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Energetic In-Utero Healing: Transforming Set Points for Health, Wealth, and Inner Freedom

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Free Listening Expires Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 at Midnight Pacific

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IMPORTANT: Reserve Your Private Energy Session w/ Jade-Yin Hom
(Limited Spaces Available)

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Do You Have Recurring Health, Financial and Emotional Problems … No Matter What You Try?

Intergenerational Trauma May Be the Hidden Cause That’s Keeping You Stuck

It Didn’t Start with You - But It Can End Now with JadeYin Hom’s All New Light Codes and In-Utero Healing!

  • Package A

    Discount: 87% Off

    Total Value:$720

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$1,347

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred or after 11:59pm Eastern, on February 13, 2025, whichever comes first.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

In this special offer from Jade-Yin Hom, you will:

HEAL Chronic and Recurring Health and Financial Issues. Feel Safe in Your Body and Good About Your Life

PURGE Intergenerational Wounds and Expand Into Your Potential - Feel Liberated and Free From Past Wounds

ELIMINATE All Energetic Set-Points That Have Kept You Stuck in Lack, Pain, and Chronic Health Challenges

EXPERIENCE The Liberation and Freedom That Comes From Releasing and Transforming Intergenerational Traumas

"I can see its entirely possible... to say good-bye to Crohn’s forever!*

“A friend of mine who had much success with JadeYin’s work told me to see her. I was hesitant because I’ve tried so many healers over the last decade dealing with Crohn’s Disease.”

“During my first session Jade was able to hear the screams and see me hiding in the bathroom as a three-year-old. That amazed me because that was exactly my childhood situation. What happened next amazes me until this day. Jade released the cellular memories of trauma and I was yawning so much. Then she guided me on a journey back to my childhood and re-imprinted the experiences of being received with love, respect and kindness. This re-imprinting helped my body to have new reference points for receiving love and kindness. That was an incredible experience and my body was feeling the energy for days.”

“In my second session, Jade did so much energy healing for my digestive system that I was really feeling almost normal. The abdominal pain was gone! For the first time in a long time, I feel hope and I can see that it is entirely possible to say good-bye to Crohn’s forever after only two sessions with Jade.

Wow! Jade is a gifted healer and I recommend her to anyone and everyone who needs a kind and gentle person on their side. She makes a chronic issue feel like a simple task to transform and she makes you laugh so much while transforming such deep issues.”

Linda S, Chicago, IL

Release Childhood Grief, Heartache Disappeared

“I was attracted to Jade just for working on my eyes and experienced soooo much more! Jade worked on my C2, left eye pain and even a tooth that were all connected to the eyes. I have been putting in multiple hours in front of the computer and my eyes were getting fatigued. I took a nap after our session and was then up most of last night… no blurry eyes or fatigue like I would normally experience!”

Jade mentioned my ancestral and womb experiences. She pinpointed an upset at approximately 6–8 weeks in utero… the result being that I felt like I was not seen, not heard and when I was born that I did not feel well received and loved. What Jade picked up on was when my father was suddenly drafted and was to be sent immediately to the Front in a war zone.”

Jade released the childhood grief for the loss of the childhood that I could have had. My mother did not believe in holding babies… she felt like this would spoil us somehow… Talk about not feeling seen, loved, received, or respected! Wow…

Then Jade traced the feelings of not being well received and love to a core issue from my maternal genetic line… going back 8-9 generations. Not feeling loved and a pattern of the heart not being in the body. After she shifted the intergenerational patterns, which she transformed by the Light… Jade said there were too many to name. I told her the story of my maternal grandmother being a burden on her parents, just one more mouth to feed… so at 6 years of age her father attempted to drown her in the pond with her mother standing on the shore… NOT attempting to stop him! My heart ached and felt completely closed down & restricted. Then suddenly the ache disappeared, and I had an intense rush of energy throughout my entire body… waves upon waves of energy. In fact, I am reliving that experience as I write this review 24 hours later!!! Healing is once again being transmitted!

Peg Rose, healer

Lighter in Belly and Less Tension

“I was seeking healing for: emotional and physical healing – endometriosis, lyme disease, brain fog, gut problem, liver, immune system, kidneys, heart, anemia, short and light sleep etc. long term anger, anxiety, sadness, find boundaries/my space, relationship mother – mother , relationship child – mother, feeling safe in dealing with people.”

Before the session, the issues were a 10 out of 10.

After the session, the same issues were at 3 out 10.

“During the session I felt tension around my spine, my whole belly and heaviness in my legs (lymph).

Afterwards, I feel much calmer. I feel more aware of myself, of my needs. The focus on the mesentery helped me to heal my large endometriosis inside my belly. Feel lighter in my belly, less tension (PMS).

This was my second session with Jade. I am so amazed. Her healing is so gentle, but deep and focused. I love her sense of humor which helps me to go deeper in the healing. I am crying and laughing at one moment. I also appreciate the focus on energetically Rolfing the fascia of my entire body, which is also my interest.”

Jana of Prague

Stuck in a Loop? The Key to Your Liberation May Lie DEEP in your Genetic, Intergenerational Roots

Are you looking for huge transformations?

Are you ready to leave behind self-sabotage?

Would you like to create greater wealth?

Find resolutions to chronic and recurring health challenges?

Be liberated from your past and be free of intergenerational issues?

If you have issues with self-sabotage and seem to go in circles with self-improvement efforts then this offer is for you. It’s not your fault that all your efforts to change your life have not given you the results you desired. Now that’s going to change.

You may be dealing with:

Weight loss issues – all your efforts only create more and different issues.

Recurring health challenges – infections, colds, allergies just plagued you.

Chronic health challenges – fatigue, bodily aches and pain, digestive and blood sugar issues, sleep and cardiovascular issues, etc.

Low immunity, poor digestion, low energy, and just not feeling well.

Money issues or chronic under-employment even though you have credentials.

These issues all have one thing in common – they didn’t begin with you. They are signs and symptoms of intergenerational unhealed wounds and traumas and you’re not alone. You’re the one in your family system who will heal these wounds and thus heal seven generations before you and seven generations after you.

Introducing Powerful New Light Codes

In this offer, Jade is bringing new and powerful light codes she received that will work on clearing issues from your in-utero development timeline and from your family history. These powerful light codes will clear intergenerational issues that have impacted your health, finances, relationships and life purpose. 

These same light codes will also support you to activate future timelines of health, wealth, purpose and well-being on all levels. It’s what you have been asking for because you’re ready for a huge whole life transformation.

This offer will help you because you’re the one in your family system who have what it takes to create changes that will impact all seven generations before you and seven generations after you. All the healing you have done so far got you here so that you can liberate yourself from the past and create your best future. As you embodied this level of liberation, you will also support others to do the same.

This offer is unique in the specific ways it can tune into issues from your 36-40 week in-utero development period. It works from the earliest stage of development – the zygote, then the 10 weeks of the embryonic stage, followed by the fetal stage. It continues to clear any issues that may have been imprinted during the birth itself. 

To support broader healing of issues, the history of both maternal and paternal families are also cleared going seven generations back. This would liberate you from all intergenerational issues allowing you and all generations after you to experience inner freedom and liberation. Health challenges that have a genetic factor can be lessened or even completely eliminated.

This is powerful because:

It transforms health and financial issues that resulted from intergenerational wounds.

Liberates you from addictions, recurring health challenges that have not responded to anything else.

Works on the smallest unit of your being – the zygote. From this space of clearing, everything changes.

The impact is intergenerational – seven generations before and seven generations after you. You’re the one who is tipping the scale in favor of freedom, liberation, health and wealth. 

You get to change the tides of history for yourself and your family.

Liberate Yourself AND The 7 Generations Before You and 7 Generations to Come!

In this ALL- NEW Offer from Jade-Yin Hom, you will make these life-altering discoveries:

Your Financial, Health, and Relationship Issues May Be a Sign of Intergenerational Trauma, and You Can Transform Them AT LAST!

You Can RAPIDLY Clear Hidden, Unresolved Traumas Via Your In-Utero Development Timeline and Activate a Glorious Future Timeline.

The Traumas You Healed Will Also Impact Seven Generations Before You and Seven Generations After You. You’re POWERFUL!

Chronic and Recurring Issues Like Addictions Are NOT YOUR FAULT, and You Can Transform Them!

You Can EASILY Liberate Yourself From Self-Sabotaging, Subconscious Limitations and Actualize Your Full Potential.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

  • Package A

    Discount: 87% Off

    Total Value:$720

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$1,347

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred or after 11:59pm Eastern, on February 13, 2025, whichever comes first.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Item 1

Zygotic Stage

Value: $90


Runtime: 10 Minutes

Go Back to Your Physical Creation-Point and Activate Your Genetic Potential

In this healing we will go back to your earliest point of physical creation – the zygote stage. In the zygote, all the genetic material from egg and sperm are combined. This session will support the zygote to develop surrounded by Light from the Divine so that only genetic information that supports your well-being will be activated in you. 

All intergenerational traumas and wounds will be eliminated. 

Special attention will be given to activating powerful genetic information such as resilience, wisdom, strength and intelligence. Unique spiritual gifts will be activated.

Skeptic Overcome Depression Energy, Resolved Hypertension

My experience with Jade Yin Hom has been very transforming. As a Professional Engineer my inherent skepticism and analytical nature set a certain level of expectation for me. I can tell you that Jade has impressed me in every way. I find Jade to be extremely knowledgeable about energy medicine and healing. My experience has helped me to open my heart and through the process see healing occur in my family on many levels.

On a personal level, Jade has helped me overcome depression, resolved hypertension and other stress-related ailments (all verified by MD). In addition to healing health issues, Jade’s skill with energy has helped not only my business to grow rapidly but has helped me nurture all my personal relationships. I am sure that Jade has the knowledge and skills to help anyone achieve their personal goals and a whole lot more as everything is energy.”

Jim F. , Engineer

Item 2

Embryonic Stage

Value: $90


Runtime: 20 Minutes

Remember and Optimize Your Soul’s Entry into Your Physical Body

In this 10 week period, the entire body is formed and the soul enters the body around week 7-8. This session will support the transmission of all the gifts and wisdom from all lifetimes.

You will embody the infinite wisdom of your soul and be able to access this with more ease. All body systems and sense organs will be cleared of intergenerational issues.

Item 3

Fetal Stage

Value: $90


Runtime: 20 Minutes

Undo All Intergenerational Issues’ Harm on Your Body

From week 9 to birth is the fetal stage. In this developmental stage the lungs, cardiovascular system, digestive system, spine and long bones all continue to grow and mature. This session will support all body systems to release any and all intergenerational issues. 

Your immune system, breathing, heart health, and digestion will all improve. Your entire back will feel as if burdens are now off your back. You will feel stronger and more grounded in your body as all life times of not feeling safe in the body will be cleared.

Item 4

Clear all Money and Weight Issues

Value: $90


Runtime: 16 Minutes

Get Rid of Scarcity Genes that Cause Money and Weight Issues

Money and weight issues tend to go together as both may be tied to intergenerational wounds. Hunger and famine leave an imprint on our DNA and some people even have “famine genes.” When these are cleared, it supports better finances as well as maintaining a healthy weight. No more yo-yo dieting and no more under-employment. 

All setpoints around money, success and healthy weight are cleared so that you can generate a great income while doing what you love and enjoy good health.

Arm Discomfort Gone, Mobility Restored

“I had experienced a great healing session with Jade. She is an awesome Being and Healer and contributes to deep healing. My right upper arm was in tremendous pain, it was not mobile. After just a few minutes with Jade’s hand on my arm, I fell into a calm and peaceful state and the healing began. The next day, my arm pain was gone and my arm was mobile again.

I will definitely be back and know she is in my life for a long time.”

Sonia P., Energy Healer, Spiritual Alchemy Intuitive Coaching, Teacher and Facilitator

Clearing all Perceptual Distortions and See Better

Value: $90


Runtime: 12 Minutes

All families have their own wisdom as well as issues that create perceptual distortions about who you are, who you can be, what you can do and how much money you can generate in life. Clearing these perceptual distortions that are specific to your family will help you to see beyond limitations so that you can create your best life.

You’re not who your family says you are. You’re a divine being with infinite potential. You are who you give yourself permission to be so with all the perceptual distortions cleared, you’ll be able to embody more of you and your infinite potential.

Eliminate Self-Sabotage and Self-Doubt

Value: $90


Runtime: 12 Minutes

Self-sabotage and self-doubt are learned from family patterns. This session will help you to eliminate self-sabotage and self-doubt so that you can embody your greatness and accomplish your goals. 

Thinking and doing will be in alignment when self-sabotage(a doing) and self-doubt (thinking) are cleared. You’ll experience clarity of thought and act with purpose.

Divine Destiny Activation

Value: $90


Runtime: 12 Minutes

You have a Divine Destiny and when it’s activated you will be able to explore your life purpose and use your unique Spiritual gifts to transform your own life. 

Your soul entered your body at 7 weeks in-utero development. This part of you always knew your purpose, your Divine Destiny. All Divine Destinies come with gifts that will allow you to fully embody your best self. 

Are you ready to be as powerful as you truly are?

Ideal Body

Value: $490


Runtime: 17 Minutes

An ideal body is not just about weight but also about function and flexibility. This session strengthens all parts of your body systems with special attention given to muscles, fascia, and the skeletal system. 

Science has shown that the real test of longevity is being able to get up from sitting on the floor without any support. This means having strong muscles and good bone density. 

With that in mind, an ideal body has strength, flexibility, muscle tone, and great circulation. Your blood flow to body and brain are good. Your metabolism and oxygen metabolism are within a healthy range. On the outside, you look radiant and beautiful, literally glowing with good health. 

This energetic audio supports optimal function from the cellular level to system level. All systems within the body communicate perfectly together. Harmony within and radiance on the outside.

  • Package A

    Discount: 87% Off

    Total Value:$720

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 5

20-Minute Private Session with JadeYin Hom

Value: $297

Via Zoom

Be Reborn Through a Personalized Intergenerational Healing

Working with Jade can support you to eliminate all intergenerational wounds around health, finances and chronic challenges. Light language and light alchemy can support deep transformations that will liberate you from past issues. 

Jade can also support you to reprogram your subconscious so that you can accomplish your goals in much less time.

You have unique gifts that can support you to transform your life. A private session with Jade can be very life-affirming, supporting you to embody your potential and greatness.

Was Able to Cry and Then Feel More Joy

“I was dealing with unworthiness, inner child issues and ancestral trauma. During the session with Jade, I felt the movement of energy in my lower body more. Was able to cry and not hold it back. Felt a release of emotions. Able to heal myself from her group and sessions! Now I feel lighter and more joyous.

Jade is a great facilitator. I have taken many of her sessions and packages. She held space for many of my issues in sessions and worked on problems from in-utero development, the unconscious, inner child work and ancestral traumas. Beautiful light language and gazing sessions. She has held space in so many ways to assist me in my personal growth along with many others. So much gratitude and love for her and her work.”

Maria Yearwood

Item 6

Three (3) 60-Minute Live Group Calls with JadeYin

Value: $150

Via Zoom

Friday, February 14, 21, 28, 2025 at 10am PST

Health, Wealth and Inner Freedom

The group calls will support you to create inner freedom, health and wealth. Inner freedom is possible when you clear all judgments from others and all hidden limitations. 

You are who you give yourself permission to be. These group calls will support you to institute habits and beliefs that will anchor new timelines of joy, health, achievement and success.

Group calls are mutually supportive. We have each other’s back and hold sacred space for healing transformations.


Part I: Health Transformation Call

10:00am Pacific / 11:00pm Mountain / 12:00pm Central / 1:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm GMT

 Friday, February 14, 2025, at 10:00am PT

This first group call will focus on any health issues. Eliminate the root spiritual energy around health issues and hidden set-points around health, energy and activity level so that you can be a high performer in all areas of life.

As this is a group call, the content will reflect what the group desires to transform.

Everything is confidential and therefore, no one is allowed to record any part of the group calls. Only people who signed up for the group calls will have access to the replays.


Part II: Financial Freedom & Career Calling

Friday, February 21, 2025, at 10:00am PT

10:00am Pacific / 11:00pm Mountain / 12:00pm Central / 1:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm GMT

This second call will build on the first call and will be group driven. What would you like to create in your finances or in your career? 

What added monthly income will allow you to have financial freedom?

Everything is confidential and therefore, no one is allowed to record any part of the group calls. Only people who signed up for the group calls will have access to the replays.


Part III: Inner Freedom

Friday, February 28, 2025, at 10:00am PT

10:00am Pacific / 11:00pm Mountain / 12:00pm Central / 1:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm GMT

This final call builds on the first two calls and supports you to have health, wealth and inner freedom.

What does having inner freedom mean to you? What habits and limiting thoughts are you willing to give up so that you can truly have inner freedom?

Everything is confidential and therefore, no one is allowed to record any part of the group calls. Only people who signed up for the group calls will have access to the replays.

Fourty Year Old Deep Neck & Spine Discomfort Went Down to 3 from 9

“I experienced deep pain in my spine and neck daily for 40 years. During the session with Jade, I saw the old energy in my back and stomach leaving while also feeling an “uplifting” sensation in body, mind and spirit. I experienced intense pain in different places on my body during the work. My ankles and wrists were in pain that was about a 9 out of 10. This lasted for a short period of time.

I was yawning like crazy – and that doesn’t happen often these days (after 13 years with daily energy work). And tears coming out my eyes with no sadness attached, like cleansing. It was deep.

I feel very new. Like a new person with no attachment or even memory of what was “me” or “going on” two days ago before our session. Right after the session with Jade, I am feeling happy and balanced. Every group call is fantastic. Pure joy!

My spine/neck and pelvic areas feel “detached” from the old way of experiencing the pain – even if I still feel some pain (3 from a 9) it is another experience.

Jade is real. She is fast and joyful during group sessions. I am impressed by her quick and intelligent approach with working on issues for the whole group. She covers wide and deep and it has surprised me often how much I actually “feel” and experience with her work. And this is only from packages and group calls. I would love to meet Jade one-on-one – that must be pure magic. Thank you Jade!”

Nina, Stockholm, Sweden

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$1,347

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred or after 11:59pm Eastern, on February 13, 2025, whichever comes first.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight.

Memory Enhancer


Value: $90

Runtime: 9 Minutes

This audio is designed to improve your long term and short term memory. No more brain fog and forgetting. Experience improved cognition, clarity in thinking and recall information with total ease.

  • Package A

    Discount: 87% Off

    Total Value:$720

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$1,347

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred or after 11:59pm Eastern, on February 13, 2025, whichever comes first.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


Huge Inspiration and Shift

“I loved my session with Miss Jade. She was communicating with my soul! I have waited many lifetimes for this. She was able to see and share my mission and she inspired me with her phenomenal way of seeing the beautiful spirit coming alive in me! I was deeply touched by her joy-filled laughter and her expressing awe in how we can affect the world with loving words and kind actions. Wow!

I feel a huge inspiration and shift since my session with you.”

Barbara Clayton

Broken Ankle Able to Bear Weight after a Few Minutes of Energy Healing

“I recently worked with Jade briefly on a tele summit and I asked to work on my broken left ankle. I had broken it two weeks ago but over the years I’d sprained this ankle a lot. Jade worked on my energy and helped me to release some emotional and physical trauma from the ankle, some deep-seated stuff and patterns that went way back to my childhood. I could feel the emotions rising within my body as she worked on me and after the call my heart was literally smiling.

In the past couple of days I’ve been able to put some weight on the left foot which is amazing. I was so excited by Jade’s work I jumped on her 21 day miracles package and I’m super excited to see what this will bring. If Jade can do this in a few minutes work I look forward to seeing what we can do together if we work together longer. Jade is a gifted, talented and gentle healer and I’m excited to see what unfolds.”

N. Kaur

Shifts Blocks to Self-Love and Ancestral Patterns

“Jade-Yin Hom is truly the most Gifted Healer, her energy and warmth puts you at ease immediately, and her compassion, wisdom & clairvoyance are astounding. From the very first skype session I had with Jade, I knew I was in the presence of a very special Energy Healer & Gifted Intuitive. 

Initially I was drawn to Jade’s 21 Day Money Magic & Miracles program, to help transform my financial blocks. I soon learned that within this program Jade gives so much more than just clearing money blocks. Jade channels amazing multi-dimensional loving energy & she brings through such beautiful healing, emotional clearings and transformational energy shifts. 

Jade’s healing work incorporates many generations, to get to the root of the issues. Within the 21 Audios alone, Jade brings through Higher Energies that shift Self Love blocks, shift Ancestral patterns, and connect us to our Higher Self. My words cannot do justice to how beautiful these Audios really are.

I cannot speak highly enough of the Live Video Sessions called Zoom hangouts that Jade offers in her programs. These sessions were life changing for me, as Jade generously shared how to shift unconscious blocks using profound yet very simple techniques. 

Every Divine Audio, every Group process and every 1 on 1 Session with Jade is a precious gift you will never forget.

Thank you Jade, you truly are a God Sent Gifted Healer. I appreciate you with all my Heart!”

Diana M.

  • Package A

    Discount: 87% Off

    Total Value:$720

    You Wealth Special Offer:$97

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

  • Package B

    Discount: 78% Off

    Total Value:$1,347

    You Wealth Special Offer:$297

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after the private session has occurred or after 11:59pm Eastern, on February 13, 2025, whichever comes first.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $149, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

About Jade-Yin Hom

Jade-Yin Hom, medical intuitive and light alchemist, has been facilitating transformational sessions since 2007. Her work is a cosmic stream of intuition flowing into a confluence of science and spirituality, igniting breakthroughs, kindling hope and sparking new possibilities. She innovates healing processes to address eyesight, teeth and pain issues. Her clients often speak of her ability to work with the minute details of a cell as well as the bigger patterns across generations and cultures that impact a person’s well-being.

In her journey, Jade-Yin learned energy alchemy to transform her autoimmune disorder and depression. Her Spirit Guides gifted her with the ability to re-imprint high vibration states of being to empower her to overcome helplessness and poverty consciousness. These experiences gave her the courage to follow her own knowing while facilitating others on their healing journey.

On the second day of Christmas in 2019 Jade-Yin received a spontaneous light language activation while taking a bath. Since then, she has been able to activate the light language abilities in others (not while taking a bath)! Through light language Jade-Yin channels healing sounds that support her clients to remember wholeness and connect with their starseed origins. 

Jade-Yin continues her exploration of consciousness at King’s College London by working on a Master’s Degree in the Psychology and Neuroscience of the Mind-Body Interface. She invites you to co-create a world where everyone enjoys sovereignty, health and wild aliveness so that together we can weave Jade and joy into the fabric of the world.

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of JadeYin Hom’s package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm ET February 13, 2025, which is before the live sessions begin (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker’s offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker’s offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker’s digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of JadeYin Hom’s package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm ET February 13, 2025 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically “Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?”. Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered “Yes”. Only 67 respondents answered “No”. A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].