted in her life. Unhappy with the return she was receiving from her efforts, Dr. Alison took a leap of faith, departed from the stable, predictably, less-than-full-thriving-and-happy life she had built for herself, and moved to Asia to teach English Literature and Psychology within the International School System.

Dr. Alison chose Asia as the location for her new life because she saw how it’s the seat of where ancient wisdom is still running the modern understanding of how energy and energy healing works. While there, she encountered new modalities of working with subtle energy for supreme well-being, thriving and healing, thus continuing her long love affair with learning holistic healing methods in addition to her decades long meditation and yoga practice. After several years of having used energy medicine in working with clients in her side wellness business alongside her classroom teaching, both first in the States and then while living as an ex-pat in Asia, increasingly, Dr. Alison had identified (as she explored in her award winning first book, What If There’s Nothing Wrong?, written in her last year of the decade spent in Asia), the deep need for holistic healing treatments and lifestyle approaches that solved the Western need for achievement and happiness.

She combined her extensive knowledge, training, and experience of these modalities to create coaching programs, including the Vibrational UPgrade™ System. She has helped thousands of people tap into greater meaning, success and happiness in their lives using the methods she teaches, and has found success and happiness in her own life.

Dr. Alison is highly educated in multiple alternative medicines, nutrition, and more. She is an Award Winning, #1 International Best Selling Author in addition to being a Master Mind-Body Energy Medicine practitioner for more than twenty years. Dr. Alison is considered one of the leading experts on using the chakra system as the road map for thriving in mind body and spirit, while applied in a unique way. She has a Doctor of Philosophy as a Holistic Life Coach (Ph.D.) and has been a meditation practitioner & teacher for over 20 years. She is also an India-trained, certified RYT-200 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher and a Chi Gong instructor and energy medicine practitioner for 18 years, amongst many other accomplishments.

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**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Alison Kay’s package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker’s offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker’s offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker’s digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Alison Kay’s package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically “Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?”. Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered “Yes”. Only 67 respondents answered “No”. A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].