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Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series

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Free Listening Expires Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 at Midnight Pacific

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Enrollment:Now Open

IMPORTANT: Reserve Your Private Energy Session w/ Lynn Waldrop
(Limited Spaces Available)

YES, I want my 1-on-1 time NOW >>

Want a 100% New Start? - Especially at this Time of Year?

Stop Fighting Your Fat and Treating Your Body Like the Enemy!

Optimize Your Fabulous Fat Tissue to Get Lighter - and LOVE the Skin You’re in at Every Step of the Way

  • Package A

    Discount: 96% Off

    Total Value:$4,039

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **Package A: 2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package B

    Discount: 91% Off

    Total Value:$4,338

    You Wealth Special Offer:$397

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $199, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package C

    Discount: 85% Off

    Total Value:$4,936

    You Wealth Special Offer:$774

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $387, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

    **3 payments of $258, 2nd payment due in 21 days, 3rd payment due in 42 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

2 Years of Inflammation Reduced Overnight

“The best one for me!! I haven’t been able to wear my wedding ring for about 2 years due to inflammation. I did this detox before sleeping. The following morning, it just slid on, no problem at all!! Thank you so much. Such a blessing.”

Sandy on Inflammation Elimination

In this special offer from Lynn Waldrop, you will:

TRANSFORM Your Relationship With Fat And Unlock Its Potential To Heal, Energize, And Thrive

BOOST Your Metabolism, Balance Your Hormones, And Reduce Chronic Inflammation For A Healthier, Lighter You

ELIMINATE Toxins And Stored Stress Within Your Fat Tissue

RESTORE Flexibility, Joint Cushioning, And Skin Elasticity While Reducing Pain And Swelling

ELEVATE Brain Function, Mental Clarity, And Emotional Balance By Nourishing The Essential Role Of Fats In Your Nervous System

Stronger, Healthier, and Clearer Energy

“Since starting this program, I now feel lighter, stronger, and less stuck. I’m channeling my healing work at a whole new level, my body feels healthier, and my energy is clearer. I’m also releasing other people’s energies more quickly now instead of taking them on as I tended to do before.”

Nancy R.


“I had a check up today.

I’m down 25 pounds!!! It’s a miracle. I have mobility issues, so burning calories isn’t easy for me.

Thank you for this amazing series Lynn!”

Judy J.

Lost 6 Pounds and 1 Pant Size Using Lynn’s “Physical Five”

“I am 50 years old. In my mid 40s, I was pretty skinny but starting at around 46, with perimenopause, I put on around 10 pounds–which grew to 15 and two pant sizes–which on a petite woman is a lot. I use the “physical five” religiously and Lynn’s other more weight/shape specific recordings, and I have shed approximately six pounds and one of those extra sizes. More importantly…the new-found body acceptance is more important to me than the exact poundage. THANK YOU, LYNN!”  


Sue T. 

Lifted Out of the Throes of Gut Issues

I believe your Energy Work has helped my body lift itself into a higher frequency vibration and out of the throes of Gut Issues.


Extensive Program

The amount of issues covered is extensive. I could feel myself resonate with a lot of the clearings.”


Feel Good After Using On Food Poisoning

“I used this last night after I got food poisoning, I played it quietly at night, it helped to move everything quickly through my body. Feel good this morning.”


My Intestines Needed This

“I feel great! I felt you working in my intestines so I know I needed this. Thank you so much!”


 Janice H

What if Real Weight Loss isn’t a Fight Against Fat Tissue?

Your Fat Tissue is NOT Your Enemy! 

Our fat cells are more than toxin holders – they store energy, build hormones, are key in your metabolism and your body’s resilience.

Did you know these facts about your Fat Tissue…

❖ Fat is the building block for all of your hormones?

We are meant to burn fat as fuel.

❖ Fat is key in regulating your blood glucose and insulin levels.

❖ Fat communicates with your Brain, Liver, Bones and Muscles.

Fat is key to Brain function, Learning and Memory.

Of course Fat is key to great skin and hair and many more!!!

This Series is designed to provide insights into the essential roles of fat beyond “I need to lose weight, I feel fat” where you will discover the Top 25 Ways Your Fat Tissue Influences Your Health.

Ask yourself…

 ❖ Can eating the right fats help me lose weight? What are the best healthy fats?

 ❖ Am I absorbing my fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) properly?

 ❖ Can addressing my Fat Tissue really help me stop the fatigue?

How does Fat Tissue give me better joint function?

Can Fat Tissue really help me to feel full so I won’t overeat?

I have terrible Brain Fog, can my Fat Tissue really fix that?

I have so much inflammation, what does my fat have to do with that?

Can fixing my Fat Tissue eliminate my edema, water retention and swelling?

❖ My skin used to be so nice and now I look like I have aged, can my Fat Tissue help that?

My legs and feet burn and are numb, can my Fat Tissue do anything for that?

I’m falling apart, I feel like I need a body makeover, how can my Fat Tissue do that?

Are you getting the picture?

Your Fat Tissue is involved in so many parts and processes of the body!

Unlock the transformative potential of your fat cells and discover how they can enhance your health and vitality with Lynn’s new series Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series”!

We will discuss how fats powerfully influence hormones, metabolism, immunity, and even healing processes. You’ll learn practical strategies to leverage these functions, promoting greater energy, mental clarity, and physical resilience. By focusing on the multifaceted benefits of fat, this series guides you in optimizing your body for a healthier, fitter you—inside and out.

Consuming the right Fats is only the first step, we are talking about all the types of Fat Tissue on the inside!

So come on, Nourish Your Body & Transform Your Life with Lynn’s Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series” Series.

The Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series revolves around five fundamentals of health that are crucial to:

  1. Balanced Metabolism – Understanding and supporting metabolic health to help the body efficiently process nutrients, regulate blood sugar, and maintain energy levels.
  2. Hormone Optimization – Recognizing the essential role of healthy fats in hormone production, including key hormones like estrogen and testosterone, which affect everything from energy to mood.
  3. Cellular and Nerve Health – Supporting cellular membranes and nerve insulation through high-quality fats to enhance overall bodily functions and brain health.
  4. Cardiovascular Support – Choosing fats that promote heart health by reducing inflammation, supporting cholesterol balance, and protecting vascular systems from oxidative stress.
  5. Anti-Inflammatory Choices – Emphasizing fats that reduce inflammation and avoiding those that contribute to chronic health issues, helping the body to repair, recover, and thrive.


❖ This series isn’t just about managing fat, being at an optimum weight for balancing hormones; it’s designed to help you feel your best at every stage of life. 

Healthy, Balanced Fat Tissue is Your Friend, Not Foe

Research reveals that individuals with optimal fat balance and metabolic health often avoid serious health issues until their later years. By understanding the critical roles fats play in everything from cellular structure to energy regulation, this series will empower you to maintain a strong, active body and a vibrant lifestyle well into your later years, setting you up for longevity with vitality.

The Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series highlights how proper fat utilization supports body resilience, stability, and health by focusing on fat tissue’s structural and protective roles. Below are the Top 25 Ways Your Fat Tissue Influences Your Health that will be covered in this Series:

❖ By understanding and nurturing the body’s fat cells, we can significantly support mobility and cognitive function, put an end to fatigue, shut down inflammation and edema, rewind aging, lose weight, build new healthy cells and take back your metabolism!

Let’s Restore Your Body’s Divine Blueprint of Heath! And what if that begins with revitalizing the Fat Tissues of the body to lubricate, signal, metabolize, build, boost and protect optimally so the rest of the body can function at its peak?

❖ Join Us for The Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series where we hit the Top 25 Ways Your Fat Tissue Influences Your Health!


Feel Your Best at Every Stage of Your Life by Optimizing Your Fat Tissue

In this special offer Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series expect these amazing benefits: 

Increased Balance With Stabilized Blood Sugar, Reduced Energy Crashes, And Satisfying Meals

Pain-Free Joints Through The Nourishing Cushioning Power Of Fat Tissue

Greater Mental Clarity, Coordination, And Nervous System Health With Omega-3s And Healthy Fats

Increased Energy And Vitality To Stay Active And Energized

Stronger Cellular And Structural Health For Resilience And Longevity

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

  • Package A

    Discount: 96% Off

    Total Value:$4,039

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **Package A: 2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package B

    Discount: 91% Off

    Total Value:$4,338

    You Wealth Special Offer:$397

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $199, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package C

    Discount: 85% Off

    Total Value:$4,936

    You Wealth Special Offer:$774

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $387, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

    **3 payments of $258, 2nd payment due in 21 days, 3rd payment due in 42 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Item 1

One (1) 60-Minute Live Group Call with Lynn Waldrop

Value: $400

Via Webcast or Phone 

Tuesday, January 14th 2025, at

4:00pm Pacific / 5:00pm Mountain / 6:00pm Central / 7:00pm Eastern / 12:00am GMT

Lynn Will Be Moving Through the Bodies to Prepare Them for This Series!

On January 14, 2025, participants are invited to join Lynn on a Live Call where she will be preparing the bodies for The Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series!

Call details will be sent prior to the call via e-mail and will include a replay of the call immediately after for those who want to download the recording of the call and for those who are unable to attend live.

Get Ready to Receive Life-Changing Energies That Will Prepare You for the Frequencies Delivered During This Powerful Series!

Item 2

4 Weeks of Remote Renewals

Value: $3204

Remote Renewals Monday through Friday 

Delivered to Your Email from

January 15 to February 11, 2025

Get Your Body Healthy & Happy For Valentines Day!

Experience the Tailored Healing of Lynn's Remote Renewals as They Pinpoint Your Body’s Unique Needs!

What Are Remote Renewals?

The Body Channel Community has LOVED the Remote Renewal Series and asked for more because of the DAILY work the participants receive. 

In this series, Lynn provides energetic solutions to enhance your body’s health and its overall well-being. These approaches aim to improve how you feel, function, and foster a life filled with health and vitality!

Here’s what you need to know about Lynn’s Internationally Acclaimed Remote Renewals:

  • The Get Fit Fast with Functional & Fabulous Fat Series will be 15-20-minute in depth MP3s on a specific topic (and Lynn gets these topics from YOUR bodies as well as the info you write in on your survey)
  • More than 5 hours of energy work in ALL-NEW Remote Renewals!
  • Remote Renewals will be uploaded to your password protected download page specific to this series. Participants will also receive daily email reminders when a Remote Renewals has been added to the download page.
  • Your body will receive the amazing energy that is group synergy. Group work creates synergy because everyone is trying to achieve the same goal and same target areas!

All of Lynn’s work including the Remote Renewals use the consciousness of your body and the knowledge of how long to run before turning them off! So, they may run for minutes or even hours throughout your day!! 

❖ Note: The Remote Renewals are delivered to your email on the scheduled days at 6:00pm ET.

I’ve Shed 5 Kg (11lbs) in Lynn’s Program!

“Lynn is the REAL DEAL!!! With this programme I have found the answers I have been searching years for! I’m 64 years, (in Week 8) and to date, have shed 5 kgs of stubborn weight, move much more freely, feel better within myself and have been transforming with Lynn’s wonderful, uplifting perspective on life! Lynn is lots of fun, caring and very generous!! I highly recommend this programme!!! “

Margaret L

I’m in Tears - This Program is a Healing and Much Needed Gift

Please convey to Lynn my many thanks and let Lynn know she has given me the most thoughtful, healing and much needed gift I’ve ever been given. I’m in tears and looking forward to having the energy to leap with joy soon as I heal from her incredible program!”


Immediately Felt a Shift After Listening to the First Mp3

“When Lynn’s program started, I was in a very dark place, and I didn’t see how life could get any better because I felt so broken. After listening to the first mp3, I could feel something in me shifting and the weight of the dark cloud beginning to lift. One thing that makes Lynn’s work so amazing is how detailed she is and how deep the healing goes. She leaves no stone unturned in addressing issues to heal and release, and the shifts are incredible! I recommend her work to everyone because it has truly changed my life. Infinite gratitude to you, Lynn.”


Fats for Skin & Health MP3

Value: $60


Runtime: 15 Minutes

Processing the fat in the body can actually be used for good! Not only does it contribute to optimal skin elasticity, but also brain health, overall energy, organ protection, cell growth, cholesterol and nutrient absorption. This MP3 supports the utility of fats for good, while maintaining a healthy body composition. This MP3 also emphasizes support energies for skin elasticity, collagen and cellulite. 


Lynn’s Mp3s Improved Health Issues

“I have bought the majority of Lynn’s MP3s and love them. They are so easy to listen to while I’m busy at home. I’m not a fan of meditation because I find it hard to keep still for long periods. I feel the energy from them and they have improved the health issues I have. I would highly recommend Lynn’s work.”


Lynne F.

Organ Fat Release MP3

Value: $50


Runtime: 13 Minutes

When the energy stored becomes bigger than the fat cells can handle, the fat goes into the organs such as your heart, pancreas and liver. This process pulls the fat out of your organs and burns it away.

Lifted Out of the Throes of Gut Issues

I believe your Energy Work has helped my body lift itself into a higher frequency vibration and out of the throes of Gut Issues. They said I had IBS but all tests showed nothing wrong…Yet I had diarrhea & constipation & horrible gas pains & colon spasms…I feel so much better now than I did in the last year & 1/2. I still have some allergy or triggering reaction to certain foods, dairy, salads, fried and or greasy foods but they are waning. I will continue to listen everyday until my body tells me to stop. The Colon Cleanse, Happy Hormones & Total Body Cleanse feel like warm blankets soothing me daily!

I intend to play these on my trip to visit with family over Nov-Dec and help my family -Mom, sisters, brother, whoever is around. This Buddy System Program was a God-Send for me… You are a God-Send! I look forward to budgeting to purchase the MP3 that will help my joints… -on-Bone Knee joints & Carpal tunnel in Both wrists…and Rotator Cuffs with Limited ROM from several falls & Surgery! But The carpal tunnel makes me cry… And I believe the Buddy MP3s are helping some with these three issues, if I heard you correctly!”

Alamar F

My Intestines Loved This!

“Wow! My intestines loved this Lynn. I could feel movement as you described where you were working and had lots of happy gurgling going on. Wow! Wow! Wow!”


Amino Acid Metabolism Booster MP3

Value: $30


Runtime: 10 Minutes

A sluggish metabolism is a symptom of amino acid deficiency. Additionally, weight loss and building muscle mass are difficult to achieve with this deficiency, so Lynn crafted the energies in this MP3 to boost your metabolism!

Chronic Inflammation Damage MP3

Value: $60


Runtime: 16 Minutes

When you have chronic inflammation, your body’s inflammatory response can eventually start damaging healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Over time, this can lead to DNA damage, tissue death, and internal scarring. Let’s clear this damage and restore your cells, tissues and organs back to health and optimal function! 

Metabolic Waste Detox MP3

Value: $100


Runtime: 1 Hour 6 Minutes

Metabolism is every chemical process that goes on in the body. This MP3 is all about cleaning out the “junk” from your brain and body that is interfering with your metabolic pathways. This chemical wash detox is essential for clearing the risk factors that lead to metabolic syndrome. 

Mp3s are Great for Skin Tightening and Detoxing with Fast Results!

“Lynn is my fav go-to person and I would also like to thank her for all that she does for us. The products are the best, with the fastest results, full stop! I considered getting body wraps for skin tightening and detoxing but Lynn’s mp3s work much faster and you avoid the mess of the clay and the time spent traveling to the venue, the wrap session and also the traveling. Also, the best part, you can use the mp3s over and over again whereas the wraps are always one off sessions so the financial savings are enormous.”            

Shenaz M.

Adipose Fat MP3

Value: $60


Runtime: 18 Minutes

Let’s clear out the toxicity built up in our fat cells and tissues that keep us holding onto unwanted weight! 

Connective Tissue & Joint Jazz-Up MP3

Value: $75


Runtime: 18 Minutes

You take your car in for a lube job – what about you? We will lubricate all of the joints; regrow cartilage and add fluids where required; remove calcifications; soften or remove scar tissue; rebuild and exercise those tendons and ligaments for more flexibility and easier, pain-free movement. Time to grease your wheels!

Joint Mobility Improving and Intense Joint Pain Leaving

“More improvements in joint mobility. Hip/thigh still resistant, but work in progress. Depression gone with intense joint pain, thank you so very much!”

Lisa H. 

  • Package A

    Discount: 96% Off

    Total Value:$4,039

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **Package A: 2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 3

25-Minute Private Session With Lynn

Value: $299

Lynn Has Set Aside Private Session Time Slots Just for 

Package B Purchasers Beginning in February!*

Work with Lynn’s Guidance and Tackle Any Challenge Within Your Body

Ask Lynn to dive into your body and take a look, clearing whatever your specific issues are. When she works with people she literally dives into the many systems of the body: Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Muscular and Connective Tissue, Organs, Digestive, Lymphatic, Immune, Reproductive, Respiratory, Urinary, Skeletal, and Integumentary.

For most clients, it is as if she literally shrank to whatever size she needed to be to pass through that part of the body. The body talks to her the entire time, showing her problem areas and whatever is required to do to change it, whether it be frequency baths, adding alkalinity to change pH, dissipating growths, activating organs and cells, and much more!

All of This Using the Consciousness of YOUR Body!

Some of the most common ailments she has worked on include things like: candida or yeast overgrowth; spinal adjustments; cleaning out plaque and more from arteries and veins; tuning the endocrine system to alleviate thyroid problems, change menstrual cycles or menopause issues and prostate problems; detoxing the body including heavy metals, chemicals & parasites; immune system boost and clean-out; inflammation reduction; soothing symptoms of IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, and other digestive issues; and much more!

❖ Note: Lynn encourages you to sign up upon purchase, but schedule your personal session after completion of the Remote Renewals. Allow the RRs to do their work and then whatever they don’t cover Lynn will work on in your session!

❖ Note: Sessions are NOT recorded. Sessions must be scheduled within 6 months of purchase date. If they are not scheduled within this time period, they will be forfeit.

❖ NO SHOW Policy: If you do not come online in the FreeConferenceCall Meeting Space within the first 8 minutes of your session, your session will be forfeit. Lynn will not work on you if you are not present on the phone for the session, you will not receive a refund and due to the large number of recent no-shows, we will no longer be giving out make-up sessions. So please prepare with a reliable phone line before the session time! If you need to cancel a session and reschedule you must do so in writing to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment (not including weekends).

Your Body Will Thank You!

“Lynn Waldrop is a rare find in this confusing age of prevalent medical deception. Highly recommend working with her. Your body will thank you.”

Lori K

Lynn is a Gift

“Thank you for being you! There is a calm and gentle and compassionate energy in your recordings that I appreciate–. along with being very potent! So grateful for the gift you have been in my life! 

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”


  • Package B

    Discount: 91% Off

    Total Value:$4,338

    You Wealth Special Offer:$397

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $199, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 4

Three (3) 25-Minute Private Sessions with Lynn

Value: $897

Via Phone 

Lynn Has Set Aside Private Session Time Slots Just for 

Package C Purchasers Beginning FEBRUARY!*

Upgrade and Go Deeper! Get 3 25-Minute Personal Sessions with Lynn!

What Lynn accomplishes in a single personal session is life-altering for most. But imagine an opportunity to work with Lynn over an extended period of time! Lynn is offering this value-packed, exclusive opportunity to go on a deep exploration working with you for a total of three transformative personal sessions. For those that are committed to peeling back the layers over multiple sessions, this option may be for you.

Lynn will take a deeper dive into the body working with both physical issues and the thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and even entity work! 

Let Lynn empower you to be a BFF with your body and create a more magnificent life.

This amazing opportunity includes 3 personal sessions with Lynn for slightly more than the price of 2 single sessions!

❖ Note: Lynn encourages you to sign up upon purchase, but schedule your personal session after completion of the Remote Renewals. Allow the RRs to do their work and then whatever they don’t cover Lynn will work on in your session!

❖ Note: Sessions are NOT recorded. Sessions must be scheduled within 6 months of purchase date. If they are not scheduled within this time period, they will be forfeit.

❖ NO SHOW Policy: If you do not come online in the FreeConferenceCall Meeting Space within the first 8 minutes of your session, your session will be forfeit. Lynn will not work on you if you are not present on the phone for the session, you will not receive a refund and due to the large number of recent no-shows, we will no longer be giving out make-up sessions. So please prepare with a reliable phone line before the session time! If you need to cancel a session and reschedule you must do so in writing to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment (not including weekends).

Pain GONE in One Day*

“Wow, Lynn, you worked a miracle, girlfriend. I’m still in awe. Thank you, GOD. I had a session with you at 3:30 pm, but by 7 pm of the same day, I finally was able to go after 6 days. WooHoo! I started listening to the MP3s and woke up the next morning and felt like a veil had been lifted. I woke up with the back pain gone after a week of pain. I no longer needed the heating pad. I actually felt more refreshed.”


The Most Thoughtful Healing - I’m in Tears

“Please convey to Lynn my many thanks and let Lynn know she has given me the most thoughtful healing and much needed gift I’ve ever been given. I’m in tears and looking forward to having the energy to leap with joy soon as I heal from her incredible program!”


Pain Became Barely Noticeable in Just 3 Days!

“The next morning after your session, I immediately felt better with a reduction in the pain level of about 30%. I even was able to go for a swim at the pools the next day. 3 days later it dropped down again to about 70% less pain. (You did mention that it would take about 3 days to settle). Today it is barely noticeable. Who would have thought that releasing so much gunk/emotions & clearing out would all get bottlenecked and jammed up and cause so much pain..!”


  • Package C

    Discount: 85% Off

    Total Value:$4,936

    You Wealth Special Offer:$774

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $387, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

    **3 payments of $258, 2nd payment due in 21 days, 3rd payment due in 42 days.

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight.

Hunger Hormones MP3


Value: $70

Runtime: 12 Minutes

Gherlin is termed the ‘hunger hormone’ because it stimulates appetite, increases food intake and promotes fat storage. Ghrelin levels increase after dieting, which may explain why diet-induced weight loss can be difficult to maintain. This MP3 helps balance Gherlin and to regulate fullness hormones such as insulin, leptin, amylin and more. 

  • Package A

    Discount: 96% Off

    Total Value:$4,039

    You Wealth Special Offer:$177

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **Package A: 2 Payments of $89, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package B

    Discount: 91% Off

    Total Value:$4,338

    You Wealth Special Offer:$397

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $199, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

  • Package C

    Discount: 85% Off

    Total Value:$4,936

    You Wealth Special Offer:$774

    Add to Cart

    30-day money back guarantee**

    **No refunds available after 11:59 pm Eastern on January 13th 2025.

    Need a Payment Plan?

    **2 Payments of $387, 2nd payment due in 21 days.

    **3 payments of $258, 2nd payment due in 21 days, 3rd payment due in 42 days.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

About Lynn Waldrop

❖ As a Medical Intuitive, Lynn Waldrop is known as “The Body Channel” and she has worked with hundreds of thousands of clients in over 171 countries and has 30 years of energy work experience.

What Makes Lynn’s Work So Cutting Edge?

She is a Medical Intuitive and bodies anywhere in the world talk to her! And they get specific!  God guides her to the dissonances in peoples’ bodies to help them along the path to spiritual and physical well-being – the bodies open up to the root of the issue, sometimes down to the cellular or DNA level!  Her work includes not just the physical issues but the thoughts, feelings and emotions that create dis-ease — and even entities that may be trying to make a home in the body!  To Lynn this is “Prophetic” or “Predictive Healing” a foretelling of events to come – Your Well-being – Happy .. Healthy .. Harmony!!

Lynn has been referred to as a “Medical Intuitive on Steroids” and her clients are enjoying pain-free release from the issues that have plagued them for decades.


*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Lynn Waldrop’s package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm ET January 13th 2025, which is before the live sessions begin (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker’s offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker’s offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker’s digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Lynn Waldrop’s package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm ET December 29, 2024 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically “Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?”. Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered “Yes”. Only 67 respondents answered “No”. A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].